Hi, my name is Marian Haines and I self pay on a Lincare Oxygen machine and my Customer I'd is 654--5570. Invoice date from a Lincare billing: BB7L8XZJ.
Invoice date: Jan 13, 2017 and my DOB ISAUG 21--54.
As you can see, by this bill --I paid seventy dollars for a product that does not work.
Please call us and help, if you can. I cannot get MEDICAID because they are fighting me tooth and nail, I am self paying Lincare, but they refuse to fix my machine. If I am paying, this and the bill and receipt says it went from 810.00 to now 570.00 and that it is almost half paid for, and Kim, from collections is denying that I paid on it because she refused to accept one payment, without explanation and refuses to check into things and in my opinion, self pay is worth more value, because anybody can pay if they have insurance, but an honest person, who IS PAYING should not be treated this way.
Would be glad to continue paying, but Kim is bound and determined to allow me to die without oxygen, and my husband has also heard her say, we did not pay on it, but the Clearwater Office, is marking my bill as being now down to 576 from 810, so if I were to bring this to BBB, they can see where the payments are being accepted, but my machine they gave us, is NOT BEING FIXED?
Please help, thank you so much, Kim is the Mgr of the Lincare office in Savannah, Ga and our info is --Pst And Mrs Marian Haines and our telephone number is: 912--445-5552. 912--445--5552. And my email is
[email protected]