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CR England
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about CR England
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May 31, 2012
C R England firing
One the afternoon of 5.6.2012 at approximately 1pm pacific time, Corey V.(VANCOR)and myself arrived at the gate of Conway facility in Mira Loma, Ca. I woke Corey up per his request because we were trying to see if the yard was open since we had arrived a day early with shipment. As we arrived we were greeted by a female guard who was writing all our outside info down. I set parking brake and proceeded to do arrival macro but he told me to get out and give her paperwork (before I could send the macro). I gave the young lady all paperwork and proceeded to take instruction from her about where to drop trailer I'm delivering and where to get empty trailer at. I climbed back into truck and Corey asked me why did I give paperwork to guard before sending arrival macro and I told him I was following his instructions instead of doing what he had taught me to do. That really irritated him that I said that and he began to go into this condescending tone about me not learning anything from day one. At that moment a message came over the Qualcomm about time stamps on pickups and I asked him was that directed to whole company or was that just us and he really went off then. He told me I was playing stupid and he was tired of me not learning anything. I told him its hard to be proactive with doing what I need to do when somebody micromanages everything I do. As I'm driving thru the lot so I can drop trailer he starts going off about the nine slots I have passed and I informed him that those spots that he thought were open we're actually no parking slots with fire hydrants and he observed. So I turn the truck around to go back to spot up front and so I could driver side backup. He is still being so disrespectful with his comments. I put on my 4way flashers and then begin to back and he's now yelling about me not waiting for him to get out of truck to view my backup. He gets out of passengers side and walks in front of truck and tells me to back as he is behind truck. At that point I set parking brake and locked my door and tried to regain composer after the verbal abuse. I pulled my phone out to call my parents, so I could get my head back in the job. Corey thought I was on the phone with C R England and began pulling on door handle. He unlocked the door and climbed up in my face cursing and shoved my face and I pushed him off me and a altercation began once we got out of the truck. We both were striking each other and once he seen I got the best of him he ran to the guard shack saying I assaulted him acting like a victim. I called the cops and once they arrived they asked me if I wanted to press charges. I told them I did not want to press charges, but I wanted to get my things off the truck so I could go on my way. The whole time I was calm and professional speaking with Conway and the Police. The matter concluded with the officers giving me their name, badge number, case number and contact phone number if anyone had any further questions.
P.S. I'm sorry that this happened, but I was defending myself. I have not called my TC with any of the other issues that have went on while on the truck. My body has bed bug bites all over, I requested a nonsmoking trainer and Corey smokes in the truck. In my opinion the death of his grandmother, stepfather being on his death bed and the breakup of him and his girlfriend(all happened last week)
All played a part in the stress. I like Corey as a person but I came to this company for a career in trucking and deserve respect.
Christopher Morton
I was terminated a week later for defending myself by the head of HR...
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Mar 26, 2012
Hungry, tired used and abused employees students
CR England, What a joke, just a money mill and they do not care or give a crap about their drivers, they did over half a billion dollars of revenue last year and their drivers are barely making a living. those that lease, work a week, seven days over the road, dangeours work, away from home 7 days and hten get stuck with a bill for 50 -100 dollars or more. Imagine working 7 dangerous days away from home, then getting a bill for your service! They own the leasing company, so they make money off your truck lease and your service, while you barely earn enuff to make a living!
The school is just a money mill, they do not give people enough time to learn the material, basically setting you up for failure while they make the 2, 900 dollars off your schooling, which is not schooling at all. They just give you materials to read and study and barely time to read and study. Your first red flag should be if they leave you little time after they call you to come attend the school. There is no way you can learn all the information in one day to pass your cdl test. I studied before i got there and did pass the tests only to get attacked/assaulted by a crazy animal roomate and kicked out of the school for fighting and "I did absolutely nothing but go to the office at the hotel and report the crime." The hotel is a dump, fleas everywhere even under your sheets at night, microwaves don't work, heat/air don't work and nobody cares, they act like they care but they do not. They told me I would be in a new hotel and they set me up in that dump, The American Suites Inn. The only have one bus and 2 vans to get you from class and to walmart so there is never enough room for everyone to get on, Which means you wake up at 4 after 4 hours sleep, only to miss the bus through no fault of your own and sit around for another hour to an hour and a half waiting for the bus to return, you are sleeping about 4-5 hours a night, 12 hours of class a day, then you will miss the bus to get home after class if you don't push your way to the front and they never run the 2 vans, you do get to see them sitting there in the parking lot. Then the director A-o-io will talk like he cares but trust me he is a power monger and does not give a crap, all they are doing is farming people and making money off you and your hard work, assuming you can make it through the living hell they routinely and continually subject you to!
There were about 75 people in my class and they talk to you and treat you like crap. They have so many new hires, way more than they could possbily employ and those that they do, they do not have enough trucks for, so what they are really doing, is trying to lease you a truck so they can make money off your work and the truck lease! All while you barely make enough to pay your bills, truck payment, insurance and gas, after 7 days hard and dangerous work over the road! Not worth any of the crap or torture they subject you too. I heard stories of trainers trying to get trainees to drive more hours than legally allowable per DOT regulations by driving signed in on the electronic log under the trainers name, and if you get pulled over while driving under theior name, you have comited the crime not them!
The entire company is crap, the people are crap, to include the goofy trainers and none of them give a crap about you. Do yourself a favor and stay away from them as far as you can, I could go on and on complaining about the inhumane treatment. Like the fact that new bodies come through the doors every week. So many new hires (trainees) that they could not hire them all if they wanted to.
Do not even think about joining that organization, you will regret it! and if you do, they won't pay you fair compensation for your hard work. .12 cnets a mile for team driving? Hello, that is 550 - 650 for 7 dangerous days out on the road for less than 100 a day! just say hell no, you won't go because I can guarantee, you will regret it.
Good GOD CR England and all of their money grubbing human farming are nothing more than feces, using and abusing "people" for their own persoanl gain and profit! Don;t believe me? Go and see for yourself, then come back and confirm that everything I said is true. Those not complaining or saying good things are either lying or desperate enough in the tough economy to have anything to occpuy their time!
They even told us point blank, that they do not have enough trucks to hiore all the people they hire. All they want you to do, is be on the hook for a truck lease so you have to stay on and struggle to make your payment and insurance. The director A-o-io is just an arrogant power hungry jerk hell bent on overseeing their people farm like Stalin of Hitler, ruling "nothing" with an iron fist. And all the other people talk down tpo you, like you are not important and making clear that they do not care or give a crap abpout you. Like I said, i could go on and on, do yourself a favor and find yourself a real job, because CR England is not it!
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Mar 26, 2012
Hungry, tired used and abused employees students
But they could of became a Trainer like you Happy after 180 days
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