Unethical sales inducement
Jran- you know that there are other organisations in Australia that can help with this kind of stuff. It's fairly well known that our medical boards are USELESS when it comes to this kind of thing. They are bound by so much fear of the doctor's insurance firms and they are weighed down by the legislation and the TRUTH ALWAYS GETS LOST. That's why doctors like Morris Ritz, who have harmed MANY women, get away with things for SO LONG. Okay, so he has DISFIGURED a woman now- and STILL THE REGISTRATION BOARDS DO NOTHING - and RITZ is not the only one!! So, you need to google the patient support organisations because there are a few and they are getting stronger. It also helps if people like us are NOT intimidated and continue to point the public to the TRUTH which, about Dr. Morris RItz, Melbourne plastic surgeon, can be found again at http://sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/stories/7952219/the-beauty-trap