I have decided to register to Etisalat daily Silver Plan for couple of days, This have been renewed every day, Ok no problem I said
In the text message Etisalat have sent us when renewing, it states as follow:
Dear customer, your Non-stop Silver has been renewed successfully, and AED 5 has been deducted from your account balance. You have 100MB of local data @ 400kbps, valid for 24 hours, after that your usage will continue for free @64Kbps. To unsubscribe from this plan and use out of bundle data, send C DP5 or CDP5 to 1012 and it will be removed immediately. Your Plan will be renewed automatically every 24 hours. To check your plan details, dial *170*1#.
عزيزي المشترك، لقد تم بنجاح تجديد باقة
Non-stop Silver
الخاصة بك كما تم خصم 5 درهم من رصيد حسابك. يتوفر لديك الآن
100 MB
من البيانات المحلية و بسرعة
صالحة لمدة 24 ساعة حيث سيتواصل استخدامك بعدها مجاناً وبسرعة
لإلغاء اشتراكك في هذه الباقة ولاستخدام البيانات الاضافية خارج نطاق الباقة، ارسل
C DP3 أو CDP3
إلى 1012
وسيتم حذفها فوراً. سيتم تجديد باقتك تلقائياً كل 24 ساعة. للتحقق من معلومات باقتك، اطلب *170*1
Since Friday and until today I have been sending a text message to 1012 to cancel my subscription (CDP3) as mentioned In Arabic (Because im an Arabic speaker) and I am not getting any cancellation message and every day its being renewed again and taking from my credit.
After I finally called the call centre I have checked the English version and its mentioned CDP5 and not CDP3 like the Arabic
This is rip off and to be honest not fair to your poor customers.
I cant help but wonder, why wasn't this verified already by the IT or the person responsible in Etisalat before making your poor customers pay ?!!
Obviously the lady from the call centre cancelled my plan and said : Oh im sorry madam we don't have any text message from or to etisalat registered in our system !! You will see in the attached docs that I am obviously not hallucinating!!
Just one more angry customer !
Lubna Elhassan