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ABC Good Morning America
United States,
New York
Consumer complaints and reviews about ABC Good Morning America
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Jan 7, 2020
He is not a news caster and why do I see him so much.
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Jan 7, 2020
Straham sucks as a reporter keep him on the sidelines when football is in season and even then he not a good.
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Dec 31, 2019
Ginzer Zee's wardrobe...
Would someone please get Ginzer Zee a stylist?
I can't even focus on the weather because her daily getups are so distracting.
It looks like she runs through a costume shop or thrift store and tries to come up with something to throw on each morning.
She desperately needs a stylist...someone with taste.
Look at Robin, she is always tastefully and appropriately dressed.
I don't understand how she is allowed to go on with some of the horrible outfits she wears.
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Dec 21, 2019
So what happened to the Christmas decorations? I saw today (Saturday) there was nothing decorated. Only once was a background shown of "snowflakes". No Christmas spirit on Saturdays?? At least the other news stations are decorated. Also why don't we see the full 2 hr program on Saturdays? We are disappointed this is happening in our area.
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Nov 16, 2019
Kapernick Story
GMA - what poor coverage of a story! Your reporter said that Kapernick …."divided a nation" by taking a knee. NO HE DIDN"T!!! The nation was already divided! The way that he decided to protest inequality may have created controversy, but Kapernick didn't divide the nation. A nation that continues to have total police and justice system inequality (PROOF that people of color are NOT treated the same way by our police and justice system exists).
Be VERY CAREFUL about how you cover stories! You have a responsibility to accurately cover news. Even on a fluff show like GMA!
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Nov 15, 2019
Michael Strahan
Please remove Michael Strahan as Anchor Host for GMA. He is not a professional news reporter as Robin and George. I change the TV Station when He is on GMA, He may be a great Sports or Entertainment Reporter, but Lacks the Professional Knowledges, Skills or Abilities of a Professional and Seasoned News Reporter to Anchor GMA. I stopped watching GMA, after 40 Years, after viewing several GMA shows with Michael Strahan as Co-Anchor with Robin or George. GMA now more Entertainment, than World News. I’ve documented 5-10 minutes of the same annoying Commercials, after 7:00-7:15am News and upcoming segment announcements. I will not watch GMA with Michael Strahan as Anchor, Co-Anchor, or a Ratings Booster as a Sports and Entertainment Star. Bring The old GMA back with seasoned and professional News Journalists as Anchors. Give Michael the Entertainment or Sports Segments that better suits His Style & Personality.
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Nov 7, 2019
Michael Strahan
I used to watch Strahan and Sara because I like Sara, she was great on The View and apparently she should have stayed on that show because they appreciated her more than they do on this one. It seems like Michael wanted Keke on the show and it looks like he is pushing Sara out!!! I have stopped watching this show since it became GMA3! Sara needs to have her own show she is far more entertaining than Michael ever could be. He isn't funny and just like when he was on with Kelly Ripa he tried to take over that show but it didn't work and he was replaced with Ryan Seacrest (who seems to be a much better fit). I wish that they would get rid of Michael on this show and let Sara be the main host with Keke or someone else (maybe Ginger off GMA) as her co-host, I think that would be a much more entertaining show to watch.
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Nov 3, 2019
Why is he so much on ABC I change the channels when he is on. Turn him loose
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Nov 3, 2019
Why is he on so many shows he is not a reporter. Its hard to understand him also GMA was a good show until he got there. Keep him with his football fans if he has any.
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Oct 12, 2019
Weekend GMA
I was so excited about GMA being extended and started watching and got frustrated because there’s more commercials than there is about anything else so two hours was a waste of my time . ABC must be really hurting for money to have so many commercials . So that extra hour is not for anyone’s benefit. You watch for 10 minutes then more commercials for 17 minutes. Wow GMA nice going.No more GMA for me
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Oct 11, 2019
Book about Matt Lauer
I refused to watch the show today; as the gal who wanted total anonymity about her being raped by Matt (ply she continued to see him) now wrote a book!!!!!!????!!
It is all about $$$$. She has no credibility for me!
I was date raped (he wanted to see me again!!!) No way would that happen.
She is not telling the truth!!!
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Aug 28, 2019
Lara Spencer
Lara Spencer thinks she is the greatest. We all think she belongs on the bottom of all the co-anchors. Her remarks about George should never be accepted by ABC. If she stays on ABC, it shows that you agree with her. Her apology was less than believable.
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Aug 28, 2019
Lara Spencer
I am appalled at Lara Spencer making fun of Prince George or any boy taking ballet lessons. This is being a bully in the worst way, an adult bullying a child. Unforgiveable. Not only will I not watch GMA again, I will not watch ABC. I am so tired of this and other stations spreading their own agenda.
