~Chiara Send email
Mar 3, 2013
Dr Pankaj Naram
Leaving comments on blogs and internet sites like this is not something I usually do, but I can't keep silent when I see the words "fraud" and Dr Naram together. He is NOT a fraud. Fakes are easily recognized by their actions and do not last long. Dr Naram has been practicing for 30 years now, and improved the life of thousands of people, including mine.
I think I am one of the oldest patients of his commenting here, I met Dr Naram in 2003 and haven't stopped his protocol for ten years.
I am not from India, and didn't know anything about Ayurveda or Siddha-Veda when I met Dr Naram. At that time I was trying several natural therapies to help my baby son heal from eczema. One day a friend - to whom I will be grateful forever - recommended Dr Naram. There was virtually no information about him on the Internet in 2003! Probably if I had read anything negative I would have never trusted him, and would have missed the opportunity to experience healing from within.
The first time I saw Dr Naram, it felt strange to have a brief pulse reading consultation. But what was the result? My son got better in only a few months, and completely cured by when he was only 18 months old.
In ten years, I have used Dr. Naram's protocol for several disorders that affected my family, from pneumonia to irritable bowel syndrome, from ear infections to chronic fevers. Most recently his herbs have been so precious to support bone and nerve regeneration for my five-year-old daughter, following a serious injury and emergency surgery.
Dr Naram's advise and his herbal remedies have empowered me during the most important time in my life as a woman: pregnancy and childbirth.
I had only one child when I met Dr. Naram, now three.
For my second and third pregnancy I took his herbs regularly with amazing results. Infections disappeared (Group B streptococcus), previous pregnancy condition didn't recur (Single Umbilical Artery), I had no ailments and was blessed with easy, natural, drug-free births, one of them at home.
In total, I have breastfed my kids for 7 years (1.5 yrs, 2.5 yrs, and 3 years), using Dr. Naram immune system support supplements to cure 3 mastitis infections, and his Lactovita formula to improve the quantity and quality of breast-milk. As a woman and mother, the results I saw from the herbs I took before, during, and after my pregnancy meant so much to me.
I understand some people's concerns regarding cost; my hope for the future is that insurance companies will provide coverage. Personally, I manage to work around our prescriptions in several ways, and keep my budget: we sometimes take half dose, or limit the intake to just few remedies, and he often gives us home remedies (we can do on our own for free). And I know that the cost of still having the diseases (and their impact on our lives) in reality would have been so much higher than the cost of changing our diet and taking these herbs to see those problems go away - as well as helping us avoid other problems from even coming in the first place.
My three children, ages 10, 6, & 3.5 have never taken antibiotics and I haven't for ten years. This is NOT a coincidence, it is thanks to Dr Naram's continuous support.
Although it is an ancient science, I consider this herbal protocol a gift from God to myself and my family. In order to fully experience its benefits, I had to learn persistence, discipline and trust. It took time to see the results, but it was absolutely worth every cent and effort we patiently put into it.
It is a different approach - and ancient way of looking at health and healing that has lasted thousands of years because it works. It takes longer to see results, and you have to do more than just get a shot or take a pill - but there are no negative side-effects that we have seen, and the long-term benefits have been so incredible.
I went through a phase of doubt at some point, but it was short lived because results speak for themselves. I feel incredibly grateful to Dr Naram!
Amerie Landon Send email
Jan 14, 2013
My Visit to Dr. Fraud Naram at Hotel Pennsylvania
"We don't usually accept walk-ins. We'll see if we have a spot for you!" the "office manager" guy said rudely to one family as I was waiting in the reception room. Two minutes later, he had signed them up and they were right in line behind me! They are supposedly unbelievably busy- but everyone is accepted despite their fuss. That's because there's nothing behind all that fuss. I remember waiting for about 20 minutes outside Naram's room, thinking he was seeing a patient. There was a lot of laughing. "Must be a funny, jovial person" I thought. When I was called in, turns out he was with a staff member and they had just been fooling around for 20 minutes instead of seeing patients. Hmm.. real busy clinic, real busy.
