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E. Sally Rogers, Boston University

United States

Consumer complaints and reviews about E. Sally Rogers, Boston University

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Jan 14, 2017

Erna Sally Rogers

E. Sally Rogers from Boston University psych-department, had a former name of Erna Sally Davis. Her criminal records can be tracked under that name.

Marie Mesidor
NIDRR review Send email
Jun 13, 2014

scam and crime

I agree with the reviews about these coin artists, Erna Sally Rogers (former Sally Davis) and Zlatka Russinova from a small social survey center, they name it "Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation" at Boston University. It was on this site:

Starting from Boston University (BU). Apparently, BU has no rank and no reputation, and currently it is number 47 in the list of top 100 Universities. See There are many other sites, indicative that BU is not even included in the first 100. That said, "researchers" from BU simply cannot set up "national standards," like they announce themselves about themselves. BU is and never will be Princeton, MIT, Columbia, Yale, or Stanford.

Next: this particular center (CPR) at BU is NOT a scientific research center. It is just a survey center, and no one understands what they really do and why they are being paid, as today, every teenager can run a survey online (better than theirs), and for no cost. Further, no on evaluates how this two coin artists come-up with their "scales" and standards, where they have tested them, and how?

I do not know about the criminal history of these two (Sally E. Rogers and bulgarian Zlatka Russinova), but I assume there must be something that irritates people that much.... A for their "credentials" let me give a broader perspective. Today, while the medical schools increase their tuition and the enrolled students are in worse havoc from their tuition loans and other study expenses, sociologist and psychologists (like these two), emerged from schools with 8-10 time less tuition than that in any medical school try to ALIGN themselves in the network of medical doctors. E. Sally Rogers came from Temple University, PA; and Zlatka Russinova from Un. of Sofia, Bulgaria. This is not only OUTRAGEOUS, but also a CRIME, if you will.

How can a socio-psychologist compare herself to a USMLE-passed and licensed medical doctor? These two are weak even in their own pathetic field. Have you seen their "publications?" Who gave them such a freedom to write anywishy-washy thing they want, without appropriate testing of the fallacy and credibility of their "research?"

How it is possible, that the ones "who set up national standards for psycho evaluation" are not being evaluated from the upper agencies for their credentials to set up standards, at least once in 10 years? is the USA a banana-republic already?

Also, 99% of their publications are in their own journal, called Journal of Psychiatric rehabilitation, thus their works do not go for a peer review. It is like an indie publishing, and even less. More importantly, for this profane level in "research" they get paid full time!!! They appear to the work place (BU) 4 days a week, and from 11:00 am to3:00 pm and get paid! Meantime, there are millions of healthy and strong minds unemployed only because criminals like these tow have occupied places and mingle with their jobs, and instead of working, gather in the kitchen to gossip and to "set-up strategies" on how crash others` lives. I learned they had been ridiculed some years ago for a conspiracy and embezzlement of funds and yet, got no punishment and even the BUPD was corrupted for their convenience. This must be no longer allowed!

Out of the blue: My child has studied in public schools in both in MA and in other states. The demands of MA are too low, their curricula is too trivial compared to other states.

THIS IS A CALL to call E. Sally Rogers and Zlatka Russinova to the agencies upper than their corrupted NIDRR or SAMHSA and evaluate these two whether they are even appropriate for a DATA ENTRY LEVEL!

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