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Everpet Basics (dollar general brand) Dog food
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about Everpet Basics (dollar general brand) Dog food
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Jan 10, 2018
Everpet Extra strength heavy duty tie out cable
I purchased this tie out cable for my treeing walker coonhound so she would be safe while we had our dogs out to do their bussiness. I picked this one because it said it was for a dog up to 125 pounds . My Daisey only weighed 52 lbs . The cable was only 2 weeks old . On december 29 around 8:20 my husband put our daisey on her cable lead and had our 2 beagles in the yard . Daisey jumped and the cable broke . She was dragging about all of the cable behind her as she ran . My husband and i were both trying to get her . Being dark she was scared and running . I got to her and she was off a busy road but the end of the steel cable was on the road when a truck hit it causing the cable to wrap around her leg and tearing into the flesh and tearing the muscle, skin , and tendons from the bone . We rushed her to the emergency vet hospital but she could not be saved . She was only 4 years old . I feel this should never have happened because the package clearly stated it was for a dog up to 125 pounds and daisey only weighed 52 . Something with this steel cable is not right . I would appreciate it if someone would contact me in this matter . I lost a pure bred dog because a steel cable broke. I will send a photo of the cable as soon as I hear from someone on this .
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Nov 29, 2017
Ever Pet premium dog food
I bought a 15 pound bag of this dog food and there is maggots in the bag.
I have been feeding this to both of my dogs.
This needs to be pulled off the shelves.
Stephanie White
[email protected]
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Nov 9, 2017
Sick puppy
I just started feeding my puppy this everpet puppy chow last night and hes already thrown up 7 times!!!! They better watch out before they get sued....
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Apr 26, 2017
EverPet Caused My Dog to Act Out
Ok, I admit, that title sucks, but this complaint is very real. I used to get EverPet at Dollar General until I noticed major changes in my dog. He became ravenously hungry, even grabbing bags and attempting to eat them only an hour or two after eating a bowl full of food. He became aggressive and even a bit paranoid. He became unquenchably thirsty and lost 20 pounds. My dog has never once acted out, even as a puppy. He's always been well-behaved and knows right from wrong and he's always had a healthy weight. I switched him from EverPet to Ol' Roy and within two days he was back to normal. He's acting like his normal self and I'm hoping that he can get back to his normal weight. DO NOT BUY EVERPET.
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Feb 18, 2017
unexplained death of dog
We miss our Miss Jane my dad purchased Ever Pet Dog food from Dollar General in Mullens Wv she was fine until she ate this food she was playful and after a couple of day she started puking and wouldnt eat or drink everytime she tried to drink she would puke up yellow green stuff and on the 3rd day of her being sick poor jane died, its a very funny thing I have read most of the stories on here from very different parts from the U.S. and miss Jane done the exact same thing huh! U should STOP making this dog food it smells nasty and looks like cardboard! How could u keep making this seeing that it has killed many of dogs from all over the world our dogs might not mean anything to u but we do love our animals you have to be curl to keep making this and not care fkr animals just ur money its very funny u dont reply back so this proves that u r position dogs u should be put in prison for cruelty do animals we watch our beloved jane die slowy and painfuly she deserved to live a longer life I WILL MAKE SURE THAT PPL WILL KNOW NOT TO PURCHASE UR DOGFOOD AND HOPEFULLY U WILL GO BROKE! U posioned our dog and u still continue to make it! U can email me back to explain ur answers
[email protected]
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Feb 8, 2017
EverPet Premium Dog food
EverPet Premium Dog food nearly killed our two dogs. Our 2 year old Chihuahua, and his 8 month old son became very ill after consuming this dog food. Vomitting, tremors, lethargy, loss of appetite. The vet said they would be dead within 72 hours, but thank God, they pulled through and will come home tomorrow. Why do y'all continue to sell this poisonous brand knowing what it's doing. Just by the complaints on this board alone is enough to make y'all do away with it. I expect a reply to me
[email protected]
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Feb 6, 2017
Cobb webbs in the dog food
I open the bag it was cover with cobb Webb, i rather pay a few dollars more for my dog to better food than this crap food.
