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Consumer complaints and reviews about JUDY MIDDLETON

IronMuffin Send email
Mar 13, 2012


Who has time to read that wall? Life is too short.
Judy Middleton Send email
Mar 13, 2012


I tried to resolve this privately with Jeannie Hastings. I sent her a message via the complaint board providing the truthful facts about our transaction and the dogs I have co-owned. I asked her to provide proof from the people that had given her information that I had cheated or scammed them and to remove the complaint since it is not truthful. Her response was: JUDY IF YOU CONTACT ME AGAIN I WILL TURN THIS OVER TO MY ATTRONEY AND SUE YOU FOR HARRESSMENT. I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO A LIER. Jeannie is not interested in the truth. She is angry at me for telling Gail Bertrand about how long it took for her to pay me on the last dog she purchased from me. Gail told me she was adding Jeannie as a partner with her show dogs. As I friend I thought she needed to know the problems I had getting paid by Jeannie. I also told her I didn't have any problems receiving payment for the first 2 puppies she had purchased. Jeannie had emailed how great the dogs were doing and how happy she was with them. She only mentioned the poor quality and ugly puppies after I spoke to Gail. I was shocked to hear this as I had offered for her to return Vinnie numerous times since I wasn't getting payment for him. She said no, she wanted to keep him. She had 5 litters producing 13 puppies before I received any money. Foolishly I had approved all the litters for AKC registration. She had numerous excuses for the delay in payment. I kept our transaction private. At no time did I bad mouth her or post a public complaint for not receiving payment. My biggest mistake was in not pricing Vinnie and receiving payment for him before letting her shipper pick him up. It was a very short notice transaction with her shipper due at my home to pick up Cuddles. Not a mistake I will make again.

