Returning a child to soon
Brennan Vanderheide. Spn 00673211. Cbc 13-01357 draw-08, Eckerd is planning on returning my grandson to his mother, Melody Vanderheide without her proving stability outside of rehab. She was still in Par rehab when this was granted to her. Yes the judge saw nothing but excellent reviews,on her but she was still at Par and just got,an apartment a few weeks ago. The onetime she had freedom in a Par transition house she did cocaine this was January 2017. The drug court sent her back to Par. Eckerd said it was a bump in the road doing cocaine. Really this should have been a red flag they failed to address.
A little history. Brennan was given to me the first time when he was two. He was found a mile away from home 330 in the morning. Eckerd closed the first case why to soon. In a few months she lost her apartment her job and was back on serious drugs. Brennan was given to each second time Now Eckerd is making the same mistake again. Why can't they wait a few months to let her get established before they return her son. He is due to be returned June 16,2017. This is so important can you look into this and put some sense into Eckerd. I have talked to Shawn the manager and a Jessica Tavares supervisor but they seem more concerned with the mother..aren't they for the child. Another unfair situation is case manager Shawn Thorpe sent my daughter, Susan Anderson paperwork for permanent guardianship which she signed and sent back. They were going for this in court April 7,2017. The mothers attorney filed for reunification and postponed until April 17,2017. Then all involved switched positions. This just seems so wrong.....
Time is important please look into this as soon as you can. Thank you,
Judy Nielsen, a concerned grandmother