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Consumer complaints and reviews about NYCHA
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Oct 18, 2017
not hot water
The Housing Development where I live has gone days on end, I would even say weeks that they haven't given any hot water. People have complained to the management office and all they say is to put in a ticket for the hot water. No signs are posted in our lobby about any problems with the hot water. Nothing we don't get any heads up and it's not fair cause there are children, elderly, sick, disabled tenants living in my building. We pay too much rent for this to be constantly happening. Its excuses after excuses, it's starting to look like a conspiracy. I have small kids, one of them being autistic. Every winter, there's always an issue with the heat as well, they only give when they feel like it. This is worrisome to me and I'm praying it gets resolved soon. 15 mothergaston blvd, Brooklyn ny 11233
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Oct 5, 2017
Apartment Transfer Lehman Village
My building management office is not helping me gain any information about my transfer. They are very disrespectful and i tried calling twice but I'm being rushed off the phone .
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Sep 19, 2017
disrespectful suicidal neighbors
house full of illegal immigrants .
nasty throwing food outside the window . it lands on my furniture
spit, urine
kids never go to school
875 pennsylvania ave apt 14k
brooklyn ny 11207
[email protected]
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Sep 17, 2017
We have a resident association president that has not done anything for the community since she started in 2016. From day one she stated that she does not want any old people on HER board or at any of her meetings. NYCHA was informed of what was taken place in Carver Houses. She sold everything that the previous president ordered during her time while the Management Office was open. She informed the Housing Manager that she is not allowed to attend any of her meetings. This president has not held a meeting since 2/17 and the bi-laws states that you must have some monthly meeting. She has been renting out the room for parties and etc. She is aware that we do not have an second exists. Petitions has been sent down to NYCHA and nothing has been done. Three of her board members has resign because of her vulgar month. In August the city held a meeting at our development pertaining to the new lights fixtures in our apartment. Flyers was suppose to be put up for the resident to attend the meeting of course she NEVER put up the signs so no came to the meeting. I feel because whenever any Important is to take place in any NYCHA development you have to hired some of the residents why is she the only one working. The sad part of it all that her husband work for NYCHA and he know people. Several residents has been calling NYCHA about the problems that they are having with this Resident Association President and our Housing Management is NOT doing anything to help us. She needs to be transfer and put someone that does not scare easy.
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Aug 30, 2017
I moved into 807 boulevard housing with my daughter and was not aware I was pregnant with second child. Once I found out I waited till I gave birth to request a transfer it's been over a year now I am in a one bedroom with a 9 yr old and soon to be 4yr old on top of that there are neighbors on the second floor who are always in and out slamming doors. There door is literately right next to mine. They throw loud parties all the time leave objects in this very narrow hallway chairs garbage brooms ect. They smoke and drink in the hallway which enters my apartment. Told them not to smoke weed near my door but they will continue. Another neighbor called cops but they know how to make them feel bad for them saying sorry but there was a death or some other excuse. I'm hoping to get on my feet and my 9 yr old has disability and people refuse to babysit her. Not great to pass people in a very small hallway just to enter your apartment with your children and they don't even have there own room to go into and relax there's no privacy in this apartment or leaving this apartment. I suffer from anxiety and I can't get another anxiety attack being here with my girls and no space and dealing with disrespectful party people next door.. tired I just want my transfer that's been approved a year ago but they haven't contacted me just keep telling me wait for phone call or letter..
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Aug 24, 2017
Harrassment by staff
I live in Rutgers Houses on Manhattan's Lower East Side. My Housing Assistant is rude to me, and harrasses me. I have attempted to communicate with her as it is pertinent to keeping my apartment. She often miscalculates my rent, and then tells me to pay the incorrect amount until the calculations are corrected. She is aware that I am disabled and experiencing financial hardships, and any unreasonable rent would be impossile for me to pay due to her error. This often results in court proceedings. I have major repairs that need to to completed in my apartment, and NYCHA was ordered by the court to fix. They have not been done, and she continues to conjure up issues that are fabricated against me. I amnot a confrontational person, so her behavior prevents me from visiting the management office to meet with her. I am under alot of stress because of her demeanor and am experiencing anxiety. I have sought the assistance from outside housing advocates who fax documents to her, and act on my behalf. There is an extensive list of issues that I have with management and I do not know who to turn to. Please help me resolve this matter.
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Jul 31, 2017
Building unattended
Building in 1310 Redfern Avenue Far Rockaway New York 11691 has not been cleaned in months,housing manager (Ms.Bruno) has not done any inspection in the buildings.
