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Consumer complaints and reviews about Meijer
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Dec 10, 2021
Forcing employees
Shame on Meijer management at Meijer's store #163 Fort Gratiot Mi, for forcing employees to wear an mask if they don't have the shot.
You are signaling those employees out , which will cause crazy people to harass them and potentially hurt them. Therefore you as a company should and will be held responsible for their safety while on your property.
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Mar 23, 2021
Store Manager/Cashier
Once again I had a horrible experience at Meijer. The store was clean and the associates stocking the shelves seemed nice. My complaint, again, is with check out. Never enough cashiers!!!. Only one today and there were 7 people ahead of me all with loaded carts. If the store manager, Brian Kramer, doesn't have enough cashiers then he should get from behind his desk and do the job himself. It's call "Customer Service", which Meijer has obviously lost the concept of. I was a Secret Shopper for high end hotels worldwide for 17 years. I have seen a hotel manager at a 5 star hotel go behind the bar and wash drink glasses because the bartender was getting behind. That's customer service. Apparently this store manager is too good to ring up groceries. Sad.
Also the one and only cashier was rude, Heather R. She never smiled, did not greet me and did not thank me when handing me my receipt or wish me a nice day.
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Apr 15, 2020
Selling non essential items ( T.V. )
I went shopping at the Meijer Fort Gratiot Mi store # 163
On April 14 , 2020 .
There is a order by the Governor of Michigan due to the
COVID 19 and the limit of people that is allowed in the stores , that says stores are to sell only essential items.
T.V. 's are not a essential items , but your Manager Lei had one of the workers go and get the T.V. for them .
That is so wrong and as a Manager she knows that you can only sell essential items and she should be disciplined for doing it. She put the workers and customers at risk.
Seeing that your Managers are not following the law that the Governor of the state of Michigan set . I will be informing the authorities of this.
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Feb 4, 2020
Very rude cashier service and no doughnuts in display case
My complaint is with the Meijer , Fort Gratiot Mi store #163 .
I don't know who is running the bakery , but they are very bad at it . The cases for the single doughnuts are usually out or they have doughnuts that are not appealing .
Not everyone wants their chocolate frosted Bavarian filled doughnut with sprinkles or nuts , some of us have allergies to nut . Same with the brownies .
Why don't they ever have any cakes or cupcakes with the chocolate buttercream frosting , not all of us like vanilla .
Now for the rudest and most disrespectful cashier's , I have ever seen . Holly and Becky G real name Rebecca G . I don't understand how or why they are still in the service department .
They are rude and disrespectful . They slam things win they are mad , because they have to stop doing something to come and help you . If they have to come over from the service desk to cashier they throw a tantrum like my 2 yr old . They are the reason that I will not use the Shop and Scan . If you keep these employees , I am sure you will loose more customers
Now I guess I will have to do my grocery shopping at kroger or Walmart .
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Jan 27, 2020
Busy talking , instead of waiting on customers
I went shopping Sunday January 26 , 2020 at the Meijer Fort Gratiot Mi store #163 .
I decided to do the shop and scan again , and I was still highly disappointed and definitely will not waste my time and use the shop and scan again .
This is the second time I have had very bad service using it , the first time a cashier named Marci who accused me of not scanning my steaks and called the SC over , who apologized and showed that they were scanned . I am glad she is not a cashier anymore .
This time January 26 , 2020 , I was checking out at 13:38:57 pm as my receipt says , I did the shop and scan . I am so disappointed and very mad that I will never use the SHOP AND SCAN again . When the cashier HOLLY just stands there and keeps talking with the other cashier instead of coming over to my lane when the light is red .
I thought that the shop and scan would be faster , but it's not when you have workers that like to stand and talk to each other instead of watching the lights on the self checkouts .
I will avoid the self checkouts all together if HOLLY or BECKY G. ( REBECCA G ) is on them because they just don't care . They are the worst employees to have working the self checkouts.
