Cat with HCM and tritrichomonas
This is an additional/duplicate posting so that the complaint shows for both catteries. We worked with Dianne Hoover and thought our purchase was from her but ultimately our kittens papers indicated the kitten belonged to her partner.
Our kitten came home with a rare parasite called tritrichomonas, breeder and her partner Diane (her cattery is Crimson Rose Cattery) contend that this parasite is common and benign. It had to be identified by one of only two labs in the US at that time because it is NOT common nor benign. Treatment for it is off label, unstudied, untested and largely ineffective.
Fast forward past that expensive horrific ordeal to 2 years later. Now our boy is diagnosed with HCM. A genetic degenerative heart disease. Ms. Accetta states that HCM can "crop up" and is not a result of her breeding practices yet when asked she refuses to produce heart scans on either parent cat to support she is actively scanning for the disease and when found halting the breeding of the affected animals. Offers us a "replacement" cat. Like our boy can be replaced! And like I would want another sick animal from her breeding pool. Obviously my request to replace her offer of a replacement kitten with a refund of the $1200 I paid for this sick cat was declined. Imagine that.
I urge anyone considering a kitten from this breeder (or her partner) to read between the lines on the website. She lists many cat affiliations yet really only works with one. I further urge anyone to just get your kitten elsewhere. While I love my baby I got from her--his life will be cut drastically short due to his disease. And all this after he spent his first year with us sick from his parasite which was a very unpleasant ordeal for us, him and all our other cats he shared it with.
Please due your homework, don't take informatino on websites to be a factual representation and be careful not to support these breeders who are in it for the wrong reasons and who are not doing their due diligence with their vet care.
My only hope is that if her "sales" are reduced maybe she will stop breeding her cats and stop propogating sick animals for profit. Please be careful!