Shelley Hogue is an "intake" attorney. Which means, Shelley Hogue only works at Attorney Firms that "take your money"
"DO NOT PERFOM ANY WORK AT ALL" for the Clients.
Shelley is a Crook as Equal as her bosses and Law Firms she works for named below:
LAWYERASAP (which is owned by Shelley Hogues boss Matt Englett)
and Englett Associates
and KEL Law Firms
and KaufmanLynd Law Firms.
They are ALL PARTNERS with various Firm names.
Simply read their reviews and you will see for yourself.
Matt Englett, an Orlando attorney who has been disciplined twice previously, his License has been suspended by the Florida Supreme Court for three months.
*********Englett was disciplined for paying bonuses to non-attorney staff at his firm, LawyerASAP, for bringing in clients; the Bar also received “SEVERAL” complaints from his clients about delays and lack of communication, according to court records.
Find a reputable Law Firm, but stay clear from all these all these CROOKED LAWYERS!!