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It's Just Lunch San Francisco
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about It's Just Lunch San Francisco
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Mar 6, 2012
Bad Product
I have tried this system in two states and have seen the same results in both. I feel that they put you out on dates just to get you out there, it's a numbers game. Going in, I thought that the interview process was going to be extensive, this is not the case. It's not like I am the only one saying these things, nearly all of my dates have expressed their disappointment with Just Lunch. They consistently set me up with people that I am not remotely attracted to. It's not fair to me and definitely not fair to the women I've been set up with. I am not a big fan of but at least there you get an idea of who you are looking at. Most people in the US need to have some sort of attraction to someone, especially if they are a stranger. Until they offer some sort of face book they will continue to have the same poor and inflated results. It's not just the attraction aspect, there were numerous dates where we had opposite interests. It's a shame the way this business is run. Their idea of listening to complaints is just pushing them further down the list.
Most of their clients are too quiet to speak up and write reviews like this one or on Yelp. I'm not the only one that also feels that someone is writing bogus positive reviews? I'm not saying all the reviews are bogus but I am saying it is strange how they come in bunches after a negative review has been posted. More importantly, go to Google and type in "It's Just Lunch Complaints". Look at all the issues and lawsuits that pop up. There are over 250, 000 entries???? That should raise some red flags, shouldn't it?
Dating is difficult no matter what you do or don't do. Can you find that special someone through Just Lunch? Yes, anything is possible. My advice is to NOT get your hopes up and make sure you hold them accountable to the age and geographic areas you specify. Also, bring in pics of the opposite sex that you are attracted to because their current system does not even account for that. I was a customer for well over a year and a half and I only went out with one girl more than once. She turned out to not believe in organized religion and that was an immediate deal breaker. I respect her beliefs and would never speak ill of them. She was a great person but obviously not a good fit for someone who does believe in organized religion. You would think that would be a pretty big factor when setting people up on dates.
Hopefully this review will help future and current Just Lunch members. I also hope that Just Lunch will take this into consideration and use the feedback to fix their current product. This conceptually is a great ideal but lacks the execution to give the desired results. Plus, don't be surprised if there are a few more (4 & 5 Star) reviews to bury my honest and accurate assessments of Just Lunch on Yelp.
I was right, all the negative reviews on Yelp mysteriously get pushed down to the bottom:)
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Mar 6, 2012
Bad Product
I find it very interesting that most of the comments about It's Just Lunch have disappeared. They were all negative reviews on this company, one of which was mine. I complained to the BBB and they did nothing. I complained to the city of San Francisco and they just recently got back to me. I sent my complaint two years ago. So now I am rehashing and regathering all of my documents proving that this company is operating illegal business practices and basically stole money from me.
The only way that I can see that someone would have any luck or good results with this company would be a big stroke of luck or if you are just the type of person that is very simple and would be happy with just whom ever. In that case why spend this kind of money? This company dose not do background checks on anyone and they do not show you any photos. This company preys on desperate people.
I know that I am a complex person and very attractive on top of that. This dose make it harder for me to find someone. I am very open and used to date a lot. I just wasn't finding anyone that was a good fit for me. The men that I was finding online that would be a good fit for me did not even live in this country. So I searched out other options and ways to find Mr. Right. That is when I found this company. I thought I would give it a try. When I got to their office they seemed professional and nice. I did find it a little odd that they don't show you a picture of the person that they are going to set you up with before hand but then I thought, OK sometimes people don't look like their photo anyway. I made a very strong point to the woman that interviewed me exactly what I was looking for and what I didn't want. I even brought pictures of some past boyfriends and men that I am attracted to so she could have an idea of what my taste are. Right away she told me that they had several men that fit what I was looking for. I said "Really!? You have a lot of attractive men that are not conservative but also not way out there and men that are into the outdoors and the city life and that like a wide rage of music?" She said yes. So I thought great! I don't know how they have managed to find these men because I felt like I had been looking every where.
I didn't feel comfortable giving them that kind of money all up front so we worked out a payment plan. I did not want to pay with a credit card or my bank card so I said I would feel more comfortable sending them a check. They pressured me to pay with my bank card for the first payment since I didn't have my checkbook with me. I said I could pay the first payment with that only if they would not keep that information and would not charge my card again. They assured me they would not keep the information and would only charge my card this one time.
