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Jul 4, 2020
It depends on which country!
I'm describing something that happened 6 years ago, in 2014. I was 48, professional, successful, in superb shape, much younger-looking (looked in my mid 30s), 6-pack abs, great body, 6'2", considered attractive. No problems with the ladies, just wanted to try something different. I was looking for something serious. I corresponded with 4 girls in Belarus and 6 in Ukraine for a few months. I decided to travel in the winter so I would have less competition, and that worked out well.
I went first to Minsk. Stayed at a top hotel. There were lots of Middle Easterners with money and fancy cars, and what looked like gorgeous prostitutes all around. I think Minsk is a big sex tourist destination. I met a nice girl, a tall brunette, 30, but she was a bit strange, shy, and didn't speak English well, despite being highly educated. We went to eat at a restaurant and her sister accompanied us (I think for safety), and later in the evening (when they realized I was a sane person), left us by ourselves. We went out again the next night to another restaurant and a dance club, although I could tell the dance club was not her scene. She was nice. She liked me and wanted to see me again, but 2 days later I was scheduled to go to Grodno (a small town in Belarus).
In Grodno I met 3 girls. One was a bit too young and shy (early 20s). We had dinner and she took me to a "cultural" show (sort of like a dance/opera). Very nice, but again, too young for me, I thought. The other two I hit it off well with. One played a bit hard to get and the other one was a bit too easy (she slept with me on the 2nd night in Grodno). The easy one and I went across the border to Druskininkai in Lithuania to a water resort. Nice time. She was a beautiful blonde in her mid 20s. Model looks. A bit of a boozer, but fun. She spoke good English, as well as Russian, German and some Italian. She seemed very prejudiced and made nasty comments about blacks in America, etc. Definitely not serious relationship material. The other one was an exotic brunette, 27, with long wavy black hair and really gorgeous, but no hanky panky from her (until later). We walked and talked a lot and I got to know her well. All four girls in Belarus looked exactly like the photos and were real and quite nice.
I then went to Poltava, a smallish city in Ukraine. Four out of the 6 girls that I had corresponded with bailed on me last minute (they were all probably named "Boris", had a beer belly and chest hair, and were playing me for a sucker all along). I then met one who, frankly seemed like a street prostitute and even smelled like she hadn't showered in ages. She did have model looks, though, and looked like in the photos. The "translator", the girl, and I ate at an expensive Japanese restaurant and the "translator" ate and drank her fill, and yours truly picked up the bill and her transportation. The girl wanted to be dropped off, so yours truly, the translator and the girl went on a taxi, paid by yours truly, to drop the girl off in some sketchy dark alley (literally). On the way back, the translator insisted on getting paid, talked trash about the girl we'd just dropped off, and offered to give me a "tour" of the city the next day and show me some "fun" (for pay, of course).
The next evening, I met another girl who didn't look anything like the photos. It was like a totally different person (they must think I'm some sort of retard). She seemed nice, though not very attractive, but was very anti-American and pushy. Yours truly, again, picked up the tab not only for the girl, but for translator girl, who tagged along, of course. After that, I saw that, unlike Belarus, Ukraine was a total scam, and I decided to cut my losses and leave Poltava well before I was scheduled to go to Kiev (where the girls I was supposed to meet there had already bailed out). I decided to go to Kiev for the sights and fun.
When I communicated my intention to leave Poltava prematurely, the matchmaker (with a fake name) met me in the Lobby and we went for coffee. She had a bodyguard, was covered in expensive jewelry and designer clothes, was quite beautiful and young, and seemed very pissed off at me. She put a piece of paper in front of me to sign to the effect that I was choosing to leave out of my own volition and that everything had been great and that I didn't blame her or MyPartnerForever for anything. I did, since I depended on her sketchy guys to drive me to Kiev. I paid for everyone's coffee and pastries, of course. I never complained about this until now.
