I'm Indian working in they hotel as server before comeing here they said me that you will be accountant.after comeing here I'm working as server.they are not giving proper food and room.i was. Working in they hotel for 20days. For 20days work they didn't give me any salary.
So I don't like to work I asked them to send me back to India they asked me to pay Rs 75000/- but I payed them Rs62500/- in Indian account of them.reson they want a money is for lavy and loss.
They said after putting medical only they will send me back to India because they don't want any blacklist on they hotel or them.so I put a medical for that also they asked me the money for medical.
They failed me in the medical as I'm imperfect.
But I'm normal in physical and everything.before I reach Malaysia I already I got medical certificate in Madurai India I have a copy for that and payed money for them also.
Before I comeing here I already spend money on my visa and flight ticket totally everything cost Rs 150000/-
And they are not giving me any proper food and room if I ask any thing they speaking harshly with bad words.
So please help me to get the money back I'm poor please help me.
I'm gowthamkrishnan Devarajan
[email protected]