Loca vore-you're "up against" some of the puppy owners of Carla aka debonair Dogos-these people were ignorant enough to buy a Dog from that MILL so of course they are going to defend that decision, Otherwse they would have to admit that they screwed up.The truth is that if THEY KNEW what a REAL DOGO was then they would not have bought an IMITATION...Here are some facts for THEM-THE DOGO IS A HUNTER FIRST AND FOREMOST, A DOGO THAT CAN'T DO THE JOB THAT IT WAS CREATED TO DO ISN'T TRULY WHAT THE CREATORS HAD HOPED FOR(LOL) AND AS A RESULT-IT AIN'T A DOGO.
Check youtube for a great video of "diego" "the great boar hunter" Curring ona hog-IN A PEN. Debonair owners-check one of the Dogo boards(sorry don't know which one) for a post of a fabricated "hunt" on a domestic hog(the real hunters recognized that the hog was a shaved Hampshire<a breed of domestic hog>) in which Carla let her four dogs(won't embarass REAL DOGOS by calling them Dogos) chew on this poor hog-so that she could post pictures of "a hunt". Even the hunters called it "sadistic" .
Carla is making a whole lot of money of the ignorance of people like these ones above-they don't want a real DOGO-they want a big white Dog that looks like a Dogo.Of course carla was nice to them-she makes a great living off of people like these ones.
The REAL; people in the Dogo world call Carla just what she is-a PUPPY MILLER and that is why carla has been kicked out of the organization(s) and off of the boards.As for the people who bought puppies from her-Ignorance is bliss.