Beginning December 2015 our company was induced to begin “leasing” and “purchasing” financial instruments through a Riga, Latvian Group named London City Group represented by a Janis Petrovs. The request for the first payment of approximately $90,000 USD to Nordea Bank came from our consultant, Mr John Diak. Mr Diak claimed to have a very good working relationship and encouraged us to wire the funds for the “lease” of $92mm USD of US Treasury Strips to which a Line of Credit would be issued by another bank. After several weeks of being patient with London City Group SIA, we were induced to pay more money to cover the cost of “Swifting” the instruments. Still nothing was sent to our bank for monetization.
Mr Diak then brought in another gentlemen by the name of Midrog “Mike” Babich to assist. Over a 9 month period, Mr Diak had us wire an additional $340,000 to both Nordea Bank and Swedbank to groups - London City Group SIA, AVUS Inves SIA and First Cable SIA for additional instruments. None of the Bank Guarantees, Standby Letters of Credit or other Financial Instruments were ever delivered to our monetizing banks as promised.
It has become increasingly obvious to our company that none of these individuals or their affiliated companies ever even possessed the financial instruments that were presented to us in writing. Further, a Mr Arturs Atkis of Latvia was most recently involved in the fraud scheme and accepted funds in the name of AVUS Invest SIA.
We’ve asked repeatedly for a refund of the $430,000 that was sent to Latvian Banks - Nordea and Swedbank. All of our requests were left unanswered and the Latvian nationals continued to request more money. Finally, Mr John Diak confided that these were “bad people” and we were told not to send any additional funds to them by Diak.
We have made formal complaints to Nordea Bank and to Swedbank to investigate the fraud that took place at their banks. Further, we have made complaints with the KNAB and will also make complaints with Interpol and the FBI for these crimes.
This entire 9 month ordeal was plagued with nothing but promises, lies and sob stories – especially from Mr Mesicha “Mike” Babich. At times, I felt quite sorry for him, but I soon realized that my company was just getting taken advantage of. Each time that we thought we had a financial instrument arranged, Mr Janis Petrovs, Mr Mike Babich and Mr Arturs Akis would ask for more money and not deliver ANYTHING.
Very sad commentary placed on the value of humanity and good faith.Many times we reached out to these individuals to do the right and appropriate thing and honor the commitments they made for taking our funds. To that end none of the three nor their affiliate companies did absolutely anything.
There’s a common saying translated around the world that good people treat other good people with dignity and respect. We only wished that these “gentleman” had honored their commitments and not basically stolen our funds.
There’s always a chance and a time to do the “right” thing and these three men have been afforded this opportunity now on at least 30-40 occasions.
Most Latvian citizens are very fine people. We just wish that these three “gentlemen” fit into this category.
Visu šo 9 mēnešu smags pārbaudījums bija plagued ar nekas, bet solījumus, meliem un šņukstēt stāstus - it sevišķi no Mesicha kunga “Mike” Babich. Pie reizes, es jutos diezgan žēl, bet es drīz sapratu, ka mans uzņēmums bija tikai kļūst izmantojuši.
Katru reizi, kad mēs domājam, mums bija finanšu instruments sakārtots, Jānis Petrovs kungs, Mike Babich kungs un Arturs Atkis kungs varētu prasīt vairāk naudas, un nav sniegusi neko.
Ļoti bēdīgs komentārs likts uz vērtību cilvēces un godprātīgi.
Var reizes mēs sasniedzām, lai šīm personām darīt tiesības un atbilstošu lieta, un pildīt saistības, ko tās uzņēmās, lai veiktu mūsu līdzekļus. Tālab neviens no trim, ne to meitas uzņēmumi bija pilnīgi neko.
Tur ir kopīgs sakot tulkots visā pasaulē, ka labi cilvēki pret citiem labiem cilvēkiem ar cieņu un respektu.
Mēs tikai vēlējās, ka šie “kungs” bija cienījams savas saistības un nav būtībā nozagts mūsu līdzekļus.
Tur vienmēr ir iespēja un laiks to darīt “pareizi” lieta, un šie trīs vīri tika dota šī iespēja tagad vismaz 30-40 reizes.
Lielākā daļa Latvijas iedzīvotāji ir ļoti smalkas cilvēki. Mēs vienkārši vēlamies, lai šie trīs “kungi” iederas šajā kategorijā.