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Jan 15, 2020
Rude Team Members (2 of them)
After visiting the Meijer Belleville, I clearly will not be back to this location. Shelby and another employee Lucinda, I believe, were both blatantly disrespectful and very rude. Both of them made snarky comments and derogatory remarks when using the self checkout because neither of them wanted to help when actually needed. The machine kept freezing and we were being blamed for it and accused of not scanning items when it was clearly on the register. They both acted as if it was an inconvienece to help when needing to manually enter a card in. They both proceeded to belittle myself and my mother in law by shouting across 3 registers that there was no money on our card.( If there wasnt money, I wouldnt be shopping.DUH ) After 3 seperate times of Lucinda not hitting the right button and blaming us for it, she said she hit the WIC button. SO, no apology for that. Next Shelby was the most RUDE of them both with shouting across the registers that we had no money. I called the card right in front of them both and told them to run it again. When the whole thing was finally over and our transaction was finished, I informed them both that I would be complaining and that maybe they shouldnt work in customer service if they acted that way. Neither of them looked phased until we started to walk out and Lucinda turned her badge real quick so I couldnt see her name. NEVER AGAIN, if you cant treat people the same way you want to be treated then maybe you need a better career or job. {BELLEVILLE MIEJER #72}
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Jan 15, 2020
Rude Team Members (2 of them)
Usng the self checkout with my mother in law on 1/15/2020 at 1am, the machine kept freezing up on us and the lady who wouldnt show me her badge fully, pretty sure it was Lucinda. She had an attitude from the start for having to come over and fix the scanner, then proceeded to shove our stuff down the checkout belt. After that issue was done, the scanner went off again and she accused us of not scanning an item which was clearly on the register and I told her so. When she left, we were finally able to finish scanning everything and we needed to enter our card in manually because of the card strip not working. After she had an attitude for trying it three seperate times, said she hit wic. She didnt apologize her mess up but continued to blame us for the card not working. Then the other worker, Shelby came over to her aide. We then enetered the information in again, Shelby blurts out very loudly that we didnt have money on our card. That is not something you say across 3 registers. Very unprofessional. I called the card right in front of them both, told them to run it the right way. They both made snarky and rude comments under their breaths. When the transaction was finally finished, NO apology by either of them. I did inform them both, I would be making a complaint and if it was an inconvience to help someone then maybe they shouldnt be in customer service. I have never been treated with such blatant disrespect in my entire life and further more I will be taking my business elsewhere.
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Sep 10, 2019
Cashier, deli, stock
I don’t expect this to go any further than here, however, had anyone else stopped going to this Meijer deli because the clerks are so pathetically slow? It takes 25 minutes to get a lb if lunch meat if you are third in line. No other deli operates this slowly. It’s not as though the 2 ahead of you are ordering large quantities either. I now buy lunch meat elsewhere, because I can get what I need with minimal wait time.
2nd issue: Meijer just stops stocking items I have bought for years, certain varieties of items, etc., so now I have to shop at another store to get those items. They are not unusual items, either. Don’t even get me started on items in the ad being completely out on the FIRST day of a sale.
3rd issue: the bottle return area is always a nasty sticky mess, with so many machines down/full that there is always lines to return even a few recyclables. Once again, I take my returnables to a different store, where it’s clean and the machines all work properly, therefore, no lines.
4th and final straw: I arrive at the register after filling my cart, and the cashier doesn’t even say hello. I typically would end up greeting the cashier first, but in this case, I waited. And waited. Nothing. I made a point to not say a word throughout the entire transaction, and it didn’t make a difference.
I realized, that after over 30 years of shopping at Meijer, that their idea of customer service is so pathetic, that I don’t feel the need to shop there anymore. Why go there and gave to keep going to other stores too? Buh bye, meijer.
Not that they care, they already got my money for my entire adult life.
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Mar 22, 2019
Worker on phone shopping on Amazon
I was shopping at the Fort Gratiot Mi Meijer store #163 last night 3 -- 21 -- 19 and I went up to the service desk so I could purchased some lottery tickets and the lady working up there Carol was to busy shopping on Amazon on her phone to wait on me so I left . I will not by my lottery tickets from here anymore as long as the workers up there are on their phones .
This is a on going problem at this store , and Joanne the service Manager and other Managers know , but do nothing about it .
Get your workers to stay off their personal phones and smartwatches while they are at work .
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Mar 16, 2019
Managers and Lazy Cashiers
Store #163 Fort Gratiot Mi . Went shopping at this store last night 3/14/19 , when I went to check out there was a cashier by the name of Tab ( short , heavy set and brown hair ) just standing there reading or just looking at magazines instead of ringing up customers . So I had to go to another lane which the lady in front of me was having trouble with her EBT card going through and they had to call for a manager . The manager who came up LI ( Lee) blonde hair and colorful dresser . She took her sweet time coming up , just to say I don't know what to do I think it went through so just let her take the groceries and go.
Clearly she ( Li ) Lee doesn't want to tell someone no , because it was clear that she had know clue on what to do .
