I completed my course work for a doctorate degree in counselor education and supervision. I took the comp exam. They required you take off work, research and type 10 pages per day, for a total of 50 pages, and it is the norm for students to conduct a re-write during this process, but I was not offered to re-write. I was told I would have to take the exam again because I provided 45 pages. I was not given any measurable reasons for failing my exam other than the 45 pages, and they did not consider the content of my exam. I was not given the opportunity to challenge their decision, so I retreated for five years. I returned to finish and they told me I could not because they start their time clock at the beginning of your program, but other universities informed me they start their clock if you take a break and their window of time is 10 years whereas Argos I provided 45 page's window of time was seven years. I transferred half of my credits from my doctorate program into a masters counseling program and during the last class prior closure I was informed by my TA that she was taking her comp exam and the requirement was 25 pages now since they were CACREP Accredited. I was speechless, I got off the phone and went to bed because I was literally reeling. I continued to focus on my coursework because the semester was just about to end and the week of finals I received the email telling me to come to campus because of the closure. When I say the students including myself were walking around like dear in head lights. I spoke to the woman with the Dept of Education and broke down in tears because it all came together and I felt like I had been abused, scammed, mistreated, and raped.
My mentor at the time was Dr. J. Wallen former Department Chair of Family Studies at Maryland University and Dissertation Chair with more than 40 years experience. She has been with me the entire journey before and beyond. She read my exam prior to submission and stated she thought I did extremely well because it was more than what Maryland required regarding the length of the paper. She too could not believe they failed me. I spoke to at least five schools after this happened and each one said the same thing, "You didn't do a re-write, they didn't allow you to challenge them, our window is 10 years and we start our clock if the student takes a leave of absence from the program." I received confirmation after confirmation that Argosy was a scam...We've ben hood winked and bamboozled by thieves and should not bare the brunt of their larceny.
I want to join a class action suit because I was just informed the Department of Education is only waving the loans for that semester. I want them to take responsibility because they are the gate keepers and based the information circulating they were aware of Argosy's corruption that is why they were in receivership.
Sheila Carter