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Jul 25, 2017
The tenant LOPEZ FAMILY above my apartment at 101 HUMBOLDT STREET APT. 6F, BROOKLYN, NY 11206 has been disturbing and irritating me persistently, wearing and exhausting me out with repeated deprivation of sleep and tranquility with loud movement of a furnisher, dropping objects during the day and night. It includes irritating bead sounds after midnight. I spoke to the LOPEZ family about the problem and they have disregarded my complaint that has been going on for quite some time. I get no sleep. I try to get some sleep while sitting in the living room and the same sounds follow me to that location. I have no name for their EVIL tactics, but it has to stop.
apple beeee
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Jul 20, 2017
smoking drugs in apartment
There are two apartment in the building constantly smoking drugs all day and every day at 370 E 153rd street bronx new york 10455 apartment 2c and apartment 3c both apartments have people that are suppose to live there but bring drugs and smoke all dayi am hoping this would stop cause my health conditions are getting worse and I have a son that went thru three asthma attacks I hoping someone gets to do something very quick thank you
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Jul 18, 2017
I have been with NYCHA for 8 years. I was pregnant with my first son when I finally received a studio apartment. I was told that I needed to wait till he was born to qualify for an upgrade. So I waited and brought down the paperwork (birth certificate, etc.) after receiving it. Two years, several meetings later and now pregnant with my second son and still in a studio apartment with no answers on when I was getting an upgrade. Was told the same thing that I had to wait and when my son was born to bring the paperwork down right away to get put on the list for a transfer faster. So I did that. I would go every other month to find out the status and was being told that I had to wait. Finally After a year I get called for a one bedroom. That was when I was told that I was in a Catch-22 because I was supposed to get upgraded for a two bedroom not a one bedroom. That I could continue to live in the studio and wait for the two bedroom or take the one and ask for another upgrade but waiting for the two bedroom was my best bet because I would get it faster. I didn't believe them so I decided to take the one bedroom and ask for an 2 bedroom upgrade. Figured while I wait I could be a bit more comfortable with the boys. We moved and I put in for the transfer and it took over 3 years for it to finally go through the system. I filled out paperwork and it was never processed. Every time I would go down to the office to ask about my status I was told that I wasn't in the system for a two bedroom upgrade. So I would fill out the paperwork again would go to the office a month or so later to find out the status and was told that I still wasn't put into the system. This happened to me over and over again for 2 years until I finally got so upset and didn't leave the office until I saw the manager enter the information into the system with my own eyes. Its been almost 3 years and I am still in a one bedroom apartment with 5 and 7 year old boys who will most likely be grown men by the time housing comes through with the upgrade. We moved into the One bedroom 5 years ago and we are still waiting with no answer from housing.
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Jun 26, 2017
Parking permit
Viking June 4th of 2017 I had requested a parking permit for Van Dyke Parking Lot 1 I was told that there was not going to give me a parking lot permit for the simple reason why that it's under capital projects Construction I've been given the run-around I have a mother that's in a wheelchair and I need to get a spot as soon as possible in every person that I have called I do not get a correct answer I've been told that no it's at the capital projects no but when I asked the management office they told me that they're not under Capital project so I've been getting the run-around so this is how I got to write this letter
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Jun 26, 2017
Parking permit
As per customer service for Brooklyn parking lots at Van Dyke has is under capital projects or Construction and they're not giving permits at all I have a sick mother that use a wheel chair n it's hard to find a spot to get her out I have requested a permit n was denied do to cinstruction
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Jun 14, 2017
NYCHA Queensbridge South Houses
Queensbridge South parking lot 2 roadway leading into the parking lot has craters and large pot holes. Several cars that have to pay large fees to park have been damaged. Management office will not even consider the complaint.
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Jun 5, 2017
200 throop avenue apt 13c
since the brooklyn office hasnt done nothing or manhattan cause the office of manhattan said the department pf management in bklyn got to do i wanna give a huge complaint in regards a neighbor that suffers from sicoprenia disoder as well as maniac disorder and harrassing threatening people at risk in housing is very important that this person for being violent be removed out of housing or somenthing they must do cause yesterday sunday 06/05/2017 drinking all day making huges scandalous to the whole floor of housing at the tompskings 200 throop avenue apt 13c brooklyn ny 11206 ,plus if hosing dont know this either this person has the rent higher up for bringing more than one person living in or somenthing must be done but this automatically cannot continued is fraud and is not good at all plus hes threatening his own son and many other living in that house and neighbors the other day neighbors call the management office becaused he automatically try to bring as well garbage out furnitures outr and responsible for leaving it out the door he has automatically police reports acs cases in which i do believe he might lose hes housing fror bringing dangerous to the enviroment hes name is wilfredo cruz hes from salvador a mentally ill maniac bipolary sychoprenic disorder its urgent nycha goes bring inspectors in asap other wise is gonna be vworst.
