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AT&T Wireless
United States
Consumer complaints and reviews about AT&T Wireless
Angry Bill
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Mar 3, 2013
AT&T Wireless
Now AT&T received a letter of complaint #13-C00464431from the FCC on January 23,2013. I then receives two calls from "The Office Of The President Of AT&T. Canasta Robinson 228-819-4226 and Mr. Griffin 228-819-4244. Here is the problem! The numbers listed are in Mississippi and not at the AT&T Corporate Headquarters in Texas. This was done to "Blow-Off the customer" and further the scam by AT&T Wireless. Since AT&T received the letter from the FCC. They have been charging on just about every call an extra 10 cents. This is shown in Picture DSC095 is a call to the Georgia Public Service Commission that lasted just 43 seconds to leave a voice mail message.Picture DSC096 is the text message with a charge of 20 cents for a 43 second call. The call should have just cost 10 cents. Now AT&T knows that the FCC will just send a letter, and not investigate as mandated by Congress to protect our "Consumer Rights". Now they can continue their "Consumer Fraud" and make more money of the public. Then they delete the text message with the charges for the call to cover their tracks. Let your voice be heard America! Call the FCC!
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Apr 4, 2012
NO wonder why AT&T came in last in customer satisfaction
I too have never had a bad experience with ATT customer service. I went in to buy a new phone right after the iPhone 4 came out and they had the 3GS for $49.99 vs. $400+ for the 4. I asked the guy what the big difference was and he said "well the 4 has a camera facing toward you as well as one facing out." As I do not need to feed my ego with the latest tech I chose the 3GS. When I bricked my phone by jail-breaking it, I took it in and told them what happened and they restored it for me with no problem.
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Apr 4, 2012
NO wonder why AT&T came in last in customer satisfaction
I have been an AT&T wireless customer for 10 years.. I recently decided to upgrade to a smartphone and data plan". I was looking at a great T-Mobile plan but wanted to see if AT&T could come close to matching it:. I called AT&T and they helped me find a plan that would be $64 per month and offered a $10 per month credit to be more competitive with T-Mobile". I ordered a new phone and selected the new plan for $64 per month". When I called AT&T to ensure that the $10 credit was applied they refused to honor their promise saying the best deal they could give me was only $60 per month instead of the promised $54 per month'. I spent 3 hours and 45 minutes on the phone with AT&T and was transferred to at least 20 different reps before the last one hung up on me|. It is NO wonder why AT&T came in last in customer satisfaction again:. Add me to the list of unhappy customers and soon to be a former customer.
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Apr 4, 2012
NO wonder why AT&T came in last in customer satisfaction
Funny you should say that... I was at an AT&T store and had the BEST customer service of anyplace in a long time. I guess it just the luck of the draw.
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