I have nothing but trouble with Derma Wand. I saw it on an informercial and decided that I would try it, I thought 30 day trial would be great. Well after using it, it burnt my face it had made my face swollen DID NOT LIKE IT. On the infomercial it said that just mail it back for full refund. It had even said that they will provide return lable. This is where my nightmare began. I did not get a pre paid shipping to return the product. I called the customer service to see if they would send me another one because mine was not in the box. I was told I would have to pay to send it back. Fine I paid for the shipping to send it back, this was on Feb 10th. Well before the 30 day trial period. On Jan 27th I was charged $134.80 on my credit card. When I signed up origianally I told him monthly payments, well was a lie. So I called customer services about the refund, they told me (3 weeks later) that they have not received the product back. They also informed me that it usually takes 30 days for the shipping department to check products in so they could not issue any refund. 6 weeks after I returned the product still no refund and they had hit my credit card again for a product I did not want. BE AWARE THEY DONT TELL YOU ON THE INFOMERCIAL that it takes 30 days to for the product to be regisered but until then they will just keep hitting your credit card!