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Genita M. Mason / SCAM

United States,

Consumer complaints and reviews about Genita M. Mason / SCAM

1234 Send email
May 29, 2019

Genita M. Mason SCAM

Genita M. Mason
(aka Genita Mason or Genita Petralli) =

One "award", from an organization registered in the gambling city of Las Vegas, certainly does not make you a "qualified" doctor or naturopath.
Your other so-called "award" was given to you in 2010 by the Scientologists (cult group).
You conveniently (or should I say cleverly/cunningly ?) do not mention on any of your websites that the Scientologists gave you this award.
Bad for your business scams, huh ?
The question remains = why don't you list all of your university degrees here & on your various websites if you are such a
medical "professional" ?
Hmmm...let me pass you this big virtual shovel so you can keep digging yourself into a bigger hole...
1234 Send email
Mar 7, 2019

Genita M. Mason/ SCAM Artist

This lady is not a qualified doctor or homeopath. She has no degrees. Make sure to ask her to provide proof if she tries to say she is "trained". She has scammed thousands of dollars from past patients ($5, 000 to $30, 000) and is linked to the Scientology cult (they even gave her an award). She will ask you to wire the money so there is no proof of paid services if you want to sue her. Plus, she operates out of places like Costa Rica and Mexico where she can not be sued as she is not on United States territory. Google her name: Genita Mason or Genita Petralli- she changes her name to avoid being detected for past crimes. You will see a list of complaints. Anyone can wear a white lab coat to look official. Many have tried to sue her but she only posts a toll-free-number which is another red flag that it is a scam.
1234 Send email
Mar 7, 2019

Genita M. Mason/ SCAM Artist

This detox program is run by Genita Mason (she used to go by the name of Genita Petralli but changed her last name as complaints were filed against her) and it put several patients at HIGH risk in 2010 and 2018.
It is a poorly run program that claims to be a "holistic detox" spa center. She has now relocated her scam in California and Mexico.
Prior to this report, she tried to open a detox center in Costa Rica.
In fact, Genita Mason/Petralli's illegal activities were reported to the US Embassy in Costa Rica, the Better Business Bureau, and the District Attorney's Office.
NOTICE: She has NO medical degrees. She will not be able to name any college or training facility to prove her medical background. There is a reason she is unable to provide any kind of diplomas or certificates nor does she ever post this information on her website.
In her photos and on YouTube videos she will often wear a white lab coat to "look official".
(Anyone can buy a lab coat!)
She never provides a direct phone number or address: only a toll-free-number and will most likely ask that you "wire" her the payments because it can not traced. These are all classic red flags of how scams operate.

Patients have LOST anywhere from $5, 000 to over $30, 000 for their "holistic" detox program" and never got even a partial refund
when the program failed.
She is now operating from Mexico (just like in Costa Rica- she can operate from there illegally plus avoid being sued as she is not on United States land).

***Mason/Petralli was ironically awarded a "Human Rights Award" by the CCHR Scientology group (Scientology-based "mental health human rights watch dog organization) in February 2010 while violating her own patients' human rights!
There are SAFER, easier and less costly ways to detox.
***1) Always RESEARCH a detox place thoroughly (Google, Facebook, Yahoo are your friends!)
***Some Internet Source(s):
1) (Google: Genita Petralli, Nutritional Detox Facility Gets Walloped)
2) Google: Genita, Lucrative Biz Proposal (need property) re: "Green" Spa & Holistic Medical Clinic in Costa Rica /
***Note the target audience, date written and money proposed. She opened weeks later in February 2010. It is no wonder it was totally disorganized.
3) Green Mental Health and Alternatives101 are also part of her scam.

We have hired lawyers to sue her but it has been difficult to locate her.

PLEASE NOTE: Genita Mason/Petralli has posted on here that she has lawyers that will sue for libel if past patients post the truth about her scam. Several of us are still waiting for her lawyers to contact us as we would love to get a fair trial in court and get a refund. The fact that no lawyers have contacted any of us shows how she will resort to fake statements to make herself look credible.
Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. Send email
Apr 9, 2018

Rebuttal To Mina Jain (above)

I am Genita Petralli, the Medical Director of Shangri-La BioSpa when Mina Jain was there. Her accusations are entirely false and slanderous.

To summarize:

After the initial four weeks Mina was there, she was progressing so well that her father extended her stay. Right after he did that, she decided she didn’t want to stay any longer and decided to discontinue both her medications and the holistic support services we were providing her. She signed a sworn statement that she refused ALL treatment, including that of her doctor. We immediately got on the phone with her father to have him come to Costa Rica and pick her up and he could not due to work obligations. While we were trying to figure out the best course of action as her condition was deteriorating quickly she chased my chef around the kitchen with a knife threatening to kill her. It was at that time that we asked her to stay in her room and we would help her get home. The nurse stayed with her, however, we did have to confine her to her room but the nurse brought her her food and tried to get her to take her medication. We decided to have one of our comfort and care assistants escort her back to the states where her father could meet her at the airport. At the Costa Rican airport she pretended her hand was a gun and started saying “Pow Pow” and pointing to the Airport Police. They of course detained her and would not let her fly. We brought her back to Shangri-La, confined her to her room with the nurse while we discussed the situation with her father trying to figure out a solution. While this was in course, she began threatening the nurse so we had to station the nurse outside her window. Mina became extremely violent, tearing towel racks from the wall and trying to rip the sink out from the wall. She then became a threat to others and herself and by the standards of care I had to call the ambulance and get medical intervention. Mina was delusional for weeks thereafter. My staff went to the hospital to check on her and even drove her father around, helping him migrate through the process of getting her released to go home.

