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Feb 27, 2023
Mr. Shakeel Ahmad son of Abdul Latif
Dear Mr. Shakeel Ahmad,
There are two options in resolving the difficulty in your life:
(1) to remove the physical obstacle by yourself, may be by paying the lump sum to the hired village people in Kanpur 208014 or
(2) to submit the complaint against the (alife) person, which you consider guilty in your everyday life for months or for years.
1st option does not represent the difficulty for the native resident of Kanpur, if you or your father Mr. Abdul Latif has the lump sum and you know the place, where you can hire the village people, experienced in the costruction fierld for 1 year or more.
The only minuses are: you will lose own money or the money of the family and the time of your own life.
2nd option represents the other kind of difficulties. But the highest award is your name will be in the records of Indian history forever. If you dream of glory and the possibility to impress the relatives and the friends, if you dire.
2nd option looks as follows for you, step by step.
1. You suspect that the "UP Kesco board of managers", which has a contract number 31140539 with yourself, is guilty in making damages to your everyday life at your territory, or in the public place at your house, for months. First step, is to come to their office and to submit your complaints orally or in 4-5 sentances in pure Hindi language. You need to define by yourself, which act you expect from them in your favour and till which date. Do not forget to introduce yourself in the written dated submission in the end of the first documents.
Do not forget to leave the 2nd copy for yourself with the Kesko mark "received on date".
2. Second step is to make fotos of rusted constarction. 3-4 photos is enough. Photos will play the role of evdidences. They shall looks as home-made photos, follwing the observervation by two of your friends, which conclude "ok, we undesrtand the damage for your property from 2-3 angels".
3. Lets assume, the "UP Kesco board of managers" has not removed the known obstacle in your life in 7-10 days.
Then your 3rd step will not be a big surprise.
You need to hire the lawyer in Kanpur city. Everybody knows the most outstanding lawyer of Kanpur. You need a lawyer, who is a practitioner in the "customers law" for 2-3 years.
You need to explain him the whole situation in not more than 7-10 sentances in pure Hindi and your intention to submit the complaint to the Uttar Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in English.
4. The 4th step is to ask "how much" and "how long will it take'.
The hired lawyer, if he is professional, shall fight agressively for your interests. Such lawyer can cost you till from 5000-15000, depending upon a complicity of the whole case. If you do not want to search the lawer and pay, you can send the application to the Uttar Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission electronically or by post.
The paid fees will be refunded by the judgment, if you win pnly.
You do not need to pay the governmnt fee, if you consider your damage is less than 5 lack. You need to pay 200 (not Pakistani) rupees, if your damage does not exeed 10 lacks.
5. Than you need to submit the entire application in 4 copies by post or 1 copy electronically at the website of the Consumer disputes Redressal Commission. They a court in the disputes between the customer and the service provider or the seller of the goods.
From July 15, 2020 the application towards the Consumer disputes Redressal Commission have such demands:
(1) जिकायतकताव द्वारा राष्ट्रीय आयोग में व्यजक्तगत रूप
से अथर्ा उसके अजभकताव द्वारा अथर्ा उस आयोग को सम्बोजधत पंिीकृ त डाक के माध्यम से जिकायत प्रस्ट्तुत की
िाएगी, जिसमें जिम् िजलजखत जर्र्रण सजम्मजलत होंगे, अथावत् : –
(क) जिकायतकताव का िाम, जर्र्रण और पता;
(ख) प्रजतपक्ष अथर्ा पक्षों, िैसा भी मामला हो, िहां तक उन्हें जिधावररत दकया िा सके , का िाम, जर्र्रण और
(ग) जिकायत से संबंजधत तथ्य और र्े कब एर्ं कहां उत्सपन्न हुए;
(घ) जिकायत में लगाए गए आरोपों के समथवि में िस्ट्तार्ेि;
(ङ) जिकायतकताव द्वारा िार्ा दकया गया अिुतोष।
(2) उप-जियम (1) के अधीि की गई प्रत्सयेक जिकायत के साथ जियम 7 में यथाजर्जिर्िवष्ट िुल्क िमा करािा होगा।
If you, Mr. Shakeel Ahmad , have graduated from the higher establishment, you can guess, the text will be of 19 sentnces, not more, of 3 pages total .
The expected problems are 3 for you,
(a) you need to know exactly, what you have to demand from the Uttar Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in order to have some materail profit from the offender and to remove the obsacle of your life in 2 expressions.
(b) you has to prove that exactly the "UP Kesco board of managers" or somebody else, up to you, made the damage to yourself. So you need to have the photos and your first submission attached to your application. At least.
(c) The time of the case after its registration will take from 6 months till 1 year in the Uttar Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.
If you are ready to take a risk for at least one year, you can consider yourself a brave young man.
If you win the case, your name will appear as a winner in all records of the history of India.
And your family and friends will respect you. In India.
Though, if you hire the village people for the removal of the rust construction at you house, for own account, and the village people will do exactly that work, which you have paid for, and within 1 day, your family will respect you not less.
Also the village people will be happy for a while at Kanpur 208014.
Shakeelson Send email
Feb 25, 2023
Pole Rusted Damaged Current Leakage
सेवा में,
श्रीमान महोदय,
केस्को कानपुर नगर।
निवेदन है कि, मेरे घर के सामने एक बहुत पुराना लोहे का पोल लगा है। जो कि जंग से पूरी तरह छतिग्रस्त होकर मकड़ी के जाल की तरह केबल तारों पे लटक रहा है। तथा एक तरफ़ झुका हुआ भी है। तथा इलेक्ट्रिक केबल द्वारा लोगोंको इलेक्ट्रिक मेरे घर की छत से तार बिछा कर दी गयी है। जिस कारण जब भी बारिश होती है तो मेरी छत तथा लोहे के पोल पे करंट उतर आता है। इस कारण छोटे बच्चों को छत पर जाने से निषेधित किया हुआ है।
इस बात की शिकायत मैने कई बार पराग डेरी ऑफिस में की लेकिन आजतक कोई निस्तारण नही किया गया।
अतः श्रीमान जी से अनुरोध है कि जितना जल्दी हो सके इस कार्य को कराए अन्यथा कोई अप्रिय घटना घटी तो इसकी पूरी जिम्मेदारी बिजली विभाग की होगी।
Kesco Account No.31140539
Division name: Parag dairy.
Shakeel Ahmad son of Abdul Latif
117/3, Juhi Lal Colony, Kanpur-14