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Jun 21, 2014
Excess Electricty Bill for May 2014
Name-Bharat Dhongade
Adress-D-102,Maharana CHSL,Opp.Lodha School,Nallasopra (E) Thane -401209 Maharashtra
Consumer No.001900366376 Old No.RL 9415
My regylar Bill is Rs.3000/- to Rs.3500/- per month.But for May 2014,MSEB has given me Rs.10,000/- bill which is fasle and excess.
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Jun 12, 2014
Excess billing
I have a flat in river residency..
My consumer no is 170088141817
Area code 4595
My house was locked for past 3 months
still i have got a bill of approx 2,000 rs per month..
Please advise reason
On what basis do you give bills to consumer ??
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Apr 9, 2014
excess billing
i devi bai consumer no 021510157904 in march month in my shop there was renovation work that is plaster coloring work is going on so there was not much electricity consumption so board had send me 2050 amounting bill with RNA status on complaining they told me to pay bill first talk to me rudely why should i pay so much bill as shop is know reopened the meter is working normally anyone check it
plz do needful
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Apr 1, 2012
Excess Bills
Service Provider- MSEB.
Nature Of Complaint - Excess MSEB Bills
Cosumer No. 160230030640.
Billing Unit- 4601.
Complainer- V.S. Karkhanis.
Dear Sir,
We are receiving MSEB bills by an ascending order. The current bill is for R.S. 1030/-. Actually minimum amount bills should come as we are not staying in the premises for which we receive bills, nor we have given the same on any rental basis. First we used to receive minimum bills of R.S. 30/- & gradually the bills started coming by an ascending order. We wish to bring to your kind notice that as we are not staying in the premises, the question of using or consuming units doesn't arive at all. The status of meter is shown as Faulty, which is absolutely absurd. If the premises is unoccupied, how can meter go ahead ? Instead, the meter is shown faulty. In the past, a couple of years back also same thing happened. And now, the repeatition of the same has occured. Our supply was cut down prior to any notice or verifying the fact showing the meter faulty. We had given our non-occupancy certificate issued by our society to the MSEB at that time. Still same thing is repeated by MSEB. The bills will come in an ascending manner, the meter will be shown as faulty & finally supply will be cut. Even though issuing non-occupancy certificate by society, again the meter is shown as faulty. Is this not the way of harrasing & looting customer ? Eventhough paying the minimum bills regularly without any break, MSEB is looting us. How long this will continue & when we will get justice ?
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Apr 1, 2012
Excess Bills
Service Provider- MSEB.
Nature Of Complaint - Excess MSEB Bills
Cosumer No. 160230078111.
Billing Unit- 4745.
Complainer- Dr. Gayatri Motwani
Dear Sir,
We are receiving MSEB bills for the month of February & March 2012 by an ascending order. The current bill is for R.S. 311.47/-. Actually minimum amount bills should come as we are not staying in the premises for which we receive bills, nor we have given the same on any rental basis. Gradually the bills have started coming by an ascending order. We wish to bring to your kind notice that as we are not staying in the premises, the question of using or consuming units doesn't arive at all. The status of meter is shown as Faulty, which is absolutely absurd. If the premises is unoccupied, how can meter go ahead ? Instead, the meter is shown faulty. In the past. The bills will come in an ascending manner, the meter will be shown as faulty & finally supply will be cut. Is this not the way of harrasing & looting customer ? Eventhough paying the minimum bills regularly without any break, MSEB is looting us. How long this will continue & when we will get justice ?
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