Mina has absolutely no recollection of this period. I have statements from my staff and a signed statement from her that she refused to take her medication and refused our services. We acted quickly, keeping the staff and her from harm – all this happened in the course of two days after refusing to take her medication; she had to be taken to a hospital that was staffed and equipped to stabilize her and calm her down for the safety of all.

Her statements are slanderous and she is using your site only to try and hurt the reputation of our health spa. I am asking that you remove these false statements. We have just learned about them and are having our lawyer contact her regarding being liable for damages.

The only comment that is truthful in her statement is that I did have an employee that was family. He provided first tier support in helping people make sure they made their appts. Etc… he was not in any position of patient care or responsibility. He worked mostly as a handyman and went on their excursions with them to monitor them.

As you can see she is not paying much attention to correct details. She claims that I opened just weeks after posting an ad for positions at the spa. You can see from the date of the post that I opened one year and a few weeks later in feb of 2010.

Also please note that she returns to vote on her own post.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

If any one of our other clients were a loved one of yours, you would have wanted her out of the common areas running around with a butcher knife, threatening people. The other clients did not need to endure her demeanor and violence. They come to us for a vibrant, peaceful and caring place to ensure the best environment for a healing event. It is a health spa, not a psych ward and one people begin to demonstrate that they are a threat to others AND themselves it is time to get them into a safe and appropriately staffed environment.

This could have all been avoided if the family came out when we called to get her.

We have repeatedly asked Mina for her address so that we could bring this to court for slander and she refuses to comply with our request. This should shed some light on the lack of credibility her statements hold. So instead of participating in a fair hearing between us she instead uses websites that allow slanderous statements for ranking to unleash her very misdirected and sick anger. She continues to take down the same complaint we offer comment on to defend our organization that has helped thousands of people and resubmit her slanderous comments without our rebuttal. Our lawyers are taking the legal process to find her location so she can be served.
1234 Send email
Feb 19, 2016

Genita M. Mason/ SCAM Artist

This detox program is run by Genita Mason (she used to go by the name of Genita Petralli but changed her last name as complaints were filed against her) and it put several patients at HIGH risk in 2010.
It is a poorly run program that claims to be a "holistic detox" spa center. She has now relocated her scam in California.
Prior to this report, she tried to open a detox center in Costa Rica.
In fact, Petralli's illegal activities were reported to the US Embassy in Costa Rica, the Better Business Bureau, and the District Attorney's Office.
Genita Petralli claims that she is against the psych industry but it is a well-known FACT that she locked a patient in their room (after the 4th week) for 2 days with no food when Mason/Petralli's detox program did not work. Then Mason/Petralli threw that patient in a psych ward!! Another patient left after 2 weeks after deterioationg rapidly instead of improving.
Yet another patient quit after 5 weeks and one patient eventually decided to go to a psych ward and then fly home. They all paid from $15, 000 to over $22, 000 for their 4 to 5 week "holistic" detox program" and never got a refund.
She is now opening a clinic in Malibu in January 2011 and in Costa Rica.
In 2010 she had NO professionally trained day staff to pass out important supplements, amino acids, and vitamins (she used a 20 year old family member for that job!) and no night nurse. Sleepless or distraught patients where left to fend for themselves and rely on each other. Meanwhile, Mason/Petralli spent most of her days and nights locked in her bedroom in front of her computer (stating she only handled the "science part" !! ) when she was clearly the Medical Director.
***Mason/Petralli was ironically awarded a "Human Rights Award" by the CCHR Scientology group (Scientology-based "mental health human rights watch dog organization) in February 2010 while violating her own patients' human rights!
There are SAFER, easier and less costly ways to detox.
***1) Always RESEARCH a detox place thoroughly (Google, Facebook, Yahoo are your friends!)
***Some Internet Source(s):
1) (Google: Genita Petralli, Nutritional Detox Facility Gets Walloped)
2) Google: Genita, Lucrative Biz Proposal (need property) re: "Green" Spa & Holistic Medical Clinic in Costa Rica /
***Note the target audience, date written and money proposed. She opened weeks later in February 2010. It is no wonder it was totally disorganized.
3) Green Mental Health and Alternatives101 are also part of her scam.

If we had known about this we would have NEVER accepted such mistreatment and gross misconduct.

UPDATE: Genita Mason/Petralli's illegal activities were reported to the US Embassy in Costa Rica, the Better Business Bureau, and the District Attorney's Office.
PLEASE NOTE that Mason/Petralli will use threats and lies to discourage her past patients/clients from revealing her unprofessional methods.

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