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Disgusted with Strahan
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Nov 17, 2023
Michael Strahan
What were you thinking by adding Michael Strahan, the only thing he seems to understand is sports-and best it's only HIS OPINION. To think uou pay him the salary he obtsins is ridiculously poor judgement. Ill be changing mirning news shows because i cannot stomach watching and listening to him any longer. His not able to even speak clearly. His lisp is so severe that he can't even pronounce words correctly. If he had to day a sentence that has many S's in it, he sputters, lisps, and speaks so incorrectly that he can't be understood. Now we can move forward to little Georgie who is flat, dry humored, and a bit of a bully who us hugely biased and we all clearly hear how much of a Trump hater he is. I don't care to hear his opinions nor his jabs. He's to report the unbiased news, not an open forum for him to verbalize his temper tantrum on a stage behind a microphone. Then Robin... she has a heart and is a cancer survivor but she is also biased as well as always on some trip only to return to yet share her trip and her opinions.... what has happened to this show???? Is to be about real world news NOT their options or their personal versions if telling it, and once again, GET SPUTTERING LISPING MICHAEL OFF THE SHOW...his lack of speech is the comparable lack verbal version to Mr Magoo's inability of sight.
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Mar 19, 2022
Judging by the comments on this board, GMA needs to attract more viewers who are not sitting at home retired, unemployed or rich folks living off an inheritance, pro-Trump types. GMA is doing a good job with having a diverse set of hosts but the content of the show is silly and shallow. I hope the producers don’t back down from covering tough topics due to push back from people who bristle whenever issues concerning people of color are discussed.
Nancy Drew
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Nov 20, 2020
Treason covering up election fraud
Why does Asian Company have a license to broadcast in the USA?
You are just crashing US economy faster which will crash yours.
China paid Africans to help ISIS/BLM and takeover drug dealing.
Drug mules have increased 3x just on my street alone in Des Moines.
Noone busts them. corruption hides the problem because people get kickbacks/are in on it.
New Kum and Go went up
My husband saw Africans chase Americanized black into the new Kum & Go. Car went through back window. Noone knows it was all drug related.
Our cities will become quickly unlivable at this rate.
Look up DEA website this area only mentions bust prescription drugs.
GMA is for all this?, but why?
You want to work for China?
First of all Americans will be enslaved.
Travel can be denied to those planning to leave the country.
I doubt China will keep traitors
Ok I looked it up this is an Asian company.
Why does Asia have a license to broadcast in the USA?
You guys are behind all this.
It won't work out for anyone.
Trump is good for the economy. Biden is toast, Harris will takeover and will make a mess for all of us.
CovidAI ?
Testing is microchipping or something evil it is making it worse for us all.
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Aug 12, 2020
Is there a special reason why your broadcasters INSIDE the building are NOT wearing a mask??
Also your reporters in the field very seldom wear a mask. Very disappointing as I watch people walk right by them with masks on.
Let’s practice what EVERYONE should be doing. WEAR A MASK!! Dr Fauci states that indoors you should ALWAYS be wearing a mask even 6 feet away!!
Have your broadcasters do what everyone should be doing. They are no different!!!
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Aug 12, 2020
Wear a mask
Why do your GMA broadcasters do not wear a mask?? They are in a building and barely 6 feet apart. Also your reporters out in the field very seldom wear a mask as I see people walk by them with a mask on.
Let’s promote what we should ALL be practicing. Dr Fauci says wear a mask ALWAYS indoors!!
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May 6, 2020
Amy robach wears clothes fit for an 18 year old. They are tight and offensive. She is almost 50 and a mom and should dress appropriately. Also not sure why she is an anchor she is not even good - she is always reading from a script. Also Lara Spencer thinks she is adorable and she isn’t. I don’t see any talent in either of them
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May 6, 2020
Amy robach
Any robach looks ridiculous in what she wears - she is almost 50 years old and should dress appropriately- not like an 18 year old. And why is she the anchor she s not even good.
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Dec 3, 2019
Ever since Keke was added to the show GMA 3rd hour the show has went downhill. The outfit she wore on Dec.2,2019 was inappropriate. It was so low cut she kept trying to pull it up and didn't succeed. She also doesn't sit like a woman. Her legs are apart. She's low-class, no-class. Sara is the only interesting person. Keke needs to be Replaced. Asap
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Aug 26, 2019
Lara Spencer/Ballet
Hello. I am writing to object to the treatment of the pursuit of Ballet for Prince George. This kind of bullying is unacceptable. As a member of both the arts and education fields, MORE than an apology is due. I am requesting that Lara Spencer research and host and a feature on the benefits for boys taking Ballet and the BULLYING that they endure. I have several students from our Musical Theatre school pursuing Ballet as a career, including boys. I am attaching a photo of my former student, Aaron Scott-- currently a soloist at The American Ballet Theatre in NYC. Unthinkable to have Lara Spencer behaving this way on National Television. What if this were her son? I look forward to your network taking action. Thank you.
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Mar 22, 2018
Unintelligible Strahan
GMA needs to give Strahan the BYE FELICIA treatment. He's destroying the show.
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Jun 19, 2017
Paula Faris
I'm watching Saturday's (6/17/17) edition of GMA as I always do I noticed Paula Faris make a religious comment after the story about the man that apprehended 2 fugitives and saying that he was praying for the cops to come soon. Paula Faris said, "Higher power works." Is that common practice for GMA anchors to interject religious propaganda on the show? I thought news anchors are supposed to report the facts. Saying a higher powers works is her opinion, not a fact. Otherwise all those poor Haitians that were praying for mercy when Hurricane Matthew hit wouldn't have had their country devastated so badly. My examples could go on and on for how praying and believing in a deity (higher power) does not work. Is promoting religion on GMA representing the views of that show? I may have to discontinue watching the show if that's the case. Believe in what you want but I watch GMA for new stories and because I enjoy the new cast, not to have their religious views pushed on me. Thank you for your time.
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Jun 19, 2017
Paula Faris
I'm watching Saturday's (6/17/17) edition of GMA as I always do I noticed Paula Faris make a religious comment after the story about the man that apprehended 2 fugitives and saying that he was praying for the cops to come soon. Paula Faris said, "Higher power works." Is that common practice for GMA anchors to interject religious propaganda on the show? I thought news anchors are supposed to report the facts. Saying a higher powers works is her opinion, not a fact. Otherwise all those poor Haitians that were praying for mercy when Hurricane Matthew hit wouldn't have had their country devastated so badly. My examples could go on and on for how praying and believing in a deity (higher power) does not work. Is promoting religion on GMA representing the views of that show? I may have to discontinue watching the show if that's the case. Believe in what you want but I watch GMA for new stories and because I enjoy the new cast, not to have their religious views pushed on me. Thank you for your time.
Walker 77
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May 12, 2017
Sick of Trump bashing
GMA can't accept the fact that Trump won the election! So sick of listening to their biased views.
I didn't like George before the hearing his voice is purely annoying! GET OVER IT!
[email protected]
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Jan 24, 2017
Michael Strahan
I've been a loyal viewer for over 10 years. I watched anchors come and go. I truly love the lineup when Josh was doing sports. Since Michael Strahan has joined, the show doesn't have the family feel that it did before. I personally like Michael but I think he's better suited to sports on Sundays. He struggles to get through his monologue. He's not as funny as Lara. He doesn't report the news as well as Amy. I miss that family feel that you guys had completely lost it. I do not think Michael is a good fit there. It's hard for me to watch in the mornings as well now. The camaraderie seems struggled at times. Please make a change.
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