I then got a message from the Brunette from Grodno, who told me she was very sad to see me leave, and had been thinking a lot about me. I offered to have her meet me in Kiev. She did, and we spent a wonderful 5 days in Kiev. Saw the sights, ate at nice restaurants. She had me sleep on the couch the first night and was a bit anxious, but slept with me the remainder of the time. I grew fond of her and we corresponded by email once I got back to the U.S. But she grew very impatient and wanted to come visit right away. I would've brought her in, but was working after my long vacation abroad and couldn't bring her in right away. Her nagging insistence kind of turned me off, so I cooled it with her. A shame, as I could have seen myself pursuing something further with her. She was gorgeous, highly educated and spoke English really well.
Meanwhile, the easy blonde from Grodno and Druskininkai got wind that I had "chosen" the brunette who was in Kiev with me, and made a big stink to the matchmaker in Grodno, and sent me some very nasty texts. Lots of drama. I'm glad I'd read her well before. The matchmaker was gracious and told her that it was up to me whom I'd choose.
Bottom line: The Belarus girls were real, and the matchmaker from Belarus was an ethical and genuine lady. The ones from Ukraine were , for the most part, not real, in my experience. You can tell because ALL of their photos are all absolutely gorgeous 10's. Go check for yourself. I think most are fake photos and profiles, and the ones that are not fake are likely decoys that have no interest in you other than bilking you out of a nice meal and drinks. The pretty/pushy translators are thrown in for diversion as well. Ukraine seemed very corrupt and sketchy overall, and everyone is trying to see how they can rip you off. Shamelessly. They don't even pretend to be honest.
Belarus, particularly Grodno, was genuine and welcoming. The women were educated, refined, in great shape, matched their photos 100%, and, with the one exception, were classy, very feminine and lady-like.
Sometimes I think about my exotic brunette and wish she'd been a bit more patient and not scared me off like that. Things may have turned out differently, who knows.
For the gentlemen out there: Don't fool yourselves that there are shortages of men in those Eastern European countries. World War 2 was generations ago, and the stock of men has been fully replenished. The ladies have no shortages of men and are simply looking for financial security and opportunities that they lack. Be aware of cultural differences, financial expectations, and a different mindset that these women bring. I'm not sure that any of this is a good foundation for a lasting relationship. You may be better off focusing your efforts into finding a good American or Western woman who's not too self-entitled and a man basher. There are such jewels in America. You just have to be smart in your search.
Hope this helps.
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Oct 28, 2016
Ok well here goes...First off I am suspicious of many posts here from "Americans" as the English it typical of mistakes made by foreigners...I have worked with many foreign companies so I can spot the errors. I am American...USA that is. And I thought I could meet a great lady in the Ukraine who might love me. Well I am here to tell you that is not the case! So I was not scammed completely, as I did meet the ladies. BUT I have to say that after the first meeting thins turned to what you would buy for them. We always met in the best restaurants....why not? They wanted to get something fancy. No problem as most places prices were not so bad and the food was good, The second date immediately turned into "buy me something" so for example "my shoes broke so I need a new pair" or "My grandmother is in hospital so I need to get her some things (and you have to pay) or "My son is sick (and you buy the medicine).
Maybe that is the way it works in Ukraine but normally you would do these things for someone you have a relationship with. So it feels like (and is) you are being used. YES the fact is you are being used!! And they are experts at it!
It is said that if you join a game and don't know who the sucker is, then YOU are the sucker!! So let me just say if you go to Ukraine thinking you will meet a nice woman to marry and love forever....YOU are the sucker!!
I am not sure there are any REAL marriages made although they claim it. I would have to see documents to prove it.
So I had many women writing and like many others have said the words were not consistent. I think someone in the office wrote them. In fact in one case I got an unsolicited letter from a lady I had written and it said she missed me and why had I not written? So I wrote her and in the reply she did not know about the letter! Someone in the office wrote it pretending to be her!!! Yes I have no doubt this happens. The agency writes letters to get you to spend money to write more letters.
I used Mypartnerforever but I can tell you I found out many agencies are all linked and share the same women's profile. All are the same. I went to the office and there are 4 or 5 girls sitting at computers writing letters or translating. They say they have passport of woman on file (and they do) and the women are real (the are real but not really wanting relations) and they have to protect their image (they do want to because how can you scam otherwise??)
