I see the need to report the lady working at the reception in Pretoria branch in Pretorius street. My wife woke up early this morning to do a letter for agreement of sale since we selling our property. The lady called Evelyn help her but they agreed she was gona email the letter to our email address which my wife left it with her on the business card. Hours later is not emailed then my wife asked me to call and found out then is when all hell broke loose. The lady at the reception was so mean, she said Evelyn is off duty allready, she had a half day, I asked her to call her and found out about the email cause the clients are waiting for it, she said she can't because she is off duty, believe the tone was so rude, and I asked myself if this is what was I paying for. I'm a Gold card carrying member, I've been paying this place for services for some time without asking any assistance from this institution. Is my first time in need of service and this is the service delivery I get. Wwwoooowww... I'm impressed. It just happened 15 minutes ago. I forgot her name because of the shock she gave me. I wish I can meet her in person.