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Best Buy

United States

Consumer complaints and reviews about Best Buy Send email
Feb 7, 2017

Geek Squad Repair

Called Best Buy when my Fridge stopped cooling and freezing. Geek Squad member came out and did something that was supposed to restore cooling or indicate a more serious problem. Well their attempt to repair the problem didn't work and I was advised that I could pay them $548 to repair or contact manufacturer to see if that pair was still under warranty. It was but I'd have to pay a service charge for the install. Manufacturer charged to come out then informed me whatever geek squad member did had invalidated my warranty. So they would repair it either, It cost me $200 just to get the bad news and I had to buy another Fridge. I was assured by a Bestbuy Executive at Bestbuy's Corporate office that he would stay on top of the situation until it was resolve. That was in July of 2016. Even with the attorney general's office contacting Bestbuy, still no results. I have to just throw away a stainless steel french door refrigerator that lasted less that seven years.

Geek Squad Repair

User915405 Send email
Apr 5, 2012

I will never buy another product from them ever

I bought a phone plan with best buy in March. I bought the insurance from Best Buy as well. I have been in the store 5 times with problems on the same phone.Every time i came into the store they would reset the phone etc. I have been in to repair the phone 3 times. The 4th time my phone locked and would not let me make any calls. I contacted sprint on my friends phone and they told me to go into the store and tell them that you have been in numerous amounts of times and ask for another type of phone that matches the same price as the one you got. I called Best buy to make sure that I was told the right information.

When I went into best buy for the 4th time (2nd time that day, phone was just given back to me for a repair), I waited for an hour until a worker came up to me and told me that the manager said he could not do anything for me since the mobile manager was not present at the time. The store was about to close, I could not turn my phone on, and I was frustrated after waiting an hour for no resolution. I told them that I needed something working today and it was not right to have me waiting for an hour and not be able to at least call the police if I needed to. Well they called the police on me and said that it was closing time and that I was being irate and that I needed to leave the premises. NOTHING was handled and even the police officer was confused about the help.

I had my mother go up to best buy to pick up my supposedly “working” phone. I did not want to deal with the same un professional people. I did not add any applications only my contacts just to make sure it wasn’t me who was accidentally messing the phone up.. but after a week it wouldn’t hold a charge. I went into best buy and told them that I was told that the 5th time I come in and turn this phone in with a complaint I was able to switch it out. I did not care about paying the difference I just wanted a working phone. Charlene said that she would not look up my information, and to read the pamphlet and take a used charger and that was it. She did not listen to what I had to say about the phone. After that she said well I cant speak with you anymore I told you to call best buy and ask them what to do. While I was IN best buy. She then proceeded to walk to the front of the door and tell the security to call the police. I was sitting down and had a witness with me. She told the police and the GM that I was irate and unruly lol. I started to realize that when I ask questions about my plan or phone the workers got frustrated or told me they did not know. I ask to speak with the person over her, she said she was over her and there was no other manager there. Soon the GM came out with guns blazing. Saying how I had to get off the property and that nothing is wrong with my product even before he asked me or checked it. Then he told me since i paid for the phone and the plan and got the insurance through them that they would not give me a working phone nor a new phone and I had to just deal with that. quote: “ your stuck with that one until you upgrade or it is discontinued, im not going to give you another phone”and then told me to go to the sprint store.

I saw another unhappy customer and they were cursing and nothing was done to them. I tell them I need a working phone before I leave and they call the police! Charlene did not explain anything to me, Mr. Dixon was on the defensive before he even met me and yet I still am paying my phone bill on time and the insurance for a phone that has too many glitches. . The customer service is terrible there. I work at DHS and have better customer appreciation than they do and EVERY client comes in with an issue. I felt because I was a black woman they immediately jumped to calling the police on a 125 lbs woman in tears.