The following is the private message I sent to Jeannie:
I have been letting this go until I talked to Charlene recently. She told me that you actually believe everything that you wrote is the truth. Since your last comment is that the truth will set you free, lets see what is the truth in the comments you made. You purchased 3 dogs from me with no complaints until I told Gail & Charlene that you took a long time to pay me for Vinnie. I did not bad mouth your dogs, your facility or you in general just that you had a lot of excuses for why I wasn't getting paid. After that I received a mean phone call from you about why I told them that, how horrible the dogs were that you bought and what an awful person I am. Truth, I hung up on you after I asked you several times why you never sent Vinnie home if you were so unhappy with him. Your comment was send your money back & you would return him. I was stunned that you would expect full payment back on a dog you bred & had produced 13 puppies with. I couldn't take any more of your abuse so I hung up. I sent Vinnie to you on 11-5-10, he was 4 years 1 month old. My mistake was not setting a price before I shipped him. He was a $1500.00 Champion sired puppy and well worth $1000.00 as a proven 4 year old stud. It was March 24, 2011 when we discussed his price. You wanted to pay $600 to $750 for him. I gave you the option of paying stud fees on the litters he had already produced for you and sending him home. You said no you wanted him & would pay the $1000.00 for him. I asked you repeatedly for payment to only get excuses as to why you couldn't send me payment. I finally got a $250.00 payment on June 21 with the promise of the balance after that check cleared. Again I had to request payment for months and finally received the $750.00 balance on Oct. 20, 2011, about 7 months after you agreed to pay for him. I tried to be patient and understanding with everything you had happening to you. In all that time I never told anyone about our transaction and certainly didn't post a public complaint about you online. Truth, I don't allow strangers in my home only my close friends. You knew that from our conversations about my having Parvo brought into my home twice within a year by a puppy purchaser and the AKC inspector. I told you after losing 7 puppies, spending a fortune in vet bills and all the heartache that we endured that I would never again allow strangers in to protect my puppies. Gail Bertrand has not been to my home because she doesn't live close to me. She stays busy so I have always met her at a restaurant or her home for her convenience. Now lets get to the co-owned dogs I have spayed, sold and not paid the co-owner for. I am guessing you are talking about Treasure a girl I got from Gail for a puppy back. She was mine not a co-own! She was bred 3 times, raising 1 tiny female with hydrocephalus that passed away at a few months old. Gail saw her and wanted to wait for the next litter. Treasure never produced another live puppy. Truth, I had her spayed and petted her out as she was my dog. I couldn't put her thru another pregnancy with dead puppies. When I discussed it with Gail after the fact she said I did the right thing & I didn't owe her anything. I asked her again after your posting this complaint she still was ok with my decision & not owing her anything for her. As to other dogs I co-own, the only female I have ever co-owned is Spice. Gloria Walsh & I purchased her from Debbie Schrenk on 7-18-11. She lives with Gloria not me. The males I co-own are Webster purchased 3-15-08 with Gail Bertrand, he was to be our first show boy together. He didn't mature into the quality she wanted in the ring so he lives with me. She has never bred to him and I have used him once. Carter I purchased from Chelsea Valles, my handler. I gifted her co-ownership since he was her baby from birth. After finishing him he lived with her for awhile and is now living with me. Ryder is my home bred champion that I co-own with Gloria Walsh. I gifted her the co-ownership since her CH. Zippy is his Sire. I thought it would be fun to show him together. It gives her the recognition of owning the Sire with me paying the show bills. Ryder lives with Chelsea and will be returning home after we are done showing him. Trouble, the show boy you spoke of, I co-owned with Gail Bertrand and Charlene Marsh. I paid all his show and handling fees. I returned him to Gail with signed papers after your phone call. If you were doing business with them I didn't need to since you were so upset with me. I didn't want to put them in a position of dealing with both of us. It was my decision not theirs. I co-owned Vinnie with Gloria Walsh until you purchased him. We purchased him at 5 months old on 4-27-07 from a lady that kept him in a 2x3 puppy pen in her home. His spinning habit came from there, not me. I made sure he was never caged for that reason. He stayed in a double x-pen with a couple of my other boys at night or when I left the house. He NEVER spinned in my home. He would spin occasionally when he was outside playing with the other boys in the big yard. Then he would run, turn a circle and take off running again, never spinning constantly. My only other co-own is on Cherish, my Lenette girl. Last year I asked Chelsea, my handler & Mary Valles, her Mom if they wanted to go on a lease with her so Chelsea could show her babies in the bred by class. I added Mary since we planned on breeding to her male and sharing the litters. Cherish lives with me. So truth be told who is it that I have co-owned girls with that I have cheated out of money? Before you posted that lie I wish you would have asked for proof from the person that gave you that information. There is no proof, I have never co-owned a female with anyone other than the 2 I told you about. They are still with us, not spayed or petted out. As to me costing you stop payment fees and the $2000.00 for the spay & neuter of Vinnie's puppies. I never received any payment & told you it didn't arrive. You kept telling me it was coming and it didn't until the two payments I listed above. The vet bills are not my responsibility if you decided to do that. Vinnie produced nice puppies for me that I easily sold. I kept 2 of the girls to add to my program. One has produced a gorgeous litter of partis that matured at 5 to 6 lbs. I kept her black & tan tri daughter and her cream parti daughter, both really nice girls. Their brother is pictured on my facebook page as his owner stays in touch with me posting his pictures there. I haven't bred Vinnie's other daughter yet but expect to get really nice babies with her too. Now about the friend that confronted me about all the problems you listed that I didn't respond to and is no longer friends with me, didn't happen. If you think it did then lets name names instead of just saying this friend or that person. The friend you are doing business with that used to co-own several dogs with me would have to be Gail Bertrand or Charlene Marsh. As stated above I only co-own 1 boy with Gail and none with Charlene since returning Trouble. I don't owe anyone any money that I need to pay back but can't do til next year. Webster, Vinnie and Spice are the only dogs that money was combined to purchase them I paid my portion on all of them. All the other co-ownerships were given as gifts by me to my good friends with no money changing hands. Just like the breeding I let Charlene do with my boy Chance. It was a gift between friends with no stud fee required even though she asked what I would charge. I do have a pot to piss in! My husband served 24 years in the Air Force protecting your freedom to give you the right to say what you want. I wish you would check on your facts and be honest about our dealings. I kept all our emails since I thought I was going to have to take you to court to get payment so I have your written words to back up my statements. If you truly believe what you posted then ask for the proof from these people. I am asking you to remove this complaint as it is not truthful.

