Not upgrade
I recently received a notice in the mail entitled, “Important Action Required:” which touted your latest network enhancement (whoopiedoo). As I read further, I was informed that I had to order digital equipment in order to continue to receive certain channels I was able to receive prior to your “enhancement.” What? What an oxymoron! This “enhancement” was said to provide with more HD channels (Oh, wonderful). What a surprise. Before the “enhancement, ” I was able to access numerous HD channels, which I now no longer receive. After reading the fine print on your notice (always read the fine print, because that’s where the “gotcha” is located), I discovered, (aha!) that I can receive these HD channels if a rent an HD box. That does not equate to an “enhancement” for me, rather it sounds like a ruse by Comcast to bilk more money from its customers. As a customer on a fixed income, I am not a happy camper since I now have to pay more to get what I once had without your “enhancement, ” or I can choose to continue to receive less quality with your “enhancement” that you have excitedly hyped. You would do well in Washington. Your selling points and end product are not compatible, and they remind me of the 535 dolts telling me what’s good for me and that I should like it because they say they know better than I do.
Now, I have more equipment cluttering the area around my TVs, I have poorer quality reception, and the remote for the Set-Top Box is not as simple to operate as was my TV remote. Since I think your “enhancement” is a load of bovine excrement, I am exploring other options for my TV viewing.