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Alpine Payment Systems
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about Alpine Payment Systems
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Apr 9, 2012
Alpine Payment Systems
The truth about this company is simply this, it is ran by passionless carnivorous who's prey is helpless victims money and life's. It is very true that they CAN and CAN'T do certain things but the CAN'S and CAN'TS work in there favor, not the consumer's, and they know this! Let me start by introducing myself, my name is not important, what I do is however. I have lived in Vancouver, WA for quite sometime now. One thing that is special about this area is there is a large amount of “turn in burn” jobs. These are jobs that purposely only hire people for short periods of time so that they do not have to pay for benefits and to not have to pay for unemployment. These crooks are pulling in large amounts of profits from screwing over customers and there employee's and Alpine is no different. One thing that is a weakness for these company's is they pretty much will hire on anyone who applies so it is very easy to get on the inside and reveal there true face to the world. They will also pay you while you do it, most of the time. So I went in undercover to a large number of these company's for the last 3 year's of my life. One thing that I happen to have going for me is I am a very good salesman so I am naturally good at deceiving people, as well as these idiotic and greedy employers. I trick these companies into hiring me and fully revealing how there company works once I am legally able to and reveal the true company behind the mask. I did this to 5 dfferen't companies before I came across Alpine Payment Systems or Columbia Advance Group (both owned by the same guy). I have never seen a worse company before hand or since. Here is a breakdown of how the company works.
If your a customer or are thinking of becoming one:
As a consumer I would defiantly question joining Alpine or Columbia Advance Group. If you want a good safe way to process credit cards join a bank and use theres. It may appear to cost more but in the end it saves you more money. When you go through Alpine you are just going through a middle man. They are not the main processor. When I was working there, they used Chase Payment Tech. Call Chase themselves skip to the main source. The problem with this industry is no one in the consumer side really understands it, so it makes it easier for the Car Salesman to make it appear like you are saving money on this in the end. I had a chance to be trained on all there products and contracts and lets just say before I read all the contracts I had 6 businesses that were owned by my family and after I read them I decided to not rip my family off. When you sign your name to Alpine your stuck with them for Years or you will face ridiculous cancelation fees if you try to cancel with them. I'm not going to tell you not to sign up with them, that is up to you. I have seen businesses save tremendously but that was because they were already being screwed over and Alpine just screws them over less. I am just saying make sure you are reading EVERYTHING on your contract. The closing reps are trained to steer you away from all the fine print, (literally). Just make sure you are a smart businessman and be the one in control and don't let them screw you because they will if you give them a chance.
Now below is for Employee's of Alpine and Columbia Advance Group:
Description of how Alpine Payment Systems works:
They put together a group of commission only closing sales men to go out to large cities for weeks at a time to go to appointments set by a call center of Appt. Setter's who work for near min wage and in order to keep there jobs, have to get 3 apt a day and 3-5 closing sales a month. If it sounds easy I can assure you it's not. All these people know is very few facts and details so the trained salesman can doop the customer into signing there contract that modify almost any way they want to. The real way to keep your job is to have one outstanding month and then milk it till they fire you, because if you keep trying to hit that goal it will drive you crazy and you will lose your job and your sanity, I saw it happen to many people. In the 3 months I was there I saw at least 50 people come and go. If make a lot of deals in a month, you will be on there good side for at least another month or two, so they will give you little more warnings before they can you. While I worked there, I almost got fired 3 times but I always kept my job because there biggest weakness is Greed. I made then over $10, 000 in a month so they just could not fire me in the hope I would do that again for them (Not for what they pay me though lol). They believed they fired me in the end but I actually “quit” long before. I did just enough to keep the job. The funny thing is when I truly gave up and was just waiting for them to fire me they actually gave me a dollar an hour raise and moved me to there other company which is in the same complex called Columbia Advanced Group. These people really got dooped lol.
Columbia Advanced Group:
What this company does is hire on people to sell there products directly over the phone to small cities that they cannot send reps to. This is where the true dark side of company comes out. This is where I found out these people truly do not have a heart, well most of them anyways. I witnessed many times people sign leases for an ATM from a BS story that we have truck coming through your area with ATM's on it and would like to set one up at “No Cost to You” we give you a BS quote on your profit you bring in with statistics that are far over exaggerated and have you sign a lease for the atm where in the end you spend about 50x what it is worth. Also we sell them to businesses that have absolutely no use for them. I could not continue with this job after one month because I just am not motivated by Greed like the owners of this buisness.
I hope this helps you all out. I hope this can save you from making the worst mistake of your life.
Best Regards,
(No Name)
P.S. - Emily you can call me anytime I am know you wanted to, your pretty smart I'm sure you can figure out who this is.
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