All I ask is for Jeannie Hastings to provide proof of the people I have cheated or scammed. She knows the biggest insult and hardest name to overcome for a reputable breeder is to call her a puppymill. This was done out of anger not with truthful facts. If she really believes this then provide the evidence so I can dispute it. I am an honest breeder of pet and show quality Pomeranians. I have 2 AKC Champions and more in the ring working towards their championships. In 10 years of raising and placing my babies all across the nation, Jeannie is the only person to not be able to get her payment to me. If it was mailed why would I not accept it? Thank you for taking the time to read my side of the story.
Paul Vance Send email
Mar 12, 2012


It stands to reason the breeder would have a complaint against her at some point. Name one business that satisfies every single customer and has never had a dissatisfied customer or client. And as a breeder, if she is responsible, she wouldn't be breeding many pups a year, so in 10 years, being responsible, how many pups would that reasonably be?
Paul Vance Send email
Mar 12, 2012


@ Kleppinger - you might want to look up the definition for internet nazi...
The OP had a bad experience with this breeder and has a right to express that, just as the breeder has a right to refute it. What proof do you have that the OP did not have this experience with the breeder? Most people don't take the time to write a complaint, still more do not take the time to post compliments. So to say that because this is the only complaint you could find Dakota, does not make it untrue.
Kleppinger1 Send email
Mar 12, 2012


I'm pretty sure nothing in Dakota74's statements fit "Internet Nazi" either.
I know that the breeder, Judy, waited nearly a year for full payment. She kept getting excuse after excuse for why the payment wasn't sent, then kept getting told that the check had been sent by the buyer's daughter, then by the buyer. Judy was very patient. Judy had previously sold the buyer dogs and the buyer always sent tracking information on the checks. In this case, Judy was never given tracking information, just excuses. The buyer got mad at Judy when she found out Judy would not sell her another dog and shared her problems with a friend.
Anti-SEO Send email
Mar 12, 2012


"The best part about this is that all you three care about is the fact that I made a few spelling errors and can not even comment on the larger picture"

You made spelling the issue in the same post where you used the word right instead of write.

lol idiot.
IronMuffin Send email
Mar 12, 2012


Pretty sure isn't the same as sure. I am sure that fits the definition iof internwet nazi to a T. Your info is 3rd hand Klep. If you were not a personal witness to the interaction between the OP and Judy, your testimony is biased and worthless.
Dakota74 Send email
Mar 12, 2012


@ Jon McCartney-I agree to your terms if that is what it is going to take for you to get the green light to listen to me. My question is what 20% would you be referring to being the truth? I already said the complainant should give proof of an accusation. I don't see anything that is proof and as I commented about in my first statement she talks out of both sides of her mouth. Why would you be apt to trust an individual that changes there story from one comment to the next? This being said that takes us back to the slander question. If you would prefer I can use the word libel in this situation. The absolute truth is given in evidence just like any other case. If you want to disprove that then provide evidence. I could sit here and tell you that I have proof that the Kennedy assassination was a government conspiracy but if I don't show proof why would you want to assume that I have it?

