Rude employee
Circle K Location : 5035 Mud Lane , Louisville KY, 40229
Complaint: At 11:15 P.M. I walked into the same Circle K that I do at a minimum of twice a day. There was the one woman whom I dread to even go in because I know she is going 100 mph and rushes everyone and its to the point where if it werent so late i would have went some where else. I went to the counter and asked for my cigarettes as well as one 5 hour energy drink and I used my lottery ticket to pay for it. She first didn't ask but demanded for my I.D. which of course I showed her and have no problem with that. She proceeded to tell me she couldn't cash anything over 25 dollars after 11pm and I said I understand but the way she said it was just rude and she talked so fast like she was trying to get rid of me but she does it every single time she works and with everyone. I told her since I purchased the items that the change would be 22 dollars. She looked at me with so much anger her lip quivered and said I'll do it this time but never again and she gave me my change and slammed the cash drawer so hard change got jammed and flew out. It's simply the worst customer service experience and it always is with her. I've shared my experience with the coworkers in the morning and they agree she is rude and ever customer says something about her with a very similar experience as I've stated and nothing is ever done about as if she is given the OK to treat people like shit and I have never in my life been so rushed and pushed to leave. I'm hoping something is done about it because I know I'm just one of many many that have complained as a result of her constant rude ways.