The day after Thanksgiving of 1214, I purchased a KitchenAid Mixer online from Sams Club. To receive a $50 rebate I had to send the original or a copy of the completed KitchenAid rebate form and the original UPC code from the Stand Mixer package (I cut it out and included the actual UPC) and the original or a copy of the cash register receipt or packing slip dated between 11/23/14 and 12/31/14. I mailed all of this on 12/30/14. I made a copy of everything for my records. Requests had to be postmarked by 1/31/15. In early February, I received a post card from Kitchen Aid stating that the original UPC was not included. It said to submit it by 2/25/15. If any questions, call (888) 474-2457. I called and was told they could not give the rebate without the UPC and suggested I write to Kitchen Aid Special Handling. I did this and explained everything including that I had the box and could send a picture of this and the mixer.
By March 23, I had heard nothing. My son called and was told that i should not have written to Special Handling as that takes too long. He was told that I should fax everything to Kitchen Aid Portables,. I faxed everything to the tune of $7.88 on 3/24/15. Sounds like a sure rebate now, doesn't it? Well, a month went by and I again heard nothing. I had to call them again and was told they could do nothing without the UPC and that the offer had expired. (Then why did they ask that I fax everything to them?) Kitchen Aid is apparently not a reputable nor trusted company as I have learned. From the beginning, my sister told me she had trouble getting a rebate from them a few years ago but that she eventually did. Had I thought about it, I would have taken a picture of me putting EVERYTHING into the envelope and mailing it. I am sure they still would have said that I did not include the UPC.