So I used Mypartnerforever but they are linked to Slavicgirl and other agencies all using the same girls.
So I met a woman and she was really wonderful. So I focused on her. And we skyped and I sent her money and gifts. And every day she was very busy with work and could not spend much time talking to me and I tried over and over to get her to spend even 5 minutes a day with me. But she always had a reason not to be available. Work, family, internet troubles etc. Every day. I barely got to see her but she was so beautiful and I liked her so much.
So I planned a second trip to Ukraine to spend only with her, Well she had to work. And she could only see me sometimes. And her kid was sick, And so on. After 4 days I realized I was being USED only to provide something for her! She would not touch me. I could not even give her a small kiss. She would not hold hands. I am stupid with love but no fool. She did not care for me at all
So for now I have met 5 ladies and all are just looking for some money and want to take something but give NOTHING. I am an ok guy with good job and can provide nicely for a lady but all just want to take and not give.
As for me I will leave Ukraine and NEVER come back and I will have only sad memories. It is not a bad place but the women here are cheaters, liers, and do not want to leave here. Just want to get money.
I NEVER give up but in this case these women are liers and cheats. Do NOT waste time and money here! I have been here a week and just have my heart broken. I am from Lexington, KY and I am for real. Do not think you can have a nice relationship here!!! It is just a scam to take your money and leave you heartbroken! That is how I feel now.
[email protected]
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Mar 25, 2016
I found this site in the internet and read the comments of men. Mostly negative comments made me remind my story and I decided also to write here from a point of view a lady - not only men can be hurt by the ladies!
Actually I was also a client of one of the marriage agencies, and enjoyed My Partner Forever - I do not write it in order to advertise it, but state the fact by telling and sharing my story.
When I registered at the agency I warned them that I do not speak foreign languages ((( - but they reassured me and said that the agency have translators will help me to translate the correspondence to me and for that I do not need to pay. This was my first pleasant surprise.
The agency paid my photo session - shooting and it was my third pleasant surprise. After they scanned my documents I registered at the agency, and I started waiting for the letters.
it took some time- and they called me and said that I got a letter from the man-and was invited to come to see his profile. My first unpleasant surprise was that the man was much older than me ("do they used to do it!?": I thought). But in the photo, he looked quite young and handsome, I decided to try to correspond and get to know him.
I will not tell you all the peculiarities of our correspondence - longing months - but it was okay we exchanged the letters, the man sent me a few gifts, I was really pleased. So after a while we decided to meet. My agency provided us with an interpreter, since I did not know the language, and also very worried.
What was my surprise when at the meeting, I saw a man much older than his own photos (as it turned out, he put the photo on the site which were made 15 years ago) - it was a very unpleasant surprise number 2. So we continued to talk, showed him our city. Little by little he ceased to be held down and began to show traits. He began to have strange conversations that he paid the conversation and began to reproach me that I am not attentive to him as if he wanted to. It was an unpleasant surprise for the number 3. In our letters have been no promises intimacy and I'm certainly going to marry him. I wanted to meet him, to see the man's face, and then take any decision. But the more he was in my city-the greater the number of claims to me, but I'm not swearing than cornfields, and even more so in an intimate relationship. It was enough not pleasant - although by virtue of education, I behaved well and continued to talk.
As a result, with this man, we broke up. Then I found my destiny on this site - by coincidence that the site just called MyPartnerForever and thank you very much to all of them - the agencies and their employees.
But now stumbled this site-I remembered that my first experienced after reading reviews men allegedly offended at women and more on actually experiencing for their money spent. I want to write to all the men who left angry reviews here, mad at agencies and women, be adequate! Evaluate your age and appearance before writing the girls! Do not write if you think that paying you are buying a woman during your visit like a purchase. If you need to buy woman - it is not in the service of the marriage agencies, find someome for sexual services in your country!!
And I want to say thanks to the men, who refers adequately to their defeats, draws conclusions and not bears malice and eventually finds his destiny here in Ukraine.
