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Consumer complaints and reviews about iQor
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Dec 13, 2015
IQOR Needs to learn to treat their workers better. If you have little education or no office experience it's a place to come to get some experience. And if your lucky enough to to make a year leave and find another Job. The people you work with our nice and most bosses are ok to but all are in the same boat of the rest in a company that treats their worker bad.It's true that many people come to work sick. This is because they give what they call PTO day which you used for so call holidays sick time snow day ect and if your lucky some for vacation. The job is highly stressed job the people on the phones are always belittling you and the company dose not care. There answer is just to fire there worker. IQOR is an company own by lots of private investors who only wants to make money for then at any cost to its workforse.
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Nov 3, 2015
Free At Last
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Mar 9, 2012
Bad business practices
This is the worst company I have ever worked for in my life. For nine months I put up with abuse from horrible customers, and even worse management. The customers that Iqor caters to for the phone company Metropcs are the most uneducated and rudest people I have ever had the displeasure of serving. They are extremely rude and dishonest and continually heap insults and foul language at you to try to get their way, like little children throwing a fit in a supermarket. As it goes at Iqor if you are on the phones then you are just a name tag that can be replaced at any time. I have seen fifty people lose their jobs at Iqor over the last nine months and have myself just been terminated today due to insubordination. I had just taken a break phone the phones because I had just had my third cuss out session of the day by some unhappy customers and I needed a minute to gather my thoughts because I was considering quitting today because of how bad this job is. I headed outside to go make a phone call and as I was walking out the building some supervisor started screaming at me on the floor to get off my phone. I just ignored her because I was on my break and was leaving the building so I kept walking and went outside to call my fiance to let her know I was having a horrible day at work and was considering quitting. After I gathered my composure I went back in to try to just finish out the day but apparently the lady I so deeply offended by talking on my phone on my break as I was leaving the building went and told on me. My supervisor then asked me to get off the phones once again so I did. She ended up walking with me over to the area that lady was sitting at then said they were terminating me for insubordination. These are the same people who keep calling me to come in on my days off to work and who I had been flexible enough to do that for this company. I couldn't believe I was being fired but I was absolutely relieved. They did me a favor because with my incredible work ethic I probably would of continued to endure the abuse until I graduate from college and have a real career when I become an RN. After telling them they could go " F " themselves which I have never done before and I have to tell you felt great, I left the building and went to spend time with my son and fiance. Iqor has really been the worst job I have ever had and have often said I would rather be back in the U.S. Army fighting combat than dealing with a company whose customers treat you like garbage and whose management does not value their employees. This company actually tells you that the customers are allowed to yell at you and that they can curse you out up to three times before you can drop the call and if they don't use foul language you have to take the abuse! Whatever happened to human decency? Just because I work for a company doesn't mean I am any less human. People have feelings and emotions, and I have to say I feel sorry for these companies that treat their employees like garbage. You may be able to control the fixed expense and profit margins by firing your employees but you Assholes are making the ones who are left strain out a gnat and it's hard working under those terrible conditions. Start treating your employees with consideration and kindness then you can imagine all the revenue that will come in because people actually like your business and word will get out that your a good company. Everyone knows that When someone likes a company or business they only tell three people about it, but when they hate it they tell at least ten people. I want everyone to know Iqor call centers are the worst places to work, don't get a job there, look elsewhere and save yourself the headache and frustration. Iqor is the worst company and they can go "F" themselves.
It's Me 123
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Mar 9, 2012
Bad business practices
i agree! Iqor is the worst company i have ever worked for... i honestly didn't even finish training i know right off the bat what i was getting into was not good... they didn't give there employees vacation days, sick day, or pregnancy leave until after working a year there and if you did take time of due to being ill you had to make up your time... there for no one wanted to take time off when they were sick so everyone in the entire office was sick and coughing it was so gross!!! the second day i worked there my lunch had been stolen and then the next week a girl had threatened to steel my ATM card so i had to cancel it... also no matter what i had on the avp's had a problem with it... and i i always followed dress code to a t!!! i can not believe they trust these employees with customer info... after training there i will never be a Verizon wireless customer because i would not feel my personnel info was safe... plus the pay is terrible and they don't want you to have a life outside of iqor... i encourage anyone who works there to run not walk away from that place!!! its a terrible unprofessional place of work!
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