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Jan 2, 2017
Everpet beefy tips dog treats
My dog got sick off of your dog treat. She was vomiting, diarrhea, extremely thirst, and tiredness. I would like for someone to contact me. At
[email protected]
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Nov 30, 2016
I had two very healthy pit bulls that I kept in Science diet Lamb & Rice. When I ran out the other day I asked one of my sons to go get some dog food and he came back with EVERPET. Within a day both dogs were throwing up and dehydrated & I could see that they were throwing up that cheap dog food. Being Thanksgiving weekend no vets were open & even if one was my dog died so fast we never could have gotten her there in time. The other pit lost a lot of weight very fast but could hold down the canned Science Diet and drank lots of water, he has recovered. WHY IS THIS DOG FOOD STILL ON THE MARKET??! WITH SO MANY THOUSANDS OF COMPLAINTS GOING BACK SEVERAL YEARS ITS CLEAR THIS FOOD IS POISONING DOGS AND CARS TOO. KILLING THEM!! My family is beside ourselves, this has been a needless tragedy that happened to a much beloved dog. BUT JUST LET THEM KEEP ON SELLING IT BECAUSE THE BOTTOM LINE IS ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY!!!
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May 2, 2016
Everpet dog food
We for a third timebecause of convience purchased everpet dog food at our local Dollar General. We really had no choice due to the fact they do not keep their shelves stocked and there was nothing to do choose from we have an otherwise happy well rounded female Weimaraner. Upon eating the food Bella became violently ill......she vomited until she could not!!!!!!!!! Do not buy this product!!!!! If this happens with you pet take two eggs, preferably fresh, not store bought scramble place one piece of bread and feed follow for a couple of days add one teaspoon of Apple cidervinegar to their water Dailey for three days. This will neutralize any poisons. This food has a poison in it or your pet would not react this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jul 27, 2015
My 11 year old at Rat Terrier usually eats A different brand of dog food and when I went to Dollar General for Convenience of location they had none of that product so I bought EverPet Kibbles with Bites Dog Food. My dog has been up all night vomiting and shaking and lethargic. One other time I bough this food and she vomited for days. I thought it was coincidence. But now I know I was wrong. It's the brand. If my dog dies, believe me, there will be a lawsuit.
Pet Owner
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Feb 5, 2015
Everpet Dog Food from Dollar General
UPC Code of Dog Food, Everpet, purchased from Dollar General # 70155 14206, Pittsburgh, PA. I purchased Everpet dog food from Dollar General, (convenient to my home), on January 26, 2015. I have a 2 year old (approximate) pit bull which my husband and I got as a rescue at 9:30pm, 0 degree weather, over a year ago. My Husband and I have literally nursed him back to health from a mere emaciated 40 lbs. when we got him, to a healthy 80 lbs. When we got Beau we made an appointment for the vet and immediately got him vaccinated, whatever he needed. He is a perfect family member. Well mannered and loving. We are very regimented with his daily love and care. I had been feeding him Pedigree (which I no longer will, to be explained). Because of the ice weather, I had not been able to get to the store where I normally shop. Food almost depleted, I went to Dollar General, convenient to my home. TheIr shelves of dog food were void of Pedigree Dog Food. I saw this other Dog Food, Everpet. I read the packaging. Labeled on the bag is printed, "Compare to Pedigree, a Mars Incorporated Company". Everpet Dog Food, distributed by Mars Incorporated. Pedigree and Everpet are both distributed by Mars. Hmmmm??? The first evening we fed Beau Everpet, he ate the food (27th). He would not eat it the following evening. My husband and I jazzed it up with broth and meat which did interest him, however he did not finish the food (28th). Discarded food. 29th the same. 30th the same. 2:00 pm on the 31st of January, Beau had a Gran Mal seizure!!!! He seized for about 1.5 minutes. Muscles of legs uncontrollable, head arched back, uncontrollable urination, gagging, foaming at the mouth, eyes rolled back in head. Then nothing! I thought he had died. Calling out his name he came to, only to get up and he couldn't stand. No strength in his legs. He feel to the floor on his belly with all four legs splayed out. Slightly still seizing. Then he started to growl at me. He didn't recognize me. His eyes looked different, unfocused. My husband was on his way home. In the meantime, the vet was called. I seaparated myself from Beau since I didn't know what he might do. 10 minutes later my husband arrived. Beau was still out of sorts. After about 5 minutes, he started to recognize us. He was whining a little. He started to drink large amount of water. He then vomitted. All these symptoms coincide with Gran Mal Seizures. Especially the blacking out. The only thing different in Beau's world was Everpet dog food. It has been thrown away. I will never purchase any pet food from Dollar General, primarily EVERPET. Fortunately, from the research I have done, he did not die. His appointment at the vet. Blood drawn. No heart, liver or kidney issues. It is recorded at vet on Beau's chart, he ate Everpet dog food. An otherwise extremely healthy dog with an excellent appetite has a seizure after being fed Everpet dog food. Over those period of days, he probably consumed 6 cups as we were having to give him food from our plates to make sure he was eating. Not a lot of food to almost have killed him.
