Booking Reference PHHQ1E.
Passenger Name: Mr Hussam Daifallah Mahmood Alaqtash
Flight No: FZ-147. Dubai to Amman,
Date: 27th March 2017
Departure Time: 7:00, delayed for two hours.
This is to bring to your notice that the above mentioned flight has been delayed now for 2 hours without any proper communication to the passenger as to the reason for delay. The passenger Mr Hussam, has been in the airport since 5:00am in the morning and is now expected to wait for another 4 hours to leave. He has selected this flight based on the itinerary he has planned with regard to a business meeting he has to attend before afternoon, which he will not be able to make it in time for.
We expect a sense of responsibility from the management of Fly Dubai to take up this issue as it is a matter of 2 hours and 30 minutes delay which is not acceptable to all passengers specially to the businessmen who are travelling for work. On behalf of the company and Mr Hussam, I expect that this level of tardiness is addressed at severely and dealt with consequences as to the person in charge..
Hope a viable explanation for this level of tardiness is addressed at immediately.
Best Regards