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May 26, 2017
For 4yrs Ive complained on the incompetent maintenance worker of the complex i reside in. She acts like she cleans but she doesn't. All she does is bang the broom n mop on my bedroom wall bcuz I've called her attention on her banging before so now it's done on purpose everyday at 8am. The people upstairs drag their furniture from 12am-3am. Again I've asked them nicely to plz be considerate that I live downstairs but they now do it more on purpose. These same people has. Even hammering for 15yrs n I thought they was building an ark. The one downstairs below my apt was also banging but now she stopped. I've complained to housing, complaint center n 311 until I had to go higher then all these people that don't care about us that live in these developments. Now they worried ! Listen everyone here that has the same complaints I do, they don't care about us n we're the forgotten people bcuz they think we don't work or struggle like they do. So my advice to everyone here is to go to the media n courts n show them that we matter. I'm now moving bcuz I had to get tough on these assistant managers. So really the complaint center is just a front bcuz they don't do anything either. Get tough people bcuz we count n matter too ! Have a great day !
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Apr 26, 2017
Disgusting new ghetto tenants.
This used to be a good neighborhood until they started taking in all kinds of people from who the hell knows where?! 484 East Houston Street was the best building in terms of cleanliness and respectful/decent neighbors. The past 2 years we've had at least 10 families move in with lots of dogs (which they don't ever clean up after) drugs and other crime going on in this building. I don't feel safe here anymore. Worse, my upstairs neighbor doesn't let maintenance inside their home for repairs whenever their toilet springs a leak, falling down to my bathroom. How am I suppose to go to the bathroom with water going down my back?? Oh and they love to throw garbage AND urinate out their window...what kind of adult does this?? There are kids living here which we're trying to raise right and are now exposed all of this and more. I really do feel like we're living in the ghetto now.
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Apr 3, 2017
Pounding noise everyday from upstairs neighbors
Wow it is almost unbelievable and annoying how a parent allows their kids to non stop bounce a basketball at all times of the day. The pounding is so loud that it makes you want to go crazy. It has been numerous of times where me my mother and my younger sister had personally went upstairs as adults to tell them to calm it down. Mind you this has been happening for years. It gets worse everyday. We always try to solve issues between nieghbors before going to authorities about anything, but this is it. The last time I went to talk to the parent, she basically told me that it will not stop. Whatsoever she does not care and will not do anything about it. It's like she's doing it on purpose now because she is annoyed we keep informing her about the issue. I mean at least were not getting anyone involve. I get very bad migraines just like my mother and we cannot sleep or even be at peace at our own home... people need to respect others privacys. It's very disappointing. What can be done?
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Mar 9, 2017
Lobby door is broken
The lobby door at 312 Delancey street New York NY is broken for over a week strangers can enter the building without a key or entering passcode. Please fix it thank you!
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Mar 5, 2017
My Father has filed complaints with NYCHA Repairs, and the Manager For the stove in his apartment, maintenance fixed the stove 10 times in the past year for the same exact problem, he spike to the manager, she told him he cannot get a new stove. What the hell is the issue with housing??? They cater to the the ones who are always late with the rent, who make a lot of noise, who are very inconsiderate, but the ones who pay their rent on time,get no satisfaction. Also there are children in the apartment too. Can someone help my elderly Father please????
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Mar 4, 2017
drug use in building ,urine and broken door
I am a tenant at 4011 vernon blvd Queensbridge North houses.Drug use in building on 4th floor is affecting quality of life .We have people with breathing trouble and it goes on from morning till is coming from tenants at 4011 Vernon Blvd Apartment 4d housing is aware plus there is tenant patrol and it still goes on . 4011 Vernon Blvd Apt 4D lic Queens Ny 11101. Also the tenants bring other people in building to get high with no respect and they urinate in elevators .If housing checks cameras they can identify the criminals that keeps smoking and urinating in public space. Please stop these people enough is enough.
