Latest Info : The Alltechz KR Sankaran is an H I V positive and getting treatment through KYR fund. Request Public please be away with him to avoid this disease. He is still having full weakness with guys and girls. We have already made complaint to corporation of Chennai and Govt General Hospital to isolate him from spreading this disease immediately.
Request public to spread this info as much as possible To Save Public from KR sankaran Alltechz to avoid spreading this disease.
I know this company manager KR Sankaran, he is a cheating fellow, chain smoker, full drunkard, full weakness with lady staffs. Not suitable for ladies. The company is not in good position, financially very affected may shut down in a month or two. Better look for other better JOB.
This is True Review to the best of my knowledge to support Students to be away from this Worst Training Institute.
Complainant's Goal: To Save Public from KR sankaran Alltechz to avoid spreading this disease
Complainant's Target: Alltechz Solutions Pvt Ltd
Complaint Location: India › Tamil Nadu