I would like to make a complain for non pick up of parcel.
I am a online seller.
Account on poslaju: 8800503958
Company name: Ghoo global trading
Date: 22 and 24 January 2018
This is not the first time they ignore their job, we having lot of trouble for contacting them, on 24/01/2018 we call almost 100 times to the supervisor, they just ignore the call. We forcefully need to carry 45 parcel to poslaju ,and guess what, the reason they give is not enough staff, staff on leave. I am speechless.
What if the few staff die in flood. Is the whole poslaju Penang going to shut down.
We are really frustrated on the service. If there is a choice we definately not going to use poslaju, but due to some reason we are forcefully to use their SERVICE.!!
Attach here is a snap shot of the phone call that I made to poslaju supervisor on 24/01/2018