Today dated 02/09/2012 timing around 2.20PM, i have gone to sreeleathers show room at 16-A,Regal building, Connaught place, New Delhi-1 for buying a leather chappal and one socks. the price of the chappal is amounting to Rs. 520.00( five hundred and twenty Rupees). I give 2 notes of Rs.500 each (i.e.Rs1000.00) to Mr.Preetam on cash counter of 2nd floor on last courner. but he refused to give the bill and chappal due to I have no change of Rs.20, but this time so many changes are in cash drawer (i see around more than Rs3000 Rs.50/10/100/20 notes are present in cash counter at that time.) You can also check through the system that which type of how many Rupees (notes) are present at that time. Preetam said i will not give you due to You have Rs.500 notes, I will not give you change of Rs.500 for the amount of Rs.20. I am not to sold any item if any one have no change.
Mr. Preetam loudly said you will go outside the sreeleathers showrooms. I have also contact senior person regarding this matter, his reply is also the same as cash counter staff, that you not to buy if you have not to change the rupee .
After that i have call to just dial and take the no of sreeleather, that who is responsible person for that show room. Nobody staff of sreeleathers says the no one is the responsble person. cash counter staff says that all is I, cash counter staff says that aapko jisko jo kahna hai, karna hai karo, aur not to give you chappal.
Around half hour my time is waste for this matter after that i will go outside the sreeleathers and take the changes. After that i will buy the chappal of Memo No- T48/00238809, sm-4, particulars 78441/9 qty 1 of Rs. 520 in another cash counter. This will result in sreeleathers that DADAGIRI of Sreeleathers staff in CONNAUGHT PLACE AT NEW DELHI.
How the sreeleathers brand is sustain from this type of matters? The concern audit team is also take this type of report to the management.
I have residing in delhi around 40km distance from sreeleathers showroom in Delhi, up and down around 80km travelling from the buying chappal of sreeleathers.
The concern person will take this matter as serious and take the action of this staff on urgent basis within 2-3 days and also in senior person and Inform me with evidence at my email ID-
[email protected].