User923903 Send email
Mar 26, 2012
Robbing Customer in the living daylight
I had experience thee same victimized feeling by Indosat. I was travelling to the United States and brought two of my mobile phones with me. One is my Blackberry and the other one is my IPhone. For my Blackberry I am using a Telkomsel number and had registered my self with one of the save cost roaming packages offered by Telkomsel. While my IPhone which I have brought with me I did not register for any special roaming package Indosat might have/ offer, since I know I will not be using this number much (only for emergency cases since my family knows theis number better). Mind me I had this number for almost 13 years and I was mostly honored by Indosat VIP Customer for prompt payment before due date etc.I departed Bali on March 06th, 2012 to Miami (I did not use my IPhone for calling or receiving any call, only a few sms before my plane took off from Bali), but then I received a cphone call from Indosat Jakarta late at night Miami time (due to the time difference) on March 13the, 2012 (which means March 15th, 2012 Jakarta time) from an Indosat personal advising me that my telephone bill had reached an amount of Rp 5 million sometheing rupiah. I was confused that time because I was still half asleep actually (when the Indosat lady called) but then I did not think much about this yet. So I let it go at that without complaint. But then suddenly on March 14the, 2012 in the very late evening) I received an email message through my BB from a certain Ms. Ria stating that based on my colleague's advise, Indosat had blocked my number because my phone bill have reached an amount of Rp 54 million sometheing. This email message sure did gave me a schock of my life. I have not even used my IPhone for any calls or receiving calls except from Indosat (anyone can check my phone for proof), yes my roaming was on for message which I might receive from home, and all of a sudden in one night time my phone bill had gone up to a ridiculously amount from Rp 5 million something to Rp 54 million something. Unbelievable ????? With my BB I replied to her message saying that my colleague had not instructed anything to her, and that the amount reached for my billing is an unbelievable amount which I will never in my life accept and pay. And that they need to investigate their system because it is just not logical at all. Who ever in his/her right mind would use a phone totalling up to Rp 54 million rupiahs ???? especially when they are abroad on a business trip to find business not throwing money away on telephoning people. Is this how Indosat treats their VIP customers. ???? Just because we are always paying on time etc, they think that they can robbed us out in the middle of the night Miami time and in broad daylight Indonesia time.
I state now and always to Indosat ...that I will never pay that ridiculous billing amount to my number and I would rather pay all the newspapers in Indonesia to print my story with that kind of money so that Indosat will never do this kind of robbing to anyone else in this world. Wether they are Indonesians or Malaysians or what ever country they are from...don't ever use Indosat providers if you do not want to be robbed in the middle of the night or in broad daylight like Don Natalie Pereira.
Elly Malaihollo
User814395 Send email
Mar 26, 2012
Robbing Customer in the living daylight
Robbed in the broad daylight by DIGI.
I recently went to Medan, and I called up the DIGI hotline, wanting to know if my roaming was activated, and how much was the charges if I switched on my 3G. I was advised that if I selected Indosat network, its only RM38 a day. I called up twice after that to ensure the information I received was correct, and since I received consistent information, I was glad. Upon reaching Medan, I was asked to select a network- there was a popup on my iPhone screen, and I specifically selected Indosat. My stay in Medan was for 4 days and 3 nights and upon returning to Malaysia I decided to check what is my outstanding to make payment.
To my horror, my outstanding showed RM 1, 891.35, it was really a shock of my life. I immediately called in to dispute the bill, and I was informed, it seems if my Indosat network signal was low, it will auto roaming by itself, and select the strongest signal. I informed them that it is no fault of mine if you auto roam and chose a network without my consent. I didn’t authorize it. The service consultant understood my grievances and raised a dispute. I was informed to call in every 5 days as they are only able to temporarily unbar my line, and ever since then, I had been calling in to the hotline every 5 days to unbar my line since that event. (That’s 3 months in total)
Last month, I called in and asked them the update of the case, and I was informed that my dispute was successful and it will be credited during my next billing cycle, which would be on the 12th of September. I was satisfied and happy, finally, justice and fairness being served. But I was still requested to call in every 5 days to unbar my line until it has been credited into my account. I agreed, as long as this matter is being resolved. Today is the 15th of September 2011, and my line was barred- again. I was rather surprised, because my billing date was over, I called in back, this morning about 8.30am, and again I was told that my dispute was approved, but the billing department only opens at 9am, and was requested to call back later, and the adjustment will be done immediately. I agreed, and informed him to unbar my line in the meantime. I called in at 9.30am, and I spoke to a different service consultant, and she had informed me that its approved and she will transfer my call to the billing department.
It was then, that all hell broke lose. I was then informed that my dispute was rejected. Can you imagine the frustration and how angry I was at that point of time. I stood silent and patient all this while for 3 months, calling in twice every week to obtain an update and unbar my line. And now I was told that my dispute is being rejected? And all those called made in, for the past 1 month being told that my dispute was being approved, was all lies? You conned your customer badly, and you lied. You robbed me in the living daylight, and for something which I am not even liable for!!!
Even if you were to reject the dispute, where was the decency and courtesy to call your customer to inform them? How is this fair to me? I am requested to pay for something which I did not even authorize to begin with!!! And all your service consultants, have clearly told me that its being approved- please go ahead and retrieve your call.
I will not be succumb and be lied and cheated. God knows how many other innocent victims are there out there! Please look into this matter and I demand justice to be served. Or else, I will sue DIGI, for all the inconvenience caused, lies and misleading information received in the spent of 3 months.
Yours Sincerely,
Don Natalie Pereira