This store is so easy to get your way because Managers don't like to say know and if you raise your voice or argue they will give it to you and they pass out happiness cards so fast. All the Managers do this , they are so easy .
I have and do shop at other Meijer stores and Managers at those stores don't say yes to everyone .
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Mar 14, 2019
Service desk workers taking to long to wait on customers
Fort Gratiot Mi , store #163 Service Desk workers Jen and Carol . Jen is on her phone to show photos to workers and people she knows . She takes so long to wait on customers because she will be talking to them about her kid and everything else .
Carol is on her phone looking at her kid at home or playing games on it .
Joanne who is the manager of the service department knows this and does nothing about it , she also knows about employees that come into work early and just clock in so they can leave early .
Leon Liew
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Mar 7, 2019
My parcel stuck at PosLaju Parcel Hub (Consignment dispatch out from Transit Office) on Mar 05, 2019 12:02 AM
Tracking No. : LG248733014MY
Pls check what happened to my parcel? Ordered the item on Feb 27, 2019
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Mar 6, 2019
The Fort Gratiot Mi Meijer store #163 is the worst managed store I have ever seen . I could see this store closing down in another year or two unless corporate comes in and cleans house from the store director and down to all managers .
From the top they call store director Danielle B . to the service managers Joanne and Christian, and the other managers .
I can't believe that the service manager was a manager at Target , she is stupid as they come. She has been there for a while now and still can't make a schedule correctly or she can't authorize holding workers because they are busy and she didn't schedule correctly .
They will tell you that you can become a manager but it is all a lie unless you are related to another manager or you are one of their favorites .
Why do you think workers are leaving or transferring stores or departments it's because of the store director and managers .
To all the parents who have kids that are looking for a job , Tell them to stay away from this store .
[email protected]
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Nov 10, 2018
false adertising
Got the new Meijer ad in the mail yesterday that advertised rotisserie chickens for $3.99...YUM! So I went to my local meijer store today around 11:30am and there were no chickens out on the warming table- I asked the gentleman in the deli and he said "well, we usually don't put them out for another hour".
The ad stated no time restrictions and the manager at the service desk wasn't any more help. I usually go to Meijer when they have great deals but I shouldn't have to wait an hour to get what they've advertised. Very disappointing.
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Sep 29, 2018
Managers incapable of scheduling enough utility workers on nights
On Friday 9 -21-18 and 9 - 28 - 18 there was only one utility working to get all the carts off the lot .WHY ! ! ! First of all Fridays nights are busy and it's redickalus that they don't have enough utility workers to clean the lot , or help an elderly customer load something in there vehicle . They don't even have enough cashiers working for Friday night .
I have been shopping at this store for over 20 years and have noticed that this store has gone to crap.
They have so many cashiers working in the morning but then when you come in later after 6:00 p.m they might have a total of 10 cashiers , which 3 of them work the u scans .
Then they schedule only 1 utility worker for a Friday night and expect him to get all the carts off the lot by himself , which is impossible to due. Let's see a Manager do it , they can't and won't . I feel for the utility worker and if I was him I would walk off the job before you get hurt for trying to do the job by yourself .
I would not let any of my children work here.
I am asking all my friends and family members to boycott Meijer's Fort Gratiot Mi store until they can schedule enough employees on nights and make sure that they have 2 or more clearing the parking lot .
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May 16, 2018
Store director was racist
So on may 14 around 4pm I was getting ready to pay for my 12pack soda and they were only 10 coke and 10 mountain dew at the self pay because lines were full and not enough counter open like always, I asked cashier to help , instead of helping me he called store director to come over and stop me and he said that there is limit, I saw the sign and I am 100% positive that there was no limit sign, now the store director tells me " you guys ???( racist) here a lot for sodas and I can't let u buy " seriously, and left the cart and went to Walmart and got the same thing and no discrimination.
I would like to ask that this was vendor stocking products, meijer doesn't pay for their employees to stock. What's the big issue. And even if they want people to buy only 5 , why don't they put sign a limit of 5 and not allow to buy by certain color of people. Our community have over 140 families in this city and I will spread the words as much as I can even at the church I go to so people choose different opinions like Kroger or Walmart and definitely not this MEIJER.
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Mar 14, 2018
Store Director didn't take complaint serious and laughed
I called Meijer Headquarters on 3 - 12 - 18 about someone hanging around the uscan on the north end . He had no badge on that showed he worked there and I didn't see the blue Polo shirt . He was wearing black jeans and a black coat . He was tall , skinny and black . The Meijer headquarters asked if I would like to talk with the store director and I said yes. When the store director answered I explained it to her and she laughed at me , she didn't even take it seriously . She didn't even tell me her name .