I am sorry if there are some mistakes in my comment - I am still not very strong in written English ((
People be kind and believe in the good !!!!
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Dec 27, 2015
My Partner Forever
Just in case you’re not sure here’s a few to check out the scam here.
Profile 20892- says she’s a student but is actually Anastasia Kochegurova- a fairly successful model and foreign exchange investor. Wonder where that money comes from.
48474- Marina Tsymbalyuk, a single mum? Maybe but search her and the above on and see how happy she is with her man
57188- cant work out if this model is Anna Sergeeva or Anya Krivets.
The best one is 57184- from Spain!! Say hello to Tina Shaykina, again another fairly popular model.
Maybe with enough warning their families and friends will become aware of their criminal ways…… Just sayin!
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Nov 12, 2015
I had been a client of MyPartnerFover site for 3 years, now I am already happily married and very grateful to the site for their help and assistance! I met my future husband exactly there. So that's why I decided to write and remind everybody that todays world is full of negative things, violence, anger... we have to be more tolerant to each other, and not to blame people who are 100% not deserved to it!
They - mypartnerforever - help us, simple people who live on the different parts of the world and do not speak common languages... Of course it is a kind of business and they earn money, but they do it honestly, comparing to similar sites.
You can not create your own account by yourself there, you have only be registered via local agency mypartnerforever, showing your passport to prove its identity, sign some papers that you let your data be on the site, and only then you will become a member. And this is true and I guess this is right.
On free sites where it is possible to register without checking the data you can find anybody behind the beautiful photos: a student, a grandma, sick person ... photos are easily stolen in the internet today!!!!
Hence all the problems about the scammering due to beautiful photos behind which someone different could be hidden.
Therefore, my advice is do not register on free dating sites where there is no identity checking and register and only trust normal sites like MyPartnerForever, where you will be checked and you will have all services, including translation, free for women. Beware of the free sites where there is no control! I hope I could help someone with my short comment )))
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Nov 2, 2015
Hey guys, come on.... it sounds like most of these comments are fraud itself. It looks like some competitors try to put other sites knee deep in shit but at the same time giving a link on their own "PERFECT DATING AGENCY".....
By the way I tried many of them like ukrainedate, elena models, Anastasia, Slavic girl or smth, also MypartnerForever. Many things are similar - great girls, big tits, young princess who all wanted me - me!!!! just a middle aged middle class divorced American who earns not too much for living......etc So for me Mypartner forever - was better than others as it was less naked girls online and young teenagers did not bother me.... I found exactly there one nice lady and we are still in contact, saw each other two times already and now plan something more serious like living together.... So if you not try - nothing happens!!!! Good luck!
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Oct 10, 2015
Partner Forever might be a true scam!
I am a girl from Ukraine, and i tried to register on the dating website ( partner forever)... but!!! there is no way that a girl can register there at all! Only men can. I thought i might be stupid and cant find the right button... so i tried to look at it in Russian. but there is no way that this site is translated in russian. so how is it possible that you make the site for Ukrainians and Russians, and you dont translate it??? It is a scam. And men, please dont think that we are rude. there are people who work on the site and get money for this, and pretend they are these girls.... So i wouldn't trust it really....
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Oct 1, 2015
I have been on MyPartnerForever for 9 months and just this minutes after reading all thise testimonials I recognize most of the scenarios and it has come to light to me that I was scanned and defrauded of my hard earned cash.I have closed my account in this S-C-A-M website give minutes ago.
