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Ritah Mangoyana Send email
Apr 2, 2016

taking money from my account

I only took part once last yea in September and I realised it is not a genuine bid so I unsubscribed ,but since then they are taking £59.99 from my account .I want this to stop taking money from my account because I do not bid for anything any more.I want my money back.
Elizabethsg Send email
Jan 11, 2016

Excessive charges

I responded to an e-mail saying I would have a £20.00 bank to bid on items which were on their site. When I tried to bid on a mobile phone I was unlucky.
I decided that I don't gamble and wouldn't be able to stay on line all day until such time as I could watch the progression of the bidding process.
I stopped using BidWiz only to find that they are taking £59.99 from my banking account on 8th December and now another £59.99
on 6th January. Apparently they will be taking another 59.99 im February as they state that they will charge a banking acciount for three months.
As I only used this site for a matter of hours I find this totally unfair and will have to report this to my bank and try to stop another 59.99 being taken from my account.
I will also report this site to any other fraud office I can find which may help to close this site down and stop them de-frauding others As I pensioner, I am unable to justify this money being taken from my account without my permission.

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