The funny thing about it was one of THEIR workers told me that they can do it and told me to print out the paper and show them the competitors price and they would do it. That information may have been wrong but at the time I was not aware and yet was treated as if I was the one in the wrong. Now I am switching from sprint and BEST BUY.. I will never buy another product from them EVER!
User927765 Send email
Apr 5, 2012

I will never buy another product from them ever

It sounds like the problem was that the phone itself was defective, which Best Buy isn't responsible for doing. I worked in Mobile, and there were a few kinds of phones that were just poorly manufactured. What happens when you have the plan is that the store sends the phone out to their repair company in Texas, and if it comes back that it can't be fixed, then you get a credit for how much the phone is worth off contract. If they can fix your phone, then you get the same one you sent out back, unless you have an iPhone. In which case, you get a refurbished one back either way. It sounds to me that you had an issue on the manufacturer's side. I'm surprised you had such surly employees. It sounds like a horrible Best Buy.
Thud Send email
Mar 17, 2012

I will never shop at Best Buy again

How long did you wait before you tried to return it?
Airoke Send email
Mar 15, 2012

I will never shop at Best Buy again

I bought a dell computer on July 27, i15rn5110, and that week when I tried to use the internet it didn't work, so I called Dell and 3 hrs later they still couldn't get it to work, so the next time I was home, labor day weekend. I called them again and an hr later Dell got it to work as long as I was sitting beside the router. I'm truck driver so am gone alot, the next time I was in town and able to get back to the Mesquite store was last Monday, they said the computer had a defective internet card and too bad for you luck.

They wouldn't exchange it but sent it to Dell to fix and said I might have to pay. That isn't going to work, I will not pay for a defective computer that they should be exchanging since they sold it. What kind of store doesn't stand behind the products they sell? If they won't exchange it then they better pay for the repairs. I will NEVER shop at Best Buy again!
Anti-SEO Send email
Mar 15, 2012

I will never shop at Best Buy again

Obviously you don't understand what a manufacturer's warranty is. If you did, you would realize that absurdity of your complaint.
Ncoclub Send email
Mar 11, 2012

Best Buy Miami has the worst employees in the business

If you already purchased the computer they were dead wrong for not letting you check it out. If you didn't then they were right...witch was it?
Poure Send email
Mar 8, 2012

You have lost my business, utterly and permanently

I wrote to Best Buy today about my terrible experience with them, not the first time something has been bad, and promised to post about them everywhere I could find, so here it is:

Why you have lost my business:

First, my son applied for a best buy credit card online. The card had not arrived but when we called the store (twice, to double check) they said they could look up his card number and he could make his purchases at that time. This was a lie. He wasted multiple hours and $20 of gas. I also called the store manager, left a message but he never called me back.

The card never arrived, and the trip for which I needed a car stereo is tomorrow. We have been checking the mail, since it said it would be one or two weeks, and it has been three weeks.

We called, and they said the card had just now been mailed out.

So, I needed to buy the stereo myself. I called the store to make sure it was in stock and they had time to install it today. I went online and found the correct item and installation. I called to make sure the order would be available to be installed right away. The person told me to place the order over the phone with him, and it would be available immediately.

My son once again wasted multiple hours and $20 in gas to drive to the Melbourne FL store, only to be told that the order was 'processing' and would not be available for up to 72 hours. That delay was never mentioned to me before I placed the order.

I called your 800 number and was connected to a remarkably rude woman who told me there was nothing that could be done by anyone and I was stuck, and if I wanted to be irritated with her I needed to call someone else. I cancelled the order.

I then called the store, where my son was still waiting, to see if there was a way to work through the issue and complete the purchase and installation today. The person told me that if I were in the store it would be no problem but since I was not there it was impossible. I expressed my frustration and conveyed that this was not the first, nor second, nor even tenth time something had been screwed up by best buy. The person said she was sorry but nothing could be done. I asked if she would prefer to try to work something out or if she would prefer for your company to lose my business entirely. She did not choose the first option.