@Paul Vance-t To answer your question I will ask you a question. The breeder is on several websites. Those websites have areas for buyers to make comments on the puppies that they purchase on from those breeders. Would it not be any different than commenting on a purchase you made on Ebay if it was an unpleasant experience? If know one posts negative feedback on a seller it is typically because there is none. Now I will not say that there may not be any other unhappy buyers out there but I think that if this was something that was common for this seller that in ten years you would at least see one more negative comment some where. Also it sounds to me from her own statement that she had plenty of other dealings with the breeder prior to this one that she was quite happy with. So what did the breeder do other from the previous dogs to the last? I doubt that she changed her approach to a single individual after so may successful sales between them.
IronMuffin Send email
Mar 12, 2012


That's WANE. I agree with Deezil. No nazis. Especially nazis who can't spell.
Dakota74 Send email
Mar 12, 2012


The best part about this is that all you three care about is the fact that I made a few spelling errors and can not even comment on the larger picture which is that this woman is trying to destroy the reputation of a woman who seems to have a good reputation in the industry. I think that what she is doing is wrong. If you have proof that she has done this stuff lay it out there don't just tell us about it. As far as I can see this is a case of slander and is a pathetic attempt to destroy some one's otherwise good name.
Kleppinger1 Send email
Mar 12, 2012


I have to agree with Dakota74's last comments. The fact is that this woman is bashing someone who is a good person and runs a legitimate business. Judy breeds and shows Pomeranians and has champion blood lines. She has also rescued Pomeranians and cats when they were in distressed situations and found them good homes. As for Dakota74 being a Nazi, you might want to look up the definition of Nazi.
Jon McCartney Send email
Mar 12, 2012


If you agree to never critique anyone's spelling or grammar again, can we call it a truce? Misspelling "right" and "wane" are pretty egregious errors, so you really shouldn't be calling others out. And what to make of YOUR quote: "Learn how to right and spell if you want to get on here and have anyone listen to what you have to say."? When do we get the green light to listen to you?

I am troubled by what you refer to as "the larger picture". Assuming just 20% of what was said is true, I would question that this breeder follows good breeding practices.

Why do you assume this is slander? Do you have proof of that? It cuts both ways. On the internet, often you can't determine the absolute truth - so you have to read between the lines. These little breeder spats can go on for months and years, so the reader's takeaway should be to treat it as a caution signal and then do his/her own due diligence.
Dakota74 Send email
Mar 12, 2012


First off I would love to comment on your "excellent" ability to sound like a complete idiot. I didn't know that any of the McCoy's had any of those "new fangled electronic picture boxes that you can communicate through" Learn how to right and spell if you want to get on here and have anyone listen to what you have to say. I had to read this thing three times just to get past the illiteracy of it. My first question to you would be, why would you assume that just because a breeder doesn't allow individuals to come to her house that she runs a puppymill? I would think that when you have that many dogs that when AKC came out to check her books (like they have done to me) that if they deemed her a puppymill that they would shut her down. AKC is out to improve the status of all breed and to make sure that puppymills aren't out there. Second, why would you not pay her fro the dog if you wanted to "rescue it from its horrible life" so that it wouldn't go back to her? I would think that money would be no object to someone who had bred the dog "several" times. even if you only sold the puppies as pets you would have made more than enough to "rescue" the dog. Third, you say shes been in business for at least ten years and you're gong to try to tell me in all those ten years you are the only person to have a bed experience (lets not forget that you bought several dogs from her before this without complaint). I googled her name and you are the only negative thing I've ever seen. Lastly you talk out of both sides of your mouth and that makes you even more unbelievable. Direct quotes from you:
Which is it? If you're going to tell a story make sure that you stick to it.

P.S. there's a button on your keyboard that says "Caps Lock" hit it! THIS IS ANNOYING TO MOST READERS!!!
Deezil Send email
Mar 12, 2012


@ Dakota - When one undertakes to criticize another's spelling and grammar, it would behoove that person to have their own house in order first lest they wind up looking like a bigger "complete idiot" than the person they accused of the offense.
Dakota74 Send email
Mar 12, 2012


My three misspellings wain in the shadow of the grammatical disaster that is the original document. but thank you for trying to eloquently abash me for my minor discrepancies.

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