Dr. Naram held my pulse- "You are a GOOD person. Such a good soul! You want to do so many things but your physical ailments are limiting you. I agreed emphatically." "Yes, yes that's exactly it!" I nodded. But think about it- that line could have been used on ANYONE coming into his clinic. After all, it takes great suffering to come to a place like that and be duped. Right? All of those people would have wanted great lives but their ailments are limiting them! He knows how to talk to sick people, people with disabilities, diseases to make them feel important and cared for within that 30 seconds he sees you for. He's good at mesmerizing and charming his way into people's hearts. When his assistant Lisa told me that he just takes your pulse and that's it, I was shocked. Is he God or what? I thought… I told her I've never heard of that before, and she stared intensely into my eyes and said "oh yes…" She didn't break her stare for a long while. It was uncomfortable but it seemed like she was trying an amateur version of hypnosis or the staring game LOL. The irony here is: these con men and con women know the truth about their lack of power to do anything but milk money out of people. They themselves know how worthless their so called healing is. If they don't even take their treatments and products seriously, why in the hell should we? It's kind of like Donald Trump selling his ties at Macy's that are made in China and Bangladesh, which he would never touch for himself, but wants to con people into buying them.
"Can you send in the next person in line?" His tone seemed to have changed. That sweet, warm, kind Dr. Naram sounded a bit distant, immediately detached. Almost like an assembly line. It was a little disturbing. That he could switch on and off like that. Then I went to Marionji, a woman who spoke with some Eastern European sounding accent and I felt she almost needed a crystal ball to complete her "I'm a scam artist" look. She took my pulse and spurt out script #4.1- and as I fed her information, she molded it back into her treatment- "Yes yes I knew all of that, this will cure all of it!" Wow she is good huh? Then she tells me as a young girl that I "might lose weight" if I took this one herb and asked if that would be a problem. Reverse psychology? Everyone knows that in the western, most women would love to lose 5-10 lbs. So she knew how to phrase it so that I would be the one spurting out "SCAM ME!"
After that, I proceeded to the "checkout counter" where this Indian woman proceeded to total up my medicines which totaled to somewhere around $1600 for 6 months. Wow, bravo. What I found more interesting is that while most people with proper boundaries, self respect, and a healthy sense of skepticism would have walked away from this step by step scam of such a large amount, the species of victim sitting in his office didn't. We all let our credit cards be charged while our intuitions were screaming "Don't do it!"
Here he was, sitting in one of the classic and expensive hotels of NYC, taking over almost half a floor of conference rooms for his "clinics", conning thousands of Indians and non-Indians into buying mystery drugs they don't need, and have the audacity to talk to people as if they are lower than them. This reminds me of a cult- once they have sucked you in, including your money, your soul, your pride, your identity, they will abuse you, and the victims take that abuse in effort to please the leader. Cults require you to get caught up in the time sensitive hype- if you buy now, you'll get the TOURIST'S SPECIAL! Well wow aren't I special? I was so special that I didn't even get time to think about making this very expensive decision! I think most people who go to Dr. Naram suffer from a two universal diseases: Gullibility and low self esteem. There, I diagnosed it without any pulse check. There's a certain pedigree of person who fits the perfect victim for scams, sociopaths, cults, etc. Provided that we are all scammed from time to time, some get scammed over and over. I can bet you anything that most of the "patients" in Dr. Naram's make believe clinic had been scammed many times before. They- the sociopaths, the cults, the con artists- ask you for unconditional belief- apparently unconditional devotion to their cause without questioning is part of their healing process. Well guess what, it's also part of the conning process into a cult or the conning process of a sociopath. Victims allow their boundaries to be invaded by such con artists and are more easily scammed than others. I notice that even when these people had red flags going through their mind, they go along and let these con artists charge them $1600 in one go while they shut their eyes as the credit card is being swiped. These are the kinds of consumers who are looking for a quick fix, filled by tall, extremely tall claims- and many of them even believe that by the act of simply paying for the cure, that the cure will be endowed upon them- whether they take the pills religiously or follow these diets religiously is another question.
When the herbs came, I refused the package and got a refund. It was like pulling teeth and I had to call those guys a few times every week because they kept claiming they had never received my package. Only when I threatened to file a dispute with my credit card company did they sit up and pay attention to my refund request. Of course I lost the consultation and shipping fees but at least I didn't lose all that amount from the herbs.
