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Ocean Beach Club/Goldkey resort
United States
Consumer complaints and reviews about Ocean Beach Club/Goldkey resort
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Dec 17, 2015
Timeshare Scam
The best thing you can do is to cancel your timeshare contract. There is no resale market for timeshares; you can find timeshares on eBay even for pennies. I recommend you to read an article with good information about this:
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Jul 2, 2015
this place is the biggest scam
we bought a time share in april still have not recieved the cards but the week was in Feburary and we were told that was for accounting I have tired to book countless get aways and other stays but nothing open anywhere. I called and now they are telling me I purchased in the off season first time I heard that also now they are telling me that they dont buy back lies lies lies sign me up
[email protected]
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Mar 28, 2015
Lied to
My husband and I were told when we ,stupidly, bought their timeshare that we could sell it back to them at anytime. Now they will not buy it back because they will lose money. As if we won't. I would gladly join a class action suit.
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Aug 25, 2014
gold key resort - Buyers beware!!
Buyers beware, don't buy from this company. In my assessment, this company is a scam and a fraud. All the information that was shared with me at the intro meeting turned out to be false or misleading. I was convinced to purchase a week in February in the middle of winter because I was going to be able to move it to where ever I wanted.. when I tried to move it, there was never any openning anywhere else becaue I had a bad week and no one wanted to trade with me. I stopped paying the monthly mortgate payment and maintenance and that didn't work. you will have collectors calling you at every hour of the day and if you don't pay, they will ruin your credit. I had to continue paying for something that I don't use any longer. there has to be a way for everyone to get together and start a class action lawsuit against this company.
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May 13, 2014
Gold Key Resort
I'm here to make people aware. Don't buy... go rent a home in the OBX for $800 and have fun. I have over $20k invested in this company. I very dissatisfy with the service received at first it was is not clean at all and for all the money you end up paying you can get a better place. If people would just stop paying them and stop paying maintenance fee's they will go down were they deserve to be.
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May 13, 2014
Gold Key Resort
​Please people don't buy. I'm in the same mess. I could rent in OBX a house for $800. This is ridiculous Mr Bruce L. Thompson Chief Executive Officer is prolly laughing his behind off reading all this comments here while his pocket are full of our $$$$$$. Sad part is that We got sucked into...they make it sound so good. I was told my maintenance fee will be $350.00 a year and then they add all the special assessments fee's for the year, now is like $750.00 to $800. And wait don't be late cause you will loose your week and make you pay for all the late fee's collections fee's and you cannot use it, they will rent your week and they profit your week and you receive a slap in the face.
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Mar 19, 2013
timeshare industry
what can be done about this industry in general. it is very corrupt and nothing is being done about the fraud in this industry. there is no such thing as an honest resae timeshare company. why can't something be done. while this is a billion dollar business, it is corrupt and this should not be alllowed to continue. what can we do
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Mar 19, 2013
gold key resort
a very unreasnable company to try to deal with. maintenance fees are higher and higher with no explanation or concern. mortgage fees are extremely high and they wil not negotiate at all. say their policy forbids doing anything about the extremely high cost and they willo not discuss negotiation. very hateful,, cruel company to deal with.
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Nov 6, 2012
maint fee higher than what I signed up for
When in the process of viewing the facility and discussing maintenance fees, I must have said 50 times, as did my daughter, I cannot pay over $350 per month maintenance fees. I went on to say I had had other timeshares and with one, the fee went up over $500 and I absolutely could not afford that! I had a couple other complaints and argued with the company, including my week! it's in November! That's rediculous! So to use it in nice weather, I have to pay about $200 per year right there! BUT, WHAT REALLY GOT ME, WAS LATER, WHEN RECEIVING MY FIRST MAINTENANCE FEE BILLING: OVER $600 !!!! iT INCLUDED taxes and reserve for replacement!!! (coverage for large items if damaged or worn with time)... I've had 3 timeshares and n e v e r had this or heard of it and in automatic inclusion! These things were n e v e r brought to me in any form with the sales pitch, or in final closing (which is always fast and furious--you've already invested - what- 3 hours or more with them- now you're looking at a stack of papers 3" high--so it's quick)... WHAT TO DO? i DON'T TRUST ON LINE ATTORNEYS. mY CREDIT is already ruined...
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Apr 5, 2012
Timeshare week forfeited because of missed maintenance payment
I'VE HAD TIMESHARES since 1998--thought i knew it all until i ran up against obc/goldkey ! They tricked us with our week/fee, MAINTENANCE FEE and now, i've just found if i don't continue to pay them--they'll take everything i've got! I had 2 family members as witnesses--they get you by yes, answering all your questions! but when you sign that huge stack of closing papers--not reading each page, which would take HOURS, (and you've already been there FOREVER) --THEY GET YOU THAT WAY! We said over and over we wouldn't do this unless our maintenance fee was around $350 total--we got our bill and it was $665 !!! It included Reserve for Replacement and taxes. I've N E V E R HAD TO PAY R4R OR TAXES before while owning a timeshare! I'm looking for my papers now - but am SURE THEY COVERED THEIR BUTTS!!! It'll be in the fine print somewhere... we're screwed!!! anyone successful in fighting them- count me IN !!! (i THOUGHT I'D SELL TOO- but after reading all the comments, I realize FORGET THAT ! ) linda 804-237-2995 Richmond, VA
[email protected]
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Mar 15, 2012
Timeshare week forfeited because of missed maintenance payment
This just happen to us we have paid the monthly mortgage payment timely but fail to pay the maintaince fee timely and were told we foriet our week even if we pay the fee now, my husband is so upset he want to cancel the whold thing he said over a fee and they are getting paid monthly how RUDE
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