On Saturday 19th March 2016 someone has stolen my mobile at Rajguru Bus Stand near Sasoon Hospital Pune. The mobile is of Moto g 3rd generation which is black in color. The IMEI NO 1 is 352356074451055 and IMEINo 2 is 352356074451063. My Sim vodaphone no is 7262062458 and reliance no is 9579636647. Please try to trace my location and find my mobile because there are some important documents and photos which can be misused. I had already filed a complaint near Sasson Hospital pune.
I have already lodge the Complain to the Police Department Bund Garden Police Station near Railway Station. Even I have told my Mobile has been stolen from Pocket. Please write FIR. Instead of Writing FIR they have written Occurrence Report. I really don’t know what is the problem in writing FIR.
The name of Inspector is NT Patil. His Mobile Number is 9923107693. He is not ready to help any saying that it is very hard to trace your mobile MOTO G 3rd Genearation. In that mobile there is some confidential Documents such as:- ID Card, Adharr Card Photo, Pan Card Photo,Voter ID Card Photo, Passport Size Photo, Mark Sheet Photo and Family Videos.
My Father is no more. I am a Student. I am continuously going to Railway Station to take a Follow up for my Mobile but nobody is ready to help.
I am a Student. I am continuously going to Railway Station to take a Follow up for my Mobile but no one is ready to help.
Can you please trace my mobile and find my Mobile. I will be really thankful to you forever.
Please contact me at 7262062458. This is my Current Mobile no.
45 Days had been alraedy pased there is no any Response from Police. Police has not even started to track my IMEI No.
Please do Needful. I am so tensed.
Thanks and Regards
Roshan Aditya