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Dec 18, 2014
everpet dog food and cat food
i have 2 doges and 2 cats i feed them your dog and cat food from the dollar general store and was told you r giving refunds for your dog food your ever pet is all over facebook about it killing dogs so i feed my furry little friends your product and my cat keeps puking
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Mar 13, 2014
Four pups dead in rural Pennsylvania, believed to be linked to EverPet
Two days ago, a very good friend of mine was forced to bury BOTH of her beloved pups. Both were less than three years old and were fed EverPet Kibbles and Bits style food for a few days prior.
Upon hearing the news, of course, I was quite upset as I loved her boys as well. In an effort to help her feel better, we spoke about what happened leading up to the sudden demise of BOTH boys within hours of each other. She advised her Pitt Bull mix, Bentley, had passed while we were at work and was found when she came home. Of course, this was extremely devastating to her and her Rottweiler mix, Nekio. After tending to all that was needed for poor Bentley, she bathed Nekio as he had gone to lie with his brother to protect him until their mom got home and was in need of a cleaning. After the bath, Nekio began to have a seizure. He would seize and then stop and then it would start all over. This went on for HOURS. My poor friend, watching her boy hurt and unable to do anything for him.
When I heard this, it brought the stories of two other pups I knew personally who had passed in the same manner since Christmas of 2013. I made phone calls inquiring about the deaths of the other two pups and we have deduced ALL four dogs at EverPet Kibbles and Bits style food. ALL FOUR!
Four different dogs, from three different towns, three different owners, three different vets; eating the same kind of food (purchased at three different Dollar General stores in DuBois, PA; Brockway, PA, and Punxsutawney, PA), having the same symptoms (fine one minute and violent seizures the next. Seizures which were so violent, they all ended with the same result. Death of their family.
I don't believe this to be a coincidence and I would like to know HOW this horrid product is still available to consumers? I want to know WHY Dollar General continues to sell this product? You are KILLING animals!
These pups were NOT statistics. They had names:
Brat -- Owned by my teenage niece who loved him with all her heart. A 2 1/2 year old Pug with no previous health problems.
Abby -- An 8 month old Lab mix owned by her loving TWO YEAR OLD master who misses her very much. Also, with NO PREVIOUS HEALTH ISSUES.
Bentley -- An almost 3 year old Pitt Bull mix owned by one of my best friends and loved dearly. No previous health problems.
Nekio -- An almost 3 year old Rottweiler mix owned by the same friend. No previous health problems and died within two hours of his beloved brother, Bentley.
I would hope SOMEONE has the DECENCY to answer me and provide an explanation. No words can return these beautiful animals to their owners, but some ACTION on the part of the company could prevent other pet owners from losing their four legged friends.
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Mar 10, 2013
dog food everpet
yes i have a conplaint on ever pet dog food i had two dogs that die from this dog food they were both very healthy till i statered feeding them this food my other yorkie which i love very much got sick so i got on the computer to look it up,people with sick dogs from this dog please read this for one day give your dog water only water then next day cooked chichen and rice then next day start the dog on good dog food i put my dog on come and get it
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Apr 3, 2012
death of pet due to food
We recently purchased the Everpet brand dogfood for our dog, who up to that point was happy and healthy. We began to feed it to our dog and within just a few days he began to get very sick. He got so sick that the following morning when we woke up we found him dead with several spots of blood, as well as him bleeding from his mouth. The vet said, without doing expensive test to be fore sure, that bleeding from the mouth is typically caused by either an organ shutdown or by poisoning, but that she would lean towards poisoning seeing how the dog was healthy. We are currently in the process of having the food tested but are also contacting the company for some results in releaving the situation. It looks like their food is poisoning ALOT of people's pets and something needs to be done about it.
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Apr 3, 2012
death of pet due to food
I am sorry to hear about your little one. I lost mine last year due to the everpet dry food and just hope to get the word out so others dont have to go through loosing a loved pet. If there is anything I can do to help let me know.
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