Within a few days they called and said they had a match for me. They described him and he just didn't sound like my type. I've been out with enough men that I can spot things right away if it will be a match or not. I reluctantly agreed to go out with this person. They set up the date on a Monday holiday. That weekend my plans with my friends changed and I would have to push the date back by an hour to make it. I called the office on Sunday and left them a message. I also tried to call the restaurant but they did not give me the phone number and when I called information they could not find the phone number either. So now I had no way to get ahold of this guy to let him know the only way I could make it is if we pushed it back an hour. I called it's just lunch again Monday morning and no one was there to call me back or to call the person I was suppose to meet because they were closed for the holiday. This stressed me out. I went to the restaurant anyway hoping by chance he might still be there. At fist the hostess didn't know what I was talking about but then another person that worked there came up and told me I just missed him. I called again on Tuesday and they tried to make me feel guilty that I missed the date. I said well you claimed before I signed on to this that if I was ever running late or needed to reschedule it would be easy to call the office and then you could call the date and let them know. I said maybe from now on only set up dates that are on days and times that your office is open. So they agreed. Then they tried to set me up with another man that by their description did not sound like a match for me. They claimed he was really cute and sweet. I should give him a chance. So I said ok. But then they wanted to set up our date on a Sunday. I said after the last experience I only want to go on dates that are times when our office is open. They told me, well this is the only time we could fit your schedules together and then they tried again to guilt trip me about the date I missed. So again I reluctantly agreed to meet this person. When I got to the restaurant there was almost no one there. There was a very conservative looking unattractive man at the bar. I thought this better not be who they are setting me up with. It was. I wanted to turn and run out of there. The bartender was more my type and I felt mortified that the wait staff knew that I was there threw this expensive company to meet this guy. I felt like all eyes were on me. I felt so embarrassed. I thought ok lets make the best of this. I asked this guy what he was looking for and the type of women they were setting him up with. I was shocked. They clearly were not setting him up with anyone that would even remotely be a match for him. He said he was just happy to be going on a date. I said yes but you are paying all this money they could at least set you up appropriately. This guy was really into skiing. I know several women that ski. Why would this service set this man up with anyone that dose not ski? After talking to this guy I got a very clear picture of how this company works. So I called the next day and said I need to cancel my membership. They did not call me back. I called several times and got the run around. Then I insisted on talking to the manager. She was incredibly rude and tried to use bulldozer tactics on me. I hate people like this! They are bullies. This company clearly dose not care about their customers. They only care about taking your money and reducing you to a pea. They prey on people with low self-esteem. Right away I sent them a letter stating that I wanted my membership canceled. They refused to cancel it. By law any and all contracts can be broken within 30 days. This had only been two weeks. I filed a complaint with BBB right away. And then It's Just Lunch charged my card another $255. I called my bank right away and said I did not authorize this. No where in my contract dose it say anything about them charging my card or me authorizing them to charge my card. It also dose not specify any where in the contract that I can not cancel my member ship at any time. It dose say that there will be a prorated rate. That's fine. Pro rate it for two weeks. My bank Wells Fargo allowed them to take my money. This is also illegal on the part on my bank. Needless to say I don't bank with Wells Fargo anymore. I found other banks that give you a better rate and do a better job at protecting your money.
So what has transpired from all this? I payed over $500 for one horrible date, BBB did nothing, and two years later finally the city of San Francisco is addressing this. We'll see what happens. I had also tried out Great Expectations and even tho I ended up not using their service I liked that they did extensive background checks on their members and before you signup with them they do an hour interview and look threw their data base to see who if anyone they have to set you up with. They only had one person that came close but I was not attracted. I appreciated their honesty and care. Then I found Ok Cupid. It is free and I have had the most luck with that site.
My advice: What ever you do, DO NOT THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY on "It's Just Lunch" Or should I say "It's Just Your Pocketbook"
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Mar 6, 2012
Bad Product
What is this ' that I am seeing threw out my review?
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