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Citizens Bank
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about Citizens Bank
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Apr 4, 2012
Stop payment/ Overdraft fee
What is ruining America is people like YOU who screw up and blame everyone but yourself for it. Take the hit like a real adult would and be more careful next time. STOP blaming the bank for giving you the penalty they warn you about before you ever open the damn account.
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Apr 4, 2012
Stop payment/ Overdraft fee
I accidentally paid a bill twice in a month today. I simply clicked the wrong category and hit submit. As soon as I did it, I went to hit the cancel button. It wasn't there! So I called the bank, thinking no biggie this just happened 10 minutes ago, maybe I need to get my eyes checked again. Were they helpful? NOPE! They said I'd have to pay a stop payment fee of 35 bucks. I told them no, I'd rather take that money and donate it towards a charity. But, this is what is ruining American. Fees for amazes me what these banks get away with. I've never had one bouncer, overdraft fee, etc. Nor have I come close. I've been at Citizens before it was Citizens when I was 14! Think they care about that loyalty?? NOPE! Forget online banking, I'll go back to my check book thanks. Clicking one little box never cost me so much, so fast in my whole life.
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Mar 9, 2012
"They lie"??? You expect them to be psychic, and know about a debit you've made or a check you've written before it posts to your account? PLEASE tell us how they're supposed to manage this.
Why should you be punished? Maybe because you tried to spend money you didn't have? That could be called fraud, you know.
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Mar 8, 2012
Overdrafts - ATM deposits don't clear
AS for the employees being too lazy, word to wise: STOP SPENDING MONEY YOU DO NOT HAVE AND THEN TRYING TO BEAT IT TO THE BANK. YOU, and only YOU are screwing up. I wish with all my heart that banks would go back to the good old days and prosecute people who continually overdraft their accounts. It is called STEALING.
Mrs. Baumann
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Mar 8, 2012
overdraft fees
I had over drafted my account 0.87 cents and made a transaction to cover it. It was less then a day the money was back in my account. They hit me with an over draft, because I had overdrafted my account was negitive, I had a $1.27 charge on the same day and again was over drafted. I didn't know my account was overdrafted but I knew my balance was low so I didn't use my card all week. When my husband deposited money a week later, I checked my balance on line, we were charged two over draft fees and 6.99 fee a DAY until the deposit. we couldn't get thru to anyone on the phone to help us, and the branch said they don't deal with any "over draft" problems. I opened my account with my very first paycheck with them over 15 years ago. I am fed up with their bull, and pulling my two checking and two savings account with them.
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Mar 8, 2012
overdraft fees
Simply put, you messed up and now that you are being held accountable you come here to whine about it. Real mature.
M3C Slimjim
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Mar 8, 2012
Overdrafts - ATM deposits don't clear
Yes maam!!
M3C Slimjim
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Mar 8, 2012
overdraft fees
This is a valid complaint. You're the one acting immature, ridiculing the OP like that.
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Mar 8, 2012
"should be able to rely on the tools that you are provided"
Agreed. A check register is the #1 tool.
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Mar 8, 2012
overdraft fees
Oh I have missed you! Did you steal my teeny weeny undies last night?
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Mar 8, 2012
so a few years ago i had an account with citizens... i regularly checked my account both on the phone and online before making a purchase to make sure i had enough money... well they lie... you never had close to the amount they say you have... i mean i should have kept better track of how much money i have but sometimes life gets busy and you should be able to rely on the tools that you are provided.. so needless to say i over drafted which they didn't tell me until 2 weeks later.. at first they told me it was my fault it took me a month to get the fees removed and to close out my account.. i decided to give them another chance... i opened an account 3 weeks ago... same exact thing... they post all of your transactions but they don't adjust your balance.. why should i be punished because they can't do their job correctly..
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Mar 8, 2012
"I should have kept better track"
Exactly. YOUR fault. Enough said.
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Mar 8, 2012
Stop payment/ Overdraft fee
I accidently pressed the wrong button online and charged $384 to my checking account. I immediately called the company i was paying a bill for and they told me to call the bank and order a stop payment. I did that. I asked the representative on the phone if the stop payment would actually stop the payment from posting to my account and causing it to overdraft. She said Yes. I also asked her if the stoppayment would be effective on the same day i ordered it, she said yes. So i paid $25 and ordered the stop payment. The following business day i check my account, and find that not only had Citizens bank, not stopped the payment, they over drew my account and charged me $78. Also, since i had made multiple online payments that day, when they posted to my account the bank charged me an additional $78. Then after all those charges, the stop payment kicked and the bank reversed the charge but it didnt make a difference. So now i owe the bank $156, even though i paid them $25 to avoid those charges.
But the story doesnt end there. I called the bank to inquire about the charges and they claim that they were valid because the representative wrote in her notes that she explained everything to me. So immediately requested that they pull the tapes. About 2 1/2 weeks later i still did hear from them about what the tapes said. so i called them back. This time the represetative apologized for the supervisor not contacting me and the other representative one giving me the wrong information but he couldnt help me. He said that they were going to go by the notes that the representative took and that there was no need to pull the tapes.
I tell you, this bank is shameless, i am a college student struggling to make ends meet and the bank takes my money with no mercy. I can't wait fot them to go under. I know that i am not the first or the last person for this to happen to and eventually the bank is going to regret scamming so many customers.
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Mar 8, 2012
Stop payment/ Overdraft fee
Another 'I made a mistake but they are the bad guy for charging me for it' complaint.
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Mar 8, 2012
Overdrafts - ATM deposits don't clear
I keep threatening to leave and switch to another bank... why don't I have the guts to actually do it?!? Citizens routinely screws me over and steals my hard-earned money and I somehow am too freaked out by the giant task of switching banks that I let them continue to rob and beat me.
I don't understand how their practices of altering "posting" & "clearing" dates can possibly be legal... They find ways to post things out of order just so you drop below $0 with the possibility of having the most items post/clear after $0 to rack up as many overdraft fees as possible. Great, my account is below $0 already, I'm living check to check, and now I've got close to $200 in fees? Way to go Billion dollar conglomerate, way to make the working man feel real good about themselves! I didn't need to eat this week... They are dishonest, lacking compassion, have terrible customer service, and are money hungry.
A warning as well: when you are attempting to cover a check, bill, etc. by making an after-hours deposit for the next morning, do NOT do it at the ATM. Put it in that drop-box instead, as the ATM envelopes apparently do not get picked up everyday! REALLY! The employees are too lazy to walk outside to get the envelopes to deposit our money to make sure our checks, bills don't bounce, so that they can once again charge us ANOTHER FEE!!! Think they planned that? Yup...
So, have I finally had enough to switch all my bills, all my direct deposits/withdrawals, and all that jazz?!? I think my time has finally come after 15 years, it's over Citizens, it's over!
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Mar 8, 2012
Overdrafts - ATM deposits don't clear
How old are you? Do you even understand the concept of how a bank account works? Do you understand the words POSTING and CLEARING? POSTING is when you slide your card. CLEARING is when the merchant sends in the slip for payment. Expecting your online banking to work in real time is ridiculous since every merchant you spend money at does not do their bookkeeping the same day/time.
Keep track of what you spend with a CHECKBOOK REGISTER and never spend more than you have written down, and you will never get another overdraft fee again.
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