H10750SF - Martha Lopez-Chubb - Revocation with Restricted License.
1250 Green Acres Court, Santa Cruz CA 95062
Summary of Enforcement Actions:
California Bureau of Real Estate
B&P 10177(g): Negligence or incompetence in preforming licensed acts
B&P 10165: Office abandonment
B&P 10176(i): Fraud or dishonest dealing in licensed capacity
Reg 2834: Trust withdrawals by unlicensed or unbonded person
Reg 2970: Failure to submit advance fee material for review
B&P 10137: Unlawful employment or failure of compensation
B&P 10177(j): Fraud or dishonest dealing as principal
B&P 10085: Failure to submit advance fee materials
B&P 10177(d): Violation of real estate law or regulations
Reg 2752: Brokers failure of notice to DRE of salesperson employment
Reg 2831.1: Inadequate trust fund beneficiary records
B&P 10130: Acting without license
B&P 10161.8: Failure of Broker to notify Commissioner of salesperson employment/termination
B&P 10163: Failure to obtain branch office license
B&P 10176(a): Substantial Misrepresentation
Reg 2831.2: Failure to recognize trust account
Reg 2832: Failure to comply with trust fund handling provisions
B&P 10085.5: Unlawful payment of trust fund fee
B&P 10145: Trust Fund Handling
B&P 10146: Advanced fee handling
Reg 2972: Advanced fee accounting