Customer abuse
My husband and I decided to go with drive time as a first time buyer and because his credit was horrible and I at the time was still looking to establish mine. After deciding on a Pontiac G6 that had less than 75,000 miles on it, three weeks later and mind you before our first payment, on the highway, my car shuts down all together and a message on my dash states " engine failure maintenance needed." So my husband and I, while stuck on the side of the road, call drive time and are transferred to their insurance department who just so happens to be closed on the weekends. So we had to have the car towed to our house which cost us $150. On Monday we tried again, and asked for different vehicle. Drivetime said absolutely not and states they would have this one fixed. Drivetime offered to have it towed from our house to a repair shop at no cost to us except the deductible. Three months later the engine completely fails at a red light again, upon calling drivetime, they refused to have the car picked up and said that we had to have it towed to the repair place. So we did. They replaced our engine entirely. Upon picking it up, half way down the road I noticed my car smoking. I pulled over, lifted the hood and checked my oil. There was no oil in the new engine. After so I checked my receipt and saw that I was charged for new oil. I called the automotive shop and they insisted they did, but I quickly proved them wrong when I drove the car back. Another four months goes by and on my way to work the vehicle stops speeding up. Having it towed to the automotive repair shop again, they stated my fifth gear in my transmission completely blew and that they repaired it. Shortly after picking the vehicle up one more time , on October 31st, my vehicle sped up on its own causing me to rear end a truck. My car was finished. I had paid my insurance through drivetime approximately 5 days before the accident. My car was impounded. I called drivetime and they stated my insurance was canceled an they transferred me to their third party insurance department. He said my insurance was no longer valid and was canceled. I asked how that could be since I paid it days before. He said he didn't know. Each time I called I was either told my insurance didn't exist or it was late and canceled due to late payments or if I had made a claim yet. I made 3 claims. Finally I got I touch with Debra who was In charge of my claim and sent someone to appraise the vehicle to deem it a total loss. When they got there the vehicle was gone and the impound company said that drive time had repo paperwork on the vehicle an had already picked it up. I was only a month behind on my payments since I no longer had a vehicle and had to find someway to pay my bills since at the time my husband was laid off from his job. I had expressed that issue to the representative when I made my last payment. Pissed, I went to log on to my account on line and it stated my account did not exist and that no records with that social security number existed. I was not informed of the repo and was not informed that my account would have been shut down. Debra tried to track the repo company and came back with news that they lost paperwork on the vehicle and that they can't find it. My car was physically lost. We were told she would give us news if anything came up. We heard very little from her. When we tried to get back In touch with her, the claims department had no idea who we were talking about and said she couldnt find our claim. Drive time hit our credit with a repo and failure to make payments...
We are done at this point.