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Aug 27, 2019
Michael Strahan
People live below poverty line or are simple middle class citizens going to work on a daily basis and trying to make ends meet. Then along comes an ex-football player,turned "journalist"(a three-year university program), turned game-show host, turned eveything that's on ABC..Not only do I find him annoying and find his talk show a bore, I have a problem with wardrobe because people can't afford a suit yet this guy has 2 to 3 different suits A DAY...everything is handed to him...Show some sympathy and please bring back The Chew.
susan errek
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Aug 26, 2019
Ballet bully
I will never watch Lara again Always found her boring, not sure why shes even there. But her comments confirm I will dial around before leaving her on. Too bad the fellow journalists laughed-bet they laughed about the band director from the Gators got beat up. Disgusting.
maggie 1417
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Aug 26, 2019
Ballet for Boys
I was saddened and shocked at the jokes made by Lara Spencer and the Team about Ballet training for boys. They must all watch Billy Elliot, attend the ballet, and attempt to perform some barre exercises as penance. A segment on the value of ballet for all is required. Shame on them all.
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Aug 26, 2019
Lara Spencer
For years we have been trying to figure out just WHAT Lara Spencer adds to any show. She is snarky, and silly, and
dresses like a teenager/slut. Why is she on t.v.? Now she has the nerve to make fun of a little boy because of his
dance lessons? Please someone from ABC(since you don't actually report the news)pull her aside and teach her how
to dress. Then, someone coach her on how to keep a civil tongue.
I will never watch any show if she is part of it. Surely you can find great talent out there somewhere.
Disappointed in ABC most of time, and this time is the worst.
Ms. D.D. Porter
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Aug 25, 2019
lara spencer
Is it possible you could be any more ignorant? You make FUN of a boy taking ballet? I guess you never saw Billy Elliott or any of our great dancers, all of whom started in ballet - Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, all of them. Disgraceful.
Gwen Hillier
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Aug 24, 2019
Lara Spencer
Her shameful and ignorant comments, laughter and laughter from George S. (from whom I expected more) are an embarassment to GMA. She thinks its "OK" to laugh at how someone else chooses to raise and educate their children. She has always come across as very pleased with herself and this is another example. Apologies are not accepted - too easy to say "Oops! sorry!" with no real understanding of how her words hurt many parents and children. I will not be watching GMA and hope that she is released from her contract. I have never been quite sure of her qualifications and as to why ABC/GMA think her opinions are relevant or important.
I suggest you look to Youtube and type in "Gene Kelly and Sugar Ray Robinson" and run THAT video - perhaps she will understand how important ballet and dance are in many people's lives.
Gwen Hillier
PS I will also not be watching "Dancing with the Stars" because they no longer choose "stars" to dance with their professionals. It has beccome the lowest form of "entertainment" as they become "tabloid television"
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Aug 24, 2019
Lara Spencer
Never watching yr show ever again. Worked in the music theater industry for 30yrs. Your host shows a disgusting attitude towards my industry with her disparaging comments about males dancing. Her attitude belongs in the 1950's not 2019. Those heard laughing alongside her are just as pathetic. Congratulations on lowering the bar as far into the depths of bullying as possible. #dinosaurs
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Aug 24, 2019
show sucks
you people act like ya'll are so understanding what a joke nothing but a bunch of bullies, racist and socialists ms spencer shame of you for making fun of a 6 yr old shame on ms Roberts what about your friend jesse Smollett he's a liar do not hear you saying anything about poor jesse yeah right George get off the show you need to report the news light you use to.....ginger what happened to you liked you better when you were in bham ala Michael you used to be really nice guess it went to your head ya'll are a real piece of work bleeding right wing socialist
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Aug 9, 2019
Michael strahan
I would like to know why MS is doing the show introduction and politics....while George is doing fluff and next to nothing...if this continues I will not be watching
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Aug 9, 2019
Cecilia Vega
I love GMA and have watched it daily for over 10 years. Your anchors all have amazing chemistry except for Cecilia Vega. She has no charisma and her dislike for the current administration is quite visible. George and Robin, although knowing their political views always report professionally. Cecilia is snide with her underhand personal comments. I have changed the channel from GMA every day this week since Cecilia is filling in for Robin. I refuse to watch Cecilia any longer. I love Amy Robach. Please have her fill in as a main anchor when Robin, George, or Michael are absent. Kyra Phillips has been doing a phenomenal job reporting from the White House for GMA in Cecilia's place. Kyra is awesome and I watched her for years on CNN. Please give her more airtime and news stories for GMA!
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Jul 26, 2019
GMA - Pittsburgh
I was so very excited to see that GMA was coming to Pittsburgh The show was really great and showed off our beautiful city - but I do have one complaint. I am a super big fan of the Pirates and when they started talking about the sports teams they did not say anything about my beloved Pirates and our gorgeous stadium. I felt that was wrong to leave them out and this Pirate fan was not happy.
Number #1 Pittsburgh Pirate Fan!!!!
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Jul 22, 2019
This morning on GMA there was a woman still looking for her daughter that has been missing for 10 years. The host said I'm so glad we did this. (Was it because it was about African American Children?) The mom said they stopped looking for her daughter because of her color. There was also a clip of a news woman saying there was a search for African American children. How rude and racist. A missing child is a missing child no matter what color. And I think the police usually think when there is a missing teen, that they have run away and that's wrong. They don't all run away.
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