My husband and I vacationed first our 25th anniversary to Lifestyles in Puerto Plata, DR. After our first day a representative came into where we were having breakfast and said he was here to take us on a tour. After trying to navigate through this enormous property ourselves, we thought it would be a good idea. Took the tour and then we were taken back to the sales building where we were giving drinks and the sales pitch. After multiple times of saying no they would not leave us alone. I asked to take the info back to our room (just to get out) and was told no. Mind you, the building they took us to was very far from where our room was. Anyway, after 3 hours of this crap, we ended up signing with them. We actually went back the next day to cancel and we were told no and then threatened that we would not be able to leave the island. Stay away. Wondering now that we are home if we just kiss a part of our initial payment good bye and have no further contact with them after we cancel our credit card if they will pursue us? Has anyone had experience doing this?