If this is the way that your company handles complaints then I can understand why more customers are shopping elsewhere . I will be canceling my credit card with you and I will be taking my business somewhere else .
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Mar 13, 2018
I went shopping at the Fort Gratiot Mi Meijer store #163 Sunday 3/11/18 around 4:00 p.m I used the self serve scan lanes on the north end . My complaint is that the cashier that was working has a bunch of nasty sores on her arms and hands , she should have them covered up . I have know idea if she has something that is contagious , it is very concerning . Besides the nasty sores she is very rude and disrespectful to customers .I don't know her name because she was not wearing a badge . She is tall , bad red dyed hair , heavy set and has tattoos on her arms one tattoo being angel.
She should have the SORES COVERED and something needs to be done about her being very rude and disrespectful to customers .
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Mar 6, 2018
Whining SC's and smoking
I shop at the Meijer's store in Fort Gratiot Mi store #163 , What has happened to this store they use to have plenty of cashiers so you didn't have to wait 20 minutes in line just to check out , in the meantime if you got ice cream it is already soft by the time you get to check out . Not to mention you have the SC ( Carol ) hiding in the woman's clothing behind a rack of clothes whining about the lanes getting back up and she can't take customers asking her if she is opening up more lanes , Then you have the SC ( Lauren N ) who likes to walk around or hide at the service desk to avoid customers all together .
I have made a complaint before about the only bench outside of the North end entry always has employees sitting there smoking , can't they go to there cars or can't you make a designated area for them to go and smoke ., so we the customers don't have to smell it or like it.
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Jan 25, 2018
Smoking out front of entrance and only bench out front
I went shopping Sunday at store #163 Meijer in Fort Gratiot Mi , my complaint is you have one bench outside on the North end and it always has employees sitting there on there phone and smoking , so when your waiting for the bus you have to stand and wait not to mention you have to smell that nasty smell of cigarettes . Can't they go over around the corner by the curb side or go to there vehicle seeing that they park so close to the entrance anyway and as customers you have to park in the last two lanes by Walmart .
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Jul 3, 2017
Management incompetent
The Meijer's store # 163 has the worst store director Lisa and team member ( manager ) Dale for the Service Department . Since they fired the team leader Angel that place for service has gone down so bad . Dale doesn't even know crap about the department or how to make a schedule . When you go into the store you don't even see him , at least Angel could make the schedule and she would be out on the floor to help and be seen . They really should get Angel back she was much more help.
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Jun 27, 2017
Fruit , vegetables , deli worker
I went shopping at Meijer's store # 163 today and the lady working at the deli said "we will be with you in a minute I dropped the salad " then laughed about it . She cleaned it up witch took about 20 minutes . She then complains about how the manager doesn't know how to schedule workers . Now onto the fruit and vegetables . I don't know where or who they get them from but they should stop . The salad Cucumbers are slimy , half rotten and so small . The Strawberries are just as bad . I have always shopped at Meijer's because the fruit and vegetables were much better than Krogers but now I am going to check out Walmart's and Krogers .
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Jun 23, 2017
I am a black male that's treated like I am nothing when I walk through your doors. I speak to your staff including supervisors and managers and they turn their heads and roll their eyes at me. Are they allowed to say hi to blacks? Or have a nice day when one leaves the store. What happened to good hospitality in your stores?
[email protected]
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Jun 17, 2017
Employees yield at me
I was shopping the guy working at 1:15am said I wasn't in the rift pace to shop I have money what's the problem I left went to walmart
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Apr 30, 2017
I used the u scans ( self check out ) at the North end of the store . It was a very busy Saturday around 1:45p.m. When one of the Cashiers Becca G left to hide behind a standing sign on the right side of the entrance to the Optical Store to talk to the lady sitting behind the desk while it left the other Cashier Katie L to handle all 10 lanes herself . We had to wait for the cashier who was working to finish helping the customer on lane 6 before she could help us on lane 10. I called the store to make a complaint about Becca G . for hiding in the Optical Store behind the standing sign because it is obviously she doesn't want to work and should have been sent home , and this is not the first time that I have seen her walk away from her position to hide or talk to someone else and leave her coworker to handle the 10 lanes .
I shop at this store 3 times a week and see that she is still allowed to work that area and still takes off on the coworker .
I will not shop there anymore more because it is obviously that Meijer's doesn't take customers complaints serousily.
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