1. My name Miss, Mrs, Mr. Surname : Maraba
Initials: R
ID number.
ID number .5209035816083
2. Address and telephone and
telephone number(s)
The address where you live: 3951 Mosupatsela Street
Zone 3, Diepkloof.
Postal code: 1864
The address we can send letters to: 3951 Mosupatsela Street, Zone 3, Diepkloof.
Postal code: 1864
Telephone number (home):
Code: .............. Number: ..............…………...............
Telephone number (work):
Code :011 Number: 6816000
Is there any other telephone number we can call you at:
Cellphone number: 0722020926 or 0631407788
3. This complaint is about government
name of the organisation.
Government Organisation
Their address to send letters to:
01 Newtown Avenue, Killarney
Postal code: 2193
Telephone number: Code: 011 Number: 217 0600
Fax number: Code: 011 Number: 783 7745
8. the complaint still happening? Yes: until to date
4. date
happened? Day 1st February Year: 2015
10. Where did it happen? Town: Johannesburg Province: Gauteng
11. Which government agency is
12. the names of the official I
contacted to try and
Solve the problem.
Mr Phumzile Kedama (Administrator)
13. Where can they be reached? Address: 01 Newtown Avenue,killarney,Johannesburg.
Postal code: 2193
Telephone number: Code: 011 Number: 217 0600
14. Have you reported this case to
anyone else?
If yes, who (e.g. police, a lawyer, etc?)
Mr Nano Matlala (email :
[email protected])
Lembede Tambo Pitje Chambers
905 Stanza Bopape,Cnr Orient and Stanza Bopape Streets
(Church) Arcadia. Pretoria
Tel: 087 232 1799 Cell 0829223280
And Ms Ivy Moloisi Department of Higher Education: PA To Director General Higher Education. Email address:
Moloisi, Ivy <
[email protected]>
Nov 25 (1 day ago)
to Mvalo.Zukile, Lumka.Maliviwe, Mbhele.Namhla, me
Dear Mr Mvalo
Please find attached e-mail from Mr Maraba for your attention.
Kind regards
Ivy Moloisi
From: robert maraba [mailto:
[email protected]]
Sent: 24 November 2015 10:50 PM
To: Moloisi, Ivy
Subject: Correspondence From Cathsseta Lawyer and my response
Robert Maraba.
The Complain
We are a service Provider offering a National Certificate: Music Industry: Sound Technology, a qualification whose duration is 12 months, accredited by MICTSETA and Cathsseta, its Number is 48671,
On the 15th January 2015 Cathsseta advised us that our organisation named Q-note Digital Music Academy has been granted funded employed(18.2) learnership to train 20 Unemployed learners for the National Certificate in Music Industry:Sound Technology at the total cost of R42000 per learner for the duration of the learnership which is 12 months (see attachment),starting the 2nd of February 2015.where in Learners completed Cathsseta contract of employment and Learnership agreements for their funding of which a R2000 per month per leaner included in the R42000 Capital was to be paid as stipend.
We as the service provider were granted the opportunity to act as employer to monitor the stipends, training, assessments, moderation and administration and employer contract of employment all filed and captured by Cathsseta. Meaning that all documents required were presented by the 30th of January 2015.and training to commence in February and the learnership grants to be paid in 4 Tranche (see attached letter of approval from Cathsseta)
We met all the requirements and waited for the Tranche 1 an amount of R210, 000 to be paid at the end of February 2015, after a contract was signed by me on the 8th of February 2015 and was told the Cathsseta Senior person will sign after, but a copy was given to me without that signature.
Come end of February 2015, no payment is made, we then checked with Ms Judith Gafane Administrator responsible for payments why there is no payment, she in turn referred us to Ms Minah Matlala who was always in meetings.
On the 15th March 2015 I called the Learnership Manager Ms Minah Matlala trying to find out why money hasn’t been deposited and this is the response I got (see below)
Dear Mr Maraba
According to our records you were originally allocated 10 unemployed learners for Level 3 qualification, the total budget approved for Q-Note Digital Music Academy is R420,000 instead of R840 000.00.
Will discuss this matter internally with Mr Masenya and revert.
Kind regards
I responded as follows (see below)
From: ROBERT MARABA [mailto:
[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2015 1:19 PM
To: Minah Matlala
Cc: Lesheshe Masenya; Judith Gafane; Thando Hosha
Subject: followup
Dear Cathsseta,
To Ms M Matlala.
R Maraba
My Dear Minah,
I am forced to reply,
I am disappointed; I didn't expect this type of a message from a proffessional.You shouldn’t have replied without verifying your facts, re-read the letters of approval. I am wondering what has gone wrong, why am I treated in this way, what motivates you to put me in a marry go round.
There's no where in any letter that says 10 learners, where do you get this information. this is time wasting on your part i am not happy. Why I you so eager and forceful about this.
I have worked so hard to recruit these learners, by now you should be knowing what's going on with each service provider in all your Departments, how can you say you are going to discuss with Lesheshe, surely this discussion should have taken place long time ago since we met.
Come on Madam, don’t spoil my 2015.
R Maraba.
She replied (see reply)
Dear Mr Maraba
I have noted the contents of your below, as previously explained, the Q-Note Digital Music Academy was approved at a budget of R420 000 for 10 unemployed learners, you on the other hand received a letter of allocation for 20 learners. This matter needs to be investigated internally; we will get back to you in due course.
Trust you find my response in order.
Kind regards
Sent from my iPad
Our email communications turned into a circus, we were moved from pillar to post, we then tried Mr Phumzile Kedama who to date never responded, all we got from line staff is that the matter is receiving attention.
This matter dragged until Mr Nano Matlala took over to assist, to date.
Soon as Learners learned that no stipends were paid, and most are unemployed 14 of them called it quits, not because they did not want to study, they just did not have the money to travel to school as most come from deep Soweto. By end March 2015 we had to take action and started recruiting again, this time all learners recruited come from surrounding areas of Diepkloof and Meadowlands Hostel and were prepared to walk Two hours from home to school and back to Ridgeway were we are operating.
We tried to inform Ms Minah Matlala about these changes, she was knowhere to be found, all we heard was that she is suspended, we tried other administrators wanting somebody to advice us what to do since 14 learners cannot continue due to stipends not being paid and who will accept new recruits, all those that we spoke to i.e. Mr Lesheshe Masenya,Ms Judith Gafane,Ms Xolile Zikalala
Were non committal, they told us that they were told not to talk to us we were left stranded and we just continued training and Chose MICTSETA verify our final outcomes to date, while we waited for Mr Matlala to negotiate on our behalf, which went well and Cathhsseta illegally requested progress reports wanting to know if we were operating and which learners we trained even though they knowing that they did not fund us, but in good faith we gave them Statements of results of all the learners we were training without their funding 10 months after they failed to pay
What happened Cathsseta appointed Ncube Inc to defend instead things are worse and we sincerely request your assistance? as we are saying they have breached Learnership contract of employment of all learners registered with them for Learnership as they failed by not paying their stipends and they had no right to use Learners who have dropped out as a scapegoat whilst they know they are in the wrong Date: 14 December 2015 We have proof of all the learners contracted,here is the LEARNERSHIP number they never registered 15Q150047301594.