In the 6th month I started to have suspiscions about the bahavior of some of the ladies I was in contact with.Also when you buy their contact details and move the communication off this website, just consider yourself lucky if the woman in question writes you 3 sentences only.And in most cases when you communicate with them at their private email addresses they are very vague and shoe no passion lije when you were communicating with them on the website.They become very distant and icy cold (well Russian and Ukrainian people are not the warmest people ever,should I say).Also when you try to move the communication off website,some girls who speak English come up with the usual load of B.S. that their English is not brilliant and they prefer the website as your letters are translated to them and it helps avoid misunderstandings. I even know an English teacher who told me a lot of crap along those lines.I am telling you this site is a big and clever handled SCAM operation.Please stear clear of MyPartnerForever.I have lost plenty of money there and wasted my time.They will no longer get the slightest penny from me.I feel a heavy load off my chest now that I have cancelled my profile Also their credit system and on top od it subscription scheme is a big rip off. As for me I am done with Russaian and Ukrainian women.If you want a true and real Slavic woman,avoid Russian and Ukrainian women and related marriage agencies. Set sail instead towards the Czech Republic to find a beautiful and loving Czech girl.I have been there 3 times on vacation and I will go back there to meet girls in person in the streets doing my own daygame.Don't go through marriage agencies,just book a flight and go propect on your own by approvhing girls in the streets of Prague or any other city in the Czech Republic.Or go to Hungary where there are also beautiful women.Try Polabd as well.Just put the red tape in all kind of marriage agencies or dating site even in those countries.Instead be a heart conqueror (you got to man up) and go the traditional way "daygaming" approaching random girls in the streets,in clothing stores,shoe stores,in public parks etc...approach them and strike up an improptu and casual conversation,get their number and arrange to meet them 3 says later for a coffee.You will be amazed how gratifying it is to know that this is the best way to go to meet women and it works and it is free.I have decided to go the daygaming way in Prague.A city that I know well enough for having been there 3 times.They have standards of living relatively very close to western Europe and girls there are not trying to scam you or use you as a gateway to Europe.The Czech Republic is already part of the European Union and more advanced than Russia and Ukraine.And 70% of the girls speak fairly good English.
Hope this message is well received.Sorry for any's very late at night and couldn't be bothered to read my notes before posting.
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Jul 7, 2015
Milking or money
My Favorite Partner site milks you for money,.. you pay a dollar a credit to communicate with the ladies, separate from the membership fee, it uses up a few credits to read a letter from a woman, it uses up a few credits to write a letter to the woman, through the site, if you request her contact her info, it costs $80/80credits,…. absurd. Sharing that shouldn't be at a cost. If you include contact info in your correspondence without the official channel used(a choice you can select, which would be allowed after 5 letters of back and forth correspondece), that contact info gets deleted. So, see, your communications are checked by a moderator before the lady/girl receives it. If you want the most honest straightforward least chance of a scam profile, subscribe to ElenasModels,… it's good, I've met women through it, and one with whom I may have truly found a long term/marriage partner, - and it's purely individual person to person, for one basic subscription fee of your choice for 50 contacts,… and that's way more than enough,… you're well taken care of on this site,… plenty of relevant info given about the communications your doing and about the woman such as whether your correspondence was read or deleted. Individual correspondence info can be freely shared at your prudent pace such as your email, or Skype, or phone number,.. at no fee,… and you can go right to communicating off site whenever you two feel it's appropriate. You only have your basic subscription fee for the totality of the website, for basic necessary communication purposes,… though there are different subscriptions options, the basic one is all you need. I'm sure My Favorite Partner can work in making a long term/marriage relationship happen, but going on it's business model,… it doesn't feel right using this site,… it just feels like your getting milked. It's reliably more expense to use than Elenasmodels, due to the pay for credits system. It would be way more respectable for MPF to just have a basic full use subscription fee, with no need for additional costs to make the full on connections through to private-individual communication such as email, phone, Skype,...
