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Freman Gilmmoof 2840 MCCORMICK DR of Lancaster, Texas re

United States,

Consumer complaints and reviews about Freman Gilmmoof 2840 MCCORMICK DR of Lancaster, Texas re

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Feb 12, 2018


Why will somebody with a history of stealing, want to commit another attempt at stealing again? Knowing very well, they were caught the first time. Matter of fact, this is the third time, this person has been caught stealing business information by hacking an email account.

Drug dealer Freman Gilmore of Dallas, Texas is part of a drug ring led by Dr. Kevin Cowan. The ring has successfully swindled money from an elderly lady's estate and her son's business. Most recently, Gilmore was working with the infamous Robert Smith-Janice Tate and others by hacking email of wealthy people by stealing valuable information and making the accounts their own -- sometimes using the name of the original broker.

Moreover, they will go as far as changing the password or closing the email account and reopen another account in their name. Gilmore is deceitful. He is a con-artist and a crook, there is not a honest bone in his little body. Sources claimed he is an informant to law enforcement operations. Several hundreds of drug users and dealers are dead or missing because of Gilmore's gullible distrust.

Gilmore once owned drug houses where marijuana and cocaine was purchased. Some sources said he continues to own drug and"whore" houses by working with Michael Granger.

But how did Gilmore get started, concerning his humble beginnings in West Dallas? Gilmore lived off of Angelia Bell by calling her his wife from 1981 to 1990; and she complied; she was merely a slave to him. She would empty her pockets to appease him because he threatened to kill her mother. He forced her to buy him clothes, give him money to buy a car and several houses. He also forced her to adopt his last name and live with him for 11 years. Meanwhile, Angelia Bell worked for a major nursing home for 13 years and established a countywide program for senior citizens for local community centers.

Gilmore's daughter, Jessica Gilmore, is not the biological daughter of Angelia Bell. It is common knowledge that Jessica is a daughter to another woman. However, Jessica is a co-partner in Gilmore's scheme to undermine Angelia Bell and her family. Jessica and father both are involved in abductions, gang rapes and killings. She also assisted him in tapping bank accounts of other people, making million of dollars.

By calling himself family to the Bell family, Freman Gilmore believes, he is entitled to a hefty part of the estate inherited by Angelia G Bell's mother, although she divorced him in 1990. The estate was effective in 1996 when Angelia Bell's mother inherited the money as a private duty nurse from a patient.

In early 2000, he forged a Power of Attorney in Dallas County that has since been revoked where he claimed millions of dollars. Prior to that, he held Angelia's mother hostage for a long time. To this day, family is not convinced he released the real mother. They believe they have another woman disguised as Mrs. Ruth Bell.

Gilmore, Jessica, Freddy Gilmore, Lizzie Gilmore, Mann Gilmore and Robert Gilmore, all stand accused in Federal court (Muskogee, Oklahoma) of murders, attempted murders, abductions, assault, extortion and bribery -- case is pending.

We beg of you not to do business with this type. They can get you in trouble.

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