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Mar 2, 2017
Marlboro houses
It is unbelievable how on a daily tenants from th building are smoking marijuana in the lobby and no one cares they dont get kicked out for that though and police haven't been entering the buildings to check its just a shame the children and elderly have to deal with this on a daily basis smh then they post it on facebook like its cool way to go nyc really cracking down
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Feb 26, 2017
No Stove/Gas for MORE THAN 3 MONTHS
I was appalled to learn when visiting a tenant residing at an apartment in the NYCHA Clinton Houses located in East Harlem, building 1405-1407 Park Avenue that its tenants have not had working gas for its stoves in a majority, if not all the apartments since December 11, 2016. I have been told that approximately 108 households have been affected by the delays in finding repair solutions. The tenants have been using hot plates in lieu of a working stove for nearly three months. As a result, they were unable to enjoy traditional holiday meals and are unable able to address their daily nutritional needs adequately. Many of the tenants are elderly and disabled who require adequate facilities to remain healthy. The fact that NYCHA has not been able to repair this problem in a timely manner is inexcusable.
What is NYCHA doing to address this issue and provide tenants reliable assurances that they will not have to wait another three months to take care of this problem? I do not believe that rent abatements have been offered to the families who need to use their own monies purchasing prepared foods in a neighborhood that is already nutritionally deficient in its food options rather than preparing cost efficient meals at home. Where does the responsibility lie for ensuring that this problem is fixed? I have little doubt that if this issue were to occur in a Park Avenue apartment building or neighborhood south of East Harlem, the problem would have already been resolved.
I implore NYCHA to take the necessary steps to fix this problem and provide equitable services. Complaints to public officials and NYCHA administration will be forthcoming.
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Feb 18, 2017
No Heat since Christmas in my apartment
We have been complaining about the heat since Christmas and no one has been able to fix the problem. We are getting sick. I have a baby in my house and asthmatics here also including the baby. Tickets are being closed without any repair. It is also only on the H line. Can someone help us? We went threw a snow storm of tempertures below 20 without heat in a cold apartment. Someone has to know what can be done.
[email protected]
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Feb 3, 2017
3 dogs in nycha barking all night
Dogs barking all night 3 dogs to be exact live in 2 bedroom and no children just 2 men and a lady they are 60 plus 70 and son is 40 shouldn't they be in a smaller apartment or senior building they address is 250 Clinton Street Apt 12A Newyork Newyork zip 10002
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Jan 13, 2017
NYCHA - poor repair management
Looking at all the complaints on leak/plastering, my story is not new but seem to be a recurring theme. There was a leak somewhere on the upper floors and cause my bathroom wall to bubble, crap and look something like the surface of the moon. Also the wall under the wash sink was cracking to the point that there were holes that I could feel the disgusting smell from the garbage room/vent next door. We put in a request 6 months ago. The nycha people came to look at it, put plastering is needed. We asked if they could fix the underlying problem because every year we need a repair for the same reason. The guy said the only thing he could do is put in plastering assessment for us. So we said fine and he said we had to open a new work ticket for plastering. For the new ticket, we weren't that lucky to even get a person to come. A notice was stocked to the door two days before the scheduled day that "we came but no one was home". When we called the 718 number and told them what happened they said the ticket is now closed nothing they could do except opening new ticket (huh? They did nothing and closed the job?) So no wonder the tax payer money is wasted to pay for worker who did nothing and can't follow appointment date. We had to wait a week for the new appointment and again they wanted to do the old trick coming a day early. Fortunately for me but unfortunately for them I was home sick. When I confronted the guy he said "oh I just have some free time so I want to see if I can finish some tickets for tomorrow." What a nice excuse. If I would not have been at home he would just close the job and tell his boss he finishes. So finally the actual plastering job was scheduled 6 months later (in between there were other people who came and looked at it. They didn't do anything, just looked). One guy came and said he's from the painting department to make sure is indeed plastering not just paint is needed. When I asked him if we could put in a painting order (obviously after plastering, painting is needed), he said no, I have to wait until the plastering is done and there's wait on painting too. So I asked what happens if by the time I get a date for painting is much later and the plastering may need to get redone. He indifferently said then that's too bad. I said wouldn't it make more sense that after the plastering is done a painting job can simultaneously get created as we already knew it is definitely needed. He said plastering and painting are two departments and he only handles painting. And I would have to creat new ticket for painting later. Then came plastering day, two guys came to do the job. One more guy came briefly to take down the wash sink. We asked when he'll put it back he said we have to put in a new ticket for that! So we did. Again they came a day earlier than the appointment when we called the management office they said no appointment is needed but they closed my ticket. And we asked when they'll come again they said we have to get a new ticket again (what? You just told me no ticket is needed and now you ask me to get a new one). Anyway our bathroom is now left without paint wash sink taken down and potentially more leaks before the painting. Just because I live in affordable housing is it mean I have to get treated much respect? Housing repairs are never done the proper way and I am risk of losing job because keep taking days off waiting for these unnecessary inspections over and over again and no job gets done.
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