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Jul 7, 2015
Milking or money, not reputable
My Favorite Partner site milks you for money,.. you pay a dollar a credit to communicate with the ladies, separate from the membership fee, it uses up a few credits to read a letter from a woman, it uses up a few credits to write a letter to the woman, through the site, if you request her contact her info, it costs $80/80credits,…. absurd. Sharing that shouldn't be at a cost. If you include contact info in your correspondence without the official channel used(a choice you can select, which would be allowed after 5 letters of back and forth correspondece), that contact info gets deleted. So, see, your communications are checked by a moderator before the lady/girl receives it. If you want the most honest straightforward least chance of a scam profile, subscribe to ElenasModels,… it's good, I've met women through it, and one with whom I may have truly found a long term/marriage partner, - and it's purely individual person to person, for one basic subscription fee of your choice for 50 contacts,… and that's way more than enough,… you're well taken care of on this site,… plenty of relevant info given about the communications your doing and about the woman such as whether your correspondence was read or deleted. Individual correspondence info can be freely shared at your prudent pace such as your email, or Skype, or phone number,.. at no fee,… and you can go right to communicating off site whenever you two feel it's appropriate. You only have your basic subscription fee for the totality of the website, for basic necessary communication purposes,… though there are different subscriptions options, the basic one is all you need. I'm sure My Favorite Partner can work in making a long term/marriage relationship happen, but going on it's business model,… it doesn't feel right using this site,… it just feels like your getting milked. It's reliably more expense to use than Elenasmodels, due to the pay for credits system. It would be way more respectable for MPF to just have a basic full use subscription fee, with no need for additional costs to make the full on connections through to private-individual communication such as email, phone, Skype,...
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Jun 2, 2015
Scam website
MyPartnerForever website is so FAKE IT'S A SCAM SITE STAY WELL AWAY.
Pleases do NOT join the MyPartnerForever website, I want to help you save your hard earned cash and your own personal time and effort, don't be ripped of like I was.
DON'T waste your TIME on this CON SITE.
Please don't make the same mistake as I did, I joined MyPartnerForever website for 6 months and LOST a lot of MONEY and TIME that I spent on the site trying to find love.
Learn from my personal 6 months experience on MyPartnerForever website
as I was conned for 6 months out of my hard earned cash, my Time.
I will now tell you about my personal 6 months experience I had on the site.
First of all I want to mention that before I joined MyPartnerForever website I joined up to website and another dating website like for 6 months and didn't get hardly any messages sent to me from women on the sites so I left those sites.
Then I joined MyPartnerForever website and I start to get hundreds of letters sent to me and I found it over whelming, totally surprised that all these beautiful women where interested in me.
I thought it was all to good to be true, so I stuck with it, and in the end of my 6 months I was right from day one the site was to good to be true.
I ended up spending a LOT of MONEY to bey tokens to reply to a few women I had chosen to get to know, who sent me letters who I was in contact with on the site over a 6 months period as well as a LOT of time typing many long letters to these women answering there questions.
On one accession I was in correspondence with a woman for a period of time on the site and then I get a new letter sent from one other different profile lady introducing her self to me,
That woman who sent me a introduction letter happened to be that same lady who I was in contact with on the site for a long time, The photos of her was different that had been taken of her, some of the description in her profile was different, her name was different but it was the same looking woman she had 2 different profiles on the site.
Then I became very suspicious of all the profiles on MyPartnerForever website and began to think the site is a money making scam.
I stopped all contact with both ladies.
I was correspondence with this other lady and I use to bey with my tokens to see some more photos of her
on the site and the only photos I would get from her with her responding letter are the same looking photos of her that are on her profile page taken of her in different poses, NO family or personal photos but the professional photos taken of her by the Marriage Agency she was with.
I then bought her some red roses on the site to be sent to her few the Marriage Agency and two photo was taken of her with the red roses and sent to me on the site, I got the two photos of her holding the red roses But one photo of her head, facial expression had stuck out so much to me as if I had seen it before from her other photos.
I was right I had seen that image of her head before, it was the image of her head with sun glasses on her head had been taken from one of her other photos that I had with her letter that was sent to me, they air brushed or did something to the image by putting her head on this new image of her holding the red roses.
What gave the photo away was the sunglasses, with the reflection through the sun glasses was the same as another different photo that was taken of her and her hair was in the same place, the look on her face was the same, I got up the two different photos on the screen of my lap top to see if I was right and I was right.
I told her I was leaving MyPartnerForever website and I wanted to pay for her personal contact details and she replied back saying, cant you stay on here, we have a good communication going on, I would still like to contact you with letters on here.
I ges she didn't want to give me her personal contact details because she was a fake profile not a real person, I ges it was someone ells NOT HER sending all those letters to me, It was admin staff who works for MyPartnerForever website or the Marriage Agency.