Rehana tasneem Send email
Oct 19, 2012
Dr.Naram is making thousands of dollars from every patient ,we paid him a lot for nothing .these so called herbel medicines ar nothing other then spices in your kitchen .i want IRS to look into this matter because in hotels rooms he is making millions of dollars and not paying a Penney in taxes. Please stop him to Make fool out of us .he is the biggest scam working in out country as well as other western nations.STOP Him .
Marianjii Send email
Apr 10, 2012
Dr Pankaj Naram
Dear Anonymous.
I personally contacted our office in New York since I am traveling right now in India.
We checked our records for the past 9 months, and we could not find any orders that came remotely close to the $10,000 amount that you suggested.
The amount of $6000 which you suggest was returned to you, is nowhere to be found on our books. Nor do we have any record of restocking charges in the shocking amount of $4,000 that you say.
It is unfortunate that all of our efforts to find your records and your family's records so we can contact you.
Now - Most important questions - what is your name?
When did you buy?
What is your phone number?
How can we communicate and understand you better?
User929202 Send email
Apr 9, 2012
Fake medicine
Pankaj Naram is the worst scam artist alive. I went to the pulse reading in NY and he didn't do anything. We wait in the waiting room for 3 hours then finally getting in. After, we go into the room and get out in 2 min. I was like WTF I paid him $120 for a ring from his guru and his pulse reading? He just told me that I had so many toxins so he started prescribing these medicines that were weird. Who wants a medicine called happy brain or whatever. I mean seriously. He needs to be better at scamming at least. Then he prescribed a medicine where you take 35 tablets everyday. I was like, okay if you take 35 tablets, you will kill yourself and cause liver damage.
So then I went to Marianji. She told me to bring everyone up so it saves time. We paid like $120 for ourselves. Not so your whole family comes up and talks together. She started talking nonsense. She told everybody that you have too many toxins in your body. Her statement: "I am not going to lie but you have too many deadly toxins in your body so I will prescribe you a medicine that takes out all toxins." I got so mad I was like why is there medicine for everything. I ask for a marma and she says, "There is none." But on the show next week, they show a marma for weight loss and toxins.
Now I finish with her and then we go to the counter. They add up the totals and they are like, for you, the total for 1 month is $400. I was like omg. They were like six months would be $1600 for 1 person. We had 6 people in our family. Some were like $1200 and $1300 and some were like $2300. So the total for my family for six months was nearly 10 grand. I was like OMFG THAT IS LIKE A TENTH OF MY SALARY IN A YEAR. Then she's like, this is just for 6 months and then you come back for another check. So I went for it and took the chance. Now we are waiting for the medicine. We finally get it after 10 days because of a so called disaster. So I took mine for a week and I got so sick. I felt like vommiting and I finally stopped the medicines. So I called them fora refund and they are like sorry we don't accept opened packages. I was like WTF? I spend freaking 10 grand on this crappy medicine and they answer my call after like 2 weeks of calling. Then they were like, we will open a case for you. They call me in 2 months and are like we will give you a refund. I get a credit for 6 grand!!! I got so mad. I called them again after a week of trying and they are like there are some restocking fees. 4 GRAND FOR RESTOCKING FEES!!!
For about $5, 000, I got 6 plastic rings from his so called blessings from his 148 year so called guru. He told me that his guru was 148 years old and this is his blessings-- a plastic metal looking ring that said om on it!!!
Total scam--don't buy from him
Not worth it-- 6 plastic rings for $5, 000 and his pulse test that took 30 seconds.
think about this-- I was looking and about 6/10 people bought the medicines. So average cost per person was like $1, 500. Now 6 times 1, 500=9, 000 for every 10 people. Now there is about 150 people there. So 60% times 150= 90 people. So 9, 000 times 9 = $81, 000 PER DAY. Average person makes about $60, 000 PER YEAR. NOW HOW MUCH SCAMMING CAN HE DO. HE IS WASTING MILLIONS OF PEOPLES MONEY. now 81, 000 * 365= $29, 565, 000 !!!1 HOLY MOLY----- Well of course costs and taxes and things. so lets take off 75% of it. So he makes an average of $7, 000, 000 every year by scamming poor and innocent customers all around the world. NOW STOP GIVING HIM MORE INCOME AND GO TO A REAL DOCTOR