Unauthorized charges on my checking account
Unauthorized charges have been made to your company from my checking account. I have no idea what these charges are for. Please do not accept any more charges made to my VISA debit card ending in 7053 and issued by Arvest Bank. My card is currently missing so I can not give you the complete number nor the security number on the back. The charges were made by my son, Jeremy Curl on January 7, 2015 in the amounts of $19.99 and $2.99 and again on January 29, 2015 in the amounts of $15.00 and $24.00. I did not give him or anyone else permission to use my card for any purchases from your company. I will attempt to obtain reimbursement from him for the previous purchases but I do not want him to be able to use it to purchase anything else from your company. If I am unable to obtain reimbursement then I will have to dispute these charges with my bank. Also, any further charges with a debit card in my name with your company will be disputed through my bank. Thank you very much.
Norma Curl
email: normacurl@yahoo.com
home phone: (479) 595-8809