MyPartnerForever website did manage to get her personal email address from the Marriage Agency but when I emailed her three times I got NO REPLY the EMAIL WAS MADE UP SHE DIDN'T EXIST.
Aprantly this was a lady banging out so many letters to me on MyPartnerForever website then NOTHING FROM HER AFTER I LEFT MyPartnerForever website.
I think MyPartnerForever website and the Marriage Agency's are working together had in glove to make money by robing and deceive honest people who are trying to find love.
I'm not 100 percent sure that all women profiles on MyPartnerForever website are fake, but I do know there are many photos taken of different women professionally by a professional photographer in a studio because you can see the backgrounds are the same, the room settings are the same in some of the women profiles.
I do think that there mite be real women who have joined up with the Marriage Agency's but I don't think they are reading all of the letters I sent them and them sending me all the letters I got,
I think the MarriageAgency's or MyPartnerForever website or both, employs staff to send out letters to many people who have joined MyPartnerForever website and they reply to the letters that I have sent on behalf of the real women who have joined the MarriageAgency's who had put there profiles on the MyPartnerForever website.
MyPartnerForever website says sooner or latter you have to go out there to meet up with your woman to find out if there is a connection and to see if it works.
What I suggest is don't bother joining MyPartnerForever website just go out to Russia or Ukraine and find a beautiful lady for yourself, you will save your self a lot of time and money if you do do that, because at the end of the day I wasted 6 MONTHS OF MY LIFE ON MyPartnerForever website FOR NOTHING AND LOST A LOT OF MONEY.
I hope my complaint will help someone not make the same mistake I made by joining MyPartnerForever website.
I wish you all the best in finding love in life.
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May 6, 2015
everything is fake
I was writing to several girls from Vinnitsa, Ukraine. At first everything was perfect. I got wonderful, tender letters almost everyday. They all were waiting for my letters and for me impatiently. But when i asked for the personal information it appeared that they did not know a word in English. They could not understand anything without an interpreter. They could communicate only through the site. I was surprised. But i did not want to believe everything was fake. I liked sveral girls and i planned to come to Ukriane in summer. I ordered the skype meeting with them. He, he, only a few wanted to do it. All of a sudden one became ill, another had a businesstrip abroad, another one was not ready to see me almost in real yet. I was surprised more. But i still had some hope to find something good and big in Ukraine through this site. And i did one thing. It could sound strange. But i wanted to be sure I was not going to Ukraine simply to spend time and money. My friend registered on this site and wrote to the gilr i liked the most. He, he, he got the same wonderful and tender letters. Word to word the same I got form her before. Now i am sure everything is fake there. I do not know wether it is a computer programe to send letters or there are people who do it for money. I am sure everything is fake. I do not believe those woderful girls are there to get married. I think they are just to attract men. But i still want to meet a girl from Ukraine. Has anyone tried marriage tours there? I am interested in Kiev and near cities like Vinnitsa, Jitomir or Chrkasi.
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Apr 11, 2012
Discrimination and Prejudice
It is very simple: you send letters to a lady and you receive a long and sweet letter( usually you have to wait no more than one day) and it is a good job because she( or he?!) answers to your questions and she talk about her life and what she writes plausible. I think there is someone paid to write; on the other hand we can't be sure every woman on that site is a scam, someone is not so tall and beautiful so you choose and it looks credible. Usually you receive a letter with:" I wait your answer with very big impatience!" or:" I hope you will answer as soon as possible." and so on. So, after five letters received from the lady you decide to pay to have her contact informations sure you are doing the right thing. But then you are in front of a great surprise: she does not answer to you so quickly, you have to wait a lot of days for two words( really two, not a long letter as in the past) and she will find always an excuse for it. You don't want to think this is a fraud and so you think it is necessary to wait( but before paying it was not) and you think it is hard for her to answer because her english is not so good as in the letters on the site. Of course my english is not so good 'cause I'm italian but I understand when another hand is answering to me. Then you start to use a translator or you ask to a friend from ex Soviet Union to give you an help to write in russian but nothing change. Just few words, no address, not a telephone number( you receive only the email after paying) and so you have to stay quite and to wait. But after some days you start to ask if it is a fraud just to know if you are wasting your time, it is not for money: it is for the time you spend. And this is what they want: you are giving them the excuse to close the communication saying you are the culprit and you are offending her and you are not the same person of the letters on the site. But the truth is you are always the same, just you are starting to understand what happened, it is a job: after you paid they have their part of the spoils. I have to say I'm not sure the person answering on the web site and the one answering to the mail is the same, so it could be true the lady is the one on the pictures but I don't think she is so interested to start a relation. What can I suggest? When you are interested in a lady you have to save her picture and than you have to search for it on google images: I found the same lady on six other sites, the name was always the same but different details. .