You have lost my business, utterly and permanently. I am beyond angry, and I will be most happy to find every single customer alert board and blog, and post about my experiences with your excrescence of a company.
Your Mom Knows Best Send email
Mar 8, 2012

You have lost my business, utterly and permanently

Your complaint is a rambling and nonsensical. What is your issue exactly? Any store can't release merchandise to someone that didn't pay for it...
MauiAL50 Send email
Mar 8, 2012

You have lost my business, utterly and permanently

Why didn't you just buy the stereo and installation yourself in the first place, rather than waiting for your son to get his card?
Whythelongfaces Send email
Mar 8, 2012

You have lost my business, utterly and permanently

The store has nothing to do with the credit services. You should have just bought the stereo for him and had him pay you back. What exactly would have been your complaint had he been turned down for the card?
Useurhead Send email
Mar 4, 2012

Call of Duty

You are not old with it. Have ur parents buy it then genius. The statemate then we tried stealing it but they were watching us like were trying to be criminals morons
Alibraide Send email
Feb 27, 2012

Best Buy needs to hire more employees or train the ones they have to have better customer service

I have been to the best buy store many times. Every time I go to the store, there is many employees but no one to help the customers. Many of the employees are chatting with other coworkers or they simply are refusing to help the customers. Last year I purcharsed a PC, and I had the same problem getting help from the employees.

Today, I went to purchase a laptop, a camera, and a camcorder. I had a hard time finding help in the computer section. I would ask for help and was told to wait a minute. I finally had to get another person, and another, before one gentleman helped me. I needed help in choosing a laptop and everyone is always in a hurry to answer any questions!

Upon checkout, there was a long line. The process was as annoying as trying to get help in the different departments!

Best Buy needs to hire more employees or train the ones they have to have better customer service.
XenoMiang Send email
Feb 27, 2012

Best Buy needs to hire more employees or train the ones they have to have better customer service

I agree about the training, I used to work there. They ran off all the good, hardworking people in our store and we were left with all new people on the sales floor that didn't care (I worked inventory). They are so tight with budget now that they usually only have one person per department, maybe 2 on Saturdays but that's it ... they aren't allowed to schedule more which led to hours being cut and people being forced to find work elsewhere. I eventually found a different job and put my two weeks in before it got worse for us in the back end of the store.
Zubi4545 Send email
Feb 27, 2012

Best Buy needs to hire more employees or train the ones they have to have better customer service

ATTN READERS: the above posts are all slander and lies fabricated by a very sick and pathetic individual.
We as a family are victims of MAFARIO ANTONIO AMICUCCI
He has been charged (twice) and is currently out on BAIL for the following charges:
-Criminal Harassment
-Dangerous Driving with the intent to cause DEATH
-Stalking/creeping (inappropriate Watching and Following)
-Impersonation using emails/phone calls/letters to threaten public figures and members of the community
We as a family have been protected with a restraining order where by MAFARIO ANTONIO AMICUCCI is to not come within 500 ft of us, our place of residence, place of eduction and/or place of employment.
These are not allegations but FACTS as all the above mentioned charges are before the court and are also public record.
We have been victims of cyber stalking, psychological abuse, and defamation for the past SEVEN years by an individual who is obviously extremely disturbed and mentally unstable. Using IP spoofing, he has dedicated his life and every waking moment to feed this twisted obsession and fantasy of so called "revenge".
All google links are OPINIONATED blogs, complaints, and rants done by this "insider"
Isn't it odd how the SAME allegations and "updates" are obsessively repeated for days months and years...
MAFARIO ANTONIO AMICUCCI you are the poster boy for INSANE JOBLESS LOWLIFE HOBO (seriously) (you actually PAID to post that garbage?!) (enough said)
-various scam and terrorist sites (yes YOU are definitely DIRTY) etc etc etc
MAFARIO ANTONIO AMICUCCI is a social retard who some allege is a PC (diddler) case from PC breeding ground KINGSTON PENITENTIARY, smells like liquor and OxyContin breath, is balding, morbidly obese, and at age 50, lives with his MAMA MARIA GRACE AMICUCCI (SUPPA) who is clearly disappointed by his lack of social advancement. I guess ANNA-MARIA AMICUCCI (CATNILA) IS the golden child seeing as YOU are obviously the family LETDOWN

