Claim denied
Costco rebate
Bought an Samsung galaxy Note 5 in Costco store with Wireless Advocates on 11/14/ 2015, it was $300 Costco cash card promotion. I submitted all the documents (I have the copies) and the claim was denied with no explanation.I went back to the store and talk to the Same person who sold me the phone,no explanation, blaming Stuart Lee rebate. Each company blames the other to avoid to pay the rebate. No question on my mind they are committing fraud and big scam going on, I wish there is a lawyer can take on these companies ,including Costco,because Costco allowing them to scam customers using Costco name.
If any lawyer would like to take on on this scam please e-mail me at or call me 408 398-2830
Also I am going to cancel my membership with Costco.