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Apr 7, 2012
Discrimination and Prejudice
Thank you and perhaps you need to post your own complaint as well and let know how you feel-Do it for justice
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Apr 6, 2012
Discrimination and Prejudice
I want to say that site is a big FRAUD; after you paid no more tender, fast and long letters, just few words one time in a week to find an excuse to close the communication.
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Apr 6, 2012
Discrimination and Prejudice
I want to say that site is a big FRAUD; after you paid no more tender, fast and long letters: just few words one time in a week to find an excuse to close the communication.
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Apr 6, 2012
Discrimination and Prejudice
@Lucauberalles-Thanks for the Post. Let me share with you another story someone else posted about this site as well.
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Apr 6, 2012
Discrimination and Prejudice
This was originally posted here on the subject of
15th of Mar, 2012 by leduc dad +1 Votes
I have actually meet a lady who had her profile on the site Global Ladies but I meet her at another site called my partner forever. We traded letters for six months then I flew to Ukraine to meet her. First it was apparent that her photos were very touched up and even slimed down a bit here and there. However she was still a stunningly beautiful woman. As it turned out my letters to her were read to her by a translator provided by the original sit she listed at and we both agreed that she did not get what I had written to her a lot of the time a lot was missing. I received a letter she dictated to the translator and she swears a hell of a lot of what I received was not her words. After meeting her the letters did not match the personality she forwarded to me in Ukraine. What I did was print off every letter we traded and brought them with me over 170 in total she was shocked when she read what I received from what I thought was her. The photos I had sent to her of me she never received the ones showing how big I am as I am 300 lbs and asked her repeatedly if this would be an issue with her she always said no of course not but guess what happened when we first meet. I spent 16 days in Ukraine and most of it with her I booked two rooms and we agreed we were both mislead by the system. This really pissed me off as I had spent close to five grand on that web site yes five grand. The trip was five thousand seven hundred although this is a hell of a lot of money I could handle it comfortable. In the 16 days we spent together we actually had a great time together and she and I became very close.
We both agreed that we felt we could build a future together and she says she could fall in love with me and I her. So today she is on her way to Canada to live with me for six months or so and then we will decide if we will marry. I insisted on the time together I wanted to make sure she would be happy here and with me she claims she does not need it as she loves my personality and caricature she tells me she has never been treated the way I treated her and I won her heart and I did fall in love with this woman and her son. I believe that the translator I hired in Lviv a young woman made all the difference for us working through all the issues. The issue with the companies where she and I had posted our profiles they will not remove her profile of the five sites she was listed on and she had no idea she was on more then one. Global ladies will not remove her profile she is still to this day listed. She has repeatedly as have I asked to have it removed but it remains listed. I have to wonder if I could not sue this company my partner forever based here in Canada for fraud in how we were both mislead which kept me paying to tread letters. However if you read the fine print it is stated that they can use the letters however they see fit. It was explained to me from the owner of My Partner Forever that they have the right to use any photos how ever they wish and that also applies to my letters.
But sill I was manipulated and so was she in keeping the communication going and they profited over five grand by doing it.
With all that bull shit we still ended up together and happy. What are the odds of that? Was it worth the ten grand plus? Today I can say yes. How do I feel about being so manipulated! Any lawyers want to talk to me?
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Apr 5, 2012
Discrimination and Prejudice
It is Fraud, after you pay no more long and sweet letters! F-R-A-U-D!
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