The reason this WACKOMAFO enjoys his "freedom" is because this trailer park white trash is protected by like minded pedophiles. Among them:

" JUDGE" Heather A. McGee of Newmarket Family Court- This CORRUPT Judge who actively supports PEDOPHILES and actively solicits and prostitutes her OWN CHILDREN to PEDOPHILES!!! Justice Heather A. McGee of Newmarket Family Court has actively allowed PEDOS to have custody of children. She is CLOSE and PERSONAL friend to corrupt and malicious JEW LAWYER JUDITH HOLZMAN of Maple, Ontario who actively supports these pedophiles. Justice Heather A. McGee of Newmarket Family Court ACTIVELY dismissed a request for a restarining order against WACKOMAFO against Fariba Maleki-Raei, Afarin Maleki-Raei and Foroozandeh Maleki-Raei (the harassed). This was done in ATTENDANCE of Det. Maurizio GENTILI #1133 of the York Regional Police. Det. Maurizio GENTILI #1133 of the York Regional Police is a very HONEST and RESPECTED member of the York Regional Police who did tons of work to get this PEDO and tons of WORK to get the child away from the PEDO. Justice Heather A. McGee of Newmarket Family Court sent away these THREE VICTIMS WITH no restraining order. Allowing the WACKOMAFO to terrorize and victimize not only this poor innocent girl MARYAM TORABIPOUR but also members of the YORK REGIONAL POLICE!!! Justice Heather A. McGee of Newmarket Family Court is CORRUPT, SUPPORTS PEDOPHILIA and is under investigation from various members of the York Regional Police services.

“JUSTICE “ Ronald P. Kaufman (Family Court Branch) . This is also another CORRUPT JEW JUDGE who is affiliated with JUDITH HOLZMAN. As a lawyer he has been under numerous investigations for PEDOPHILIA and CORRUPTION by the YORK Regional Police. He is also a pedophile who supports pedophiles and actively encourages CHILDREN TO BE MOLESTED in his NEWMARKET COURTS. He is also under current investigation as being a member of this SICK AND TWISTED molestation and pedo ring. His home address is :
Ronald P Kaufman
1315 Pickering Pky, Pickering, ON, L1V 7G5

Other members of the WACKOMAFO Pedophile ring (trailer trash village idiot MAFARIO ANTONIO AMICUCCI) and this is public record and under investigation by the York Regional Police:

MARIO RACCO who has allegations of SEXUAL ASSAULT against school children and corruption (can be verified via public records)
MARIO RACCO (numerous Children Aid Investigation for pedophilia) of THORNHILL ONTARIO CANADA
21 Checker Crt, Thornhill, ON, L4J 5X4
Sandra RACCO his wife has been under NUMEROUS corruption invetigations by the York Regional POLICE!!!

113 Heatherton Way,
Thornhill, ON
L4J 3E7

CARMINE PERRILLI (under investigation for Pedophilia by the York REGION Police and nder other investigations by C.A.S)

1 Swan Crt, Richmond Hill, ON, L4S 1G3

OTHER corrupt NEWMARKET JUDGES under investigation by the YORK REGIONAL POLICE are:

JUSTICE McDermot (kiddiediddler)

Talk to the sickest most twisted piece of trailer park village trash MAFARIO ANTONIO AMICUCCI... He is a deadbeat dad who had his child taken away in a custody battle because he was deemed unfit (ONGOING PEDO ALLEGATIONS) and is now taking it out on the family... IT'S JUST REPULSIVE MY HEART GOES OUT TO MARYAM TORABIPOUR AND HER FAMILY...

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