******MODERATOR(s): if you're thinking of deleting this post, i'd appreciate an explanation as to how and why what i have posted here is
unfair/unreasonable/unjustified and has contravened your house rules. deleting this post without reasonalbe and logical explanation constitutes premeditated
deception/misdirection through wilful and unethical censoring. i've taken a complete screen/webpage capture of my posting so i've got a record that's going to be
included in my legal package for the upcoming suit.******
kwn2 jangan lah "share" artikel "thestar" je. itu hanya separuh cerita dan akan hanya memberi pandangan yang kurang lengkap dan salah. artikel itu cerita lama
sebenarnya. pembaikan and pembetulan yang di katakan tidak di jalani. penipuan sama masih berlaku dengan koperasi Maxis-Hotlink!
janganlah duduk diam2 atau tukar servis je. kalau gitu, tiadalah bertambah baikan dan kita akn terus di tipu dan di perbodohkan! kalau sudah tukar servis, asalkan anda
masih ada dokumen2 and rekod2 yg berkaitan, adanya ruang mengikut undang2 untuk menyaman and mendapat ganti-rugi. simpan semua maklumat tu dengan teliti. kalau kita
semua bergabung bila situasi penyamanan di kendalikan, padahnya akan dijadinya Maxis-Hotlink.
kalau setuju, tolong sebarlah cerita lengkap dan sebenar seluas-luasnya supaya tabiat dan kelakuan khianat dan penipuan ni di hapuskan!
"theStar" article is actually old news and shows that Maxis-Hotlink has not changed their dishonest/deceitful/fraudulent practices and we customers continue to be
cheated of our money with the help of Maxis-Hotlink.if you've already changed Telco, as long as you still possess the relevant documentation, there is still avenue
through legal process for refund and ompensation. hold on tight and carefully to all those documentation and proof. we're much stronger when it comes time of the legal
suit if we all stand together.
if you agree and think what i've written is fair and reasonable, dont just sit, keep quiet, do nothing or just change service/Telco. such an attitude will NOT bring
forth change/betterment and will only allow the dishonesty, contempt and disdain for us customers to continue unabated. plz share the complete story as widely as
possible so that we dont keep getting cheated and made fools of.
persisting situation will be reported to theStar for follow-up story soon. or better yet if you have a similar story, contact theStar directly.
situasi akan it laporkan kepada theStar untuk siasat bersambung-lanjut "follow-up" tidak lama lagi. lebih baik kalau anda dalam situasi sama, hubungi lah theStar
Lee Kah Leng
[email protected]
[email protected]
if you've been/are being similarly cheated. voice your displeasure and anger at the unfairness and injustice of this criminal act!
kalau anda sedang mengalami situasi sama atau pernah mengalami situasi yang sama, jom menyuarakan kemarahan dan ketidak puasan hati mengenai situasi penipuan ini.
|| BEWARE ||
posts on Lowyat are being CENSORED! there is a setting whereby posts that YOU MAKE that are CONTROVERSIAL can be tagged so that ONLY YOU CAN SEE IT. anyone else